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Willow Cullen

Auror. Bold. Gryffindor c/o 52.🇦🇺
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
28 (1/8/2034)
Willow was not wearing a dress tonight. she was instead enjoying the freedom that a pair of black and white trousers and a top gave her. as hse made her way to the ball. okay it wasn't a perfect outfit, the fabric was hot and the sunnies were a pain but she wanted them for the look. she would take them off as soon as she had had her photo taken.
she entered the hall and like always was blown away by the decorations. she wasn't sure what to do first. she wasn't too hungry and wasn't sure if it would be weird joining the dance floor on her own. she scanned the crowd trying to find one of her friends but she couldn't see anyone. she shrugged. she was weird anyway and the song that was playing had a good beat. She made her way to the dancefloor which was still fairly empty but she was sure it would start to fill up as the night progressed. and she started dancing to the music not really paying attention to anyone further away from her than the edges of the dance floor. tonight she was here for a good time.
In the past four years, Fleur had never attended any of the balls or dances. She had never really seen the appeal, and always figured it was more something for couples to do. But now that some of her friends were starting to date, Fleur was getting a little curious about that sort of thing. She had heard the great hall was always decorated beautifully, and had heard a few other people say they would probably just go alone, which made her feel less weird about going on her own. She was wearing a dress, though it wasn't something she did often and she felt a little uncomfortable in it. She wasn't used to feeling less than confident, and she quickly looked around for any of her friends. Her eyes widened slightly when she caught sight of Willow, who looked... really awesome. Fleur headed over to her friend who was on the dance floor, a small smile appearing on her face. "I should have picked something like that, you look amazing." She told the dancing girl, a little envious. "You waiting for someone?" She wouldn't be surprised if the girl had a date, especially looking like that. After a moment, Fleur decided to throw caution to the wind and dance too. "I can keep you company if you are waiting." She added with a grin.
Willow looked around as someone approached her on the dance floor. It didn’t take too long for her to realise that it was Fleur. hey Fleur. she said pausing to give her friend a hug. thank you. your dress looks really cute. And so much cooler than this, she said even though she wasn't a big fan of dresses she knew that the dresses were good on warm evenings. she took the sunglasses off. and put them on her head. "that explains why everything was so dark" she said teasing.
At the question as do if she was waiting for someone she raised an eyebrow. nope, other than a friend or two to spend the evening with. she said. she didn't know who she would be waiting for. Are you? she asked. She didn’t think Fleur was seeing anyone but people often had dates just for the ball. "of course you can" she said. starting to dance as the tune changed.
Fleur already felt more at ease with a friend by her side instead of standing around on her own. The dress still wasn't entirely comfortable, but Willow's compliment made her smile. "Liar, you look unique and amazing." She told the girl with a nudge. She laughed at Willow's joke with the sunglasses, and nodded when her friend told her she wasn't waiting for anyone in particular. One never knew at parties like this, especially since romantic couples seemed to be all around them in the great hall. Fleur had never paid much attention to who was dating who, but now it seemed like there was a lot more dating going on than she had even guessed. "I see. I'm also here just looking for a friend." She said with a smile. "Though if I met a new person, that would be fun too." She added, looking around. "But I'm happy to dance with you for a while!" She added, grinning. She started to dance to the new music, spinning around and laughing. She already felt a lot better, and was glad she had run into her friend.
Willow smiled when fleur complemented her outfit again. she wouldn't argue. she just stuck her tongue out. "If you think so" she said. she still thought there were advantages to a dress on warm nights like tonight. she was glad that Fleur wasn't waiting for anyone she enjoyed spending time with her friend and didn't want to be a third wheel if she had a date. " i guess we can stop looking now. though more friends the merrier." she said. new people would be welcome or maybe her cousin would be around somewhere. Madlyn was getting taller now and taking after her parents so she was getting easier to spot in a crowd, it wouldn't be long before she was heads and shoulders above everyone else even the teachers. she grabbed her friend's hand as she started dancing. there were more people around now and holding hands meant that they didn't get pushed apart on the dance floor. there wasn't anything intended worth the gesture, just it was good to have a friend around and easier to keep hold of her when well she was holding her. plus it meant that she wouldn't be the only one dancing like a crazy person and that she could at least make one of fleurs arms do uncoordinated dance moves. "do you have any plans for the holiday? she asked. speaking loudly over the music.
Fleur laughed at Willow's reaction, and also stuck her tongue out. "I do think so." She said, grinning. Fleur nodded when she said they could stop looking now, though she did glance around even as she did so. "It's weird how many people have dates. Like, how do you even get a date?" She wondered out loud. It was like everyone else had gotten some sort of handbook that Fleur had missed. "By asking, I guess." She added, answering her own questions. Fleur looked down in surprise when Willow took her hand, but quickly realized it was a smart way not to get separated. Fleur laughed when Willow moved her arm, and she started to move weirdly to go along with it. She shook her head at Willow's question. "Not a ton. I'll try to convince my parents to take me shopping in Obsidian, but that's really all I have planned, besides the usual Christmas stuff. You?"
willow looked around the hall. there certainly were a lot of couples around. she shook her head and shrugged when fleur asked how people get dates. "I have no idea. is there like a newsletter that goes around where people can advertise that they want dates"she asked not that she was actually curious, or maybe she was curious as to how people got dates but she didn't really want one herself. "Some people go with family members too, those two are cousins" she said pointing to her roommate and her 'date' who she knew was her cousin.
the dancing continued and she listened to fleur explain what she was doing over the break. "do you do anything exciting for Christmas in the Netherlands? she asked. she didn't know about Christmas traditions other than those in her family. "I am staying with Chante and my aunt and uncle for a new year, and she will be staying with us one night too. other than that it will be Christmas with the family and visiting my farmor and kun'si." she said. referring to her two grandmothers. their usual Christmas would be on the farm in Australia, swimming in the dam and having a barbeque and a bonfire. but now they had a house in New Zealand she wasn't sure if they would be doing that or something else this year.
Fleur laughed at Willow's comment, then shrugged. "Actually, that would be a pretty cool idea don't you think?" She said with a grin. "It'd be a lot easier than whatever it is now. I don't know how everyone did it." She sighed slightly. "I guess you'll have to meet someone you like first. I haven't mastered that step yet. Though you can go with friends too." She said, then she followed Willow's gaze to the two who were cousins according to her. She recognized them both from the Quidditch team, and thought she had perhaps known that vaguely. "I see. That's something too. But I don't think I can get my brother to go with me, and he's not a great dancer anyway. I don't have any cousins at school." She said with a small smile. She shrugged when Willow asked her about Christmas in the Netherlands. "It's a little less big there than it over here, but still pretty much the same. Family, food, presents, stuff like that." She smiled as she listened to Willow talk about her Christmas plans, but frowned at her last words. "Wait, who and who?" She asked, unsure what the words meant.
willow thought for a minute. about the idea of the newsletter was a funny one. if she and fleur were more creative or had any inspiration for creating such a magazine mabe it would be a fun project. but as it was willow had no desire to create such a product "It would be cool just to read though and see what gossip was going on" she said. not thinking at how out of the gossip rings she was. As fleur said her brother wouldnt want to go to the ball with her she nodded and laughed slightly at the picture it created. "yeah, i don't think he would enjoy hanigng around with his far cooler sister duringthe ball." she said jokingly in reference to fleur going with her brother. "I have chante, but it would be weird. people don't usually know we are cousins. we dont exactly look the same, or share any features" she said. Chante took after her parents who were both part giant, both native American and thus she was very tall and had a darker skin tone. she took after her parents who were from Norway and Merlin knows where she was fair with red hair like her mum when it wasn't dyed or bleached. needless to say, they were related by adoption.
she listened as fleur described the Christmas traditions her family had, it sounded similar to those in her family. family, food, gifts. willow hadn't thought about the terms she had used for her grandmothers. they had been terms she had always been brought up using. "my farmer and kun'si. my two grandmothers" she said. calling them by those names meant that they didn't get mixed up. the music paused and the next song was a slow sappy song and Willow stopped dancing. "do you want to get something to drink?" she said as a few couples took to the floor.[/b]
Fleur nodded in agreement. "Yes! I always feel like I miss all the gossip." Fleur said, laughing a little. It was probably because she didn't actively pursue any gossip about anyone, but she was often surprised to see two people dating or no longer talking when she hadn't noticed anything beforehand at all. "There's sometimes a little in the paper, though." She added with a small shrug. Fleur didn't usually meddle in other people's business, but that didn't mean she wasn't curious sometimes. Fleur laughed as Willow called her much cooler, and dramatically flipped her red hair over her shoulder. "Of course not." She said with a smile. She nodded as Willow talked about her cousin, it probably would be weird to go with a cousin when people might just think you're dates. "She's the one with Jess, right?" She asked, gesturing in the direction she had seen the two. Chante was in her year, and Jessica Cade was on the Quidditch team with her. Fleur knew them both, even if she hadn't talked to either girl much, but she hadn't known they knew each other. As Willow explained what the names meant, Fleur nodded. "Alright, that sounds like fun!" She said, wondering why Willow hadn't just said grandmothers, but not willing to ask. She stopped dancing at the sappy song and nodded as Willow suggested getting something to drink. "Sounds good." She said, realizing she was a little thirsty from the dancing.
willow nodded as fleur said she always seemed to miss the gossip. she did too. when she heard something she listened but she didn't pursue any kind of gossip. "yes a little in the school newspaper, but not much" she said she had read the latest issue and had smiled at the quidditch summary, it seemed everyone else who had played had been named but the keepers were just not mentioned at all. while she had been glad to play she didn't particularly want to remain a keeper. willow laughed as fleur flicked her hair back before saying she wasn't the coolest. "the big sister is always the coolest" she said sticking her tongue out. okay, she didn't have a big sister but chante had been like a sister to her, and she had always thought her cousin was cool. as she was asked if her cousin was the one with jess she looked in the direction fleur was gesturing. "yes, that is her" she said. she was glad that chante had come. after Len had left the school Chante had been upset. she and her aunt had ganged up on chante to convince her to come. and after Jess had asked her she had finally agreed she hoped that they were having a good evening.
willow made her way off the dancefloor and she and fleur headed towards the drink table "punch?" she asked filling one goblet with the drink and reaching for a second one not sure if she should fill it with the punch or something else.
Fleur nodded and shrugged. "Guess the people at the paper wanna be professional." She said, rolling her eyes jokingly. "How dare they." She added, grinning. She nodded in agreement as Willow told her the big sister was always the coolest. "Very true." She said loftily. "It's a known fact." She was glad she hadn't pointed out a completely wrong girl to Willow as her cousin, and nodded as she glanced at the two. "Are they on a date?" She asked, still curious about the whole dating aspect of Hogwarts. Chante was in the same year as Fleur, but if she was on a date, she had figured out more than Fleur had. She wasn't even sure if she would like to go on a date with a girl or a boy, or both? Neither? Why was this so annoyingly complex? She followed Willow to the drinks table, her thoughts occupied. She nodded at Willow's question. "Yes, please." She said, grateful to her friend for getting her a drink. "Do you plan to go to the Valentine's dance too?" She asked her friend, curious about her thoughts on the matter. Fleur was a bit hesitant, as a Valentine's event seemed especially couple oriented, and she doubted she would have any of this figured out by then.
Willow giggled as fleur said that the people in the paper wanted to be professionals and then blamed the for it. "that is so inconsiderate of them. they are there to keep us entertained and in the loop with what is going on" she said. Willow followed fleurs gaze towards her cousin and teammate. "I am not sure" she said. she needed to catch up with chante properly. being in different houses and years meant that it was hard to see her, especially for long enough to have a proper catch-up. but they would spend time with each other over the holidays. she would spend full moon night with Chante, Aunt madlyn and uncle chay, and Chante was going to spend a night with her too.
"no, that seems like an event for couples" she said in response to fleurs question. she hadn't thought about dating but she couldn't think of anyone she would be overly interested in, not that she knew many people. Willow passed Fleur the goblet she had filled and was just about to fill one for herself when she got distracted by another couple moving onto the dance floor. "Is that professor Styx with professor black" she asked. a little surprised. he always came across as quite intimidating, many would say scary. to think him human enough to be on a date was funny. "Maybe they will be going to the valentines dance" she added trying unsuccessfully to hold back a snicker.
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