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Indira Khatri

"Indi" 📍 healer in training 📍 '59 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Hawthorn Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
11/2040 (22)
Meal times could be tricky for Indi. She was known to go to some extravagant lengths to avoid her roommates, so if she could avoid sitting at the Slytherin table she did. Some times she simply ate by herself but other times she tried to find one of her friends. She didn't have many to count on in that department but she did value the ones she had, like Weston. She spotted the Ravenclaw and waved before heading over to join him. She liked Weston, or at least liked that he tolerated her which was all she could ask for.

Lessons were well underway and her bag was full of text books as well as other things she had checked out from the library for fun. So her bag made and impressively loud thud as it landed on the table next to where she planned to sit down. "How's your morning been?" Indi asked pleasantly as she took her sat and picked up an apple. She took a large bite as she waited for his answer and pouring herself some juice. Indi always had trouble sleeping after coming back to the dorms so she had already been up for a few hours already.
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Weston was starting to seriously regret signing up for History of Magic. It had been his parents' idea, and in theory, it had been a good one. He loved stories, and he had a penchant for remembering the most exciting ones. Weston had also enjoyed the subject when he was younger and it was just his dad telling him about all the cool research he was doing as a history professor. But now that he was staring down his first assignment, Weston couldn't help but wish he had just left the class off his schedule for another year.

He was distracted from his work when he spotted someone waving to him. Weston waved back, beaming when he saw that it was Indi. She was a lot of fun to hang out with, and she always had interesting ideas. Judging by the thump her bag made against the table, she had also spent the morning studying. "Great!" he said automatically before catching sight of the blank parchment in front of him. "Actually, not so great. Have you done the History essay?" They had been asked to write about what they had learned last year. The only problem was that Weston hadn't learned anything last year since he hadn't even taken the class. "It's impossible." he groaned. "I don't know what to write about."
Indi took another bite of her apple and raised an eyebrow at Weston's enthusiastic answer. That was a lot of confidence for this early in the morning and she smirked when he quickly changed his answer. "That's more like it." she said mostly to herself but gave him a sympathetic look. She was surprised history, out of all the subject they had this year, was the one that was tripping him up. Indi nodded and pulled out one of the many books in her bag. "I think so." she said and pulled out a piece of parchment and read it quickly. "I'm almost done." she said, remembering what the assignment was in the first place. She tended to complete things and then forget about them if they weren't that important, like this essay. Indi laughed at Weston's dramatic groan and rolled her eyes at him. "It's not impossible." she corrected. There were plenty of things that were impossible but this essay was not one.
Weston was not at all surprised to hear that Indi was almost done with her essay. School seemed to come so easy to her, and he wondered what that was like. "What'd you write about?" Maybe hearing what topic she chose could give him ideas about what he could write about. He craned his neck, trying to get a glimpse of the parchment even though there wasn't really any chance he could read it from this distance and angle.

"It is," he insisted. "Not all of us are as smart as you." Okay, fine, maybe he was being a little dramatic about this. He'd had more difficult assignments in the past. But when Weston looked at his massive history textbook and the blank parchment in front of him, the essay certainly felt impossible. "Do you think Professor Adams would accept an essay about how I didn't learn anything last year?" he mused. Technically, it was true.
Indi pulled out her paper and skimmed the first few sentences to remind herself where she left off. "I wrote about the Mayans." she announced before tucking it back inside her book. With that sorted she served herself some food and grabbed some juice. She rolled her eyes when Weston called her smart but she didn't argue. She ignored that for now and narrowed her eyes at him. "Did you not keep your notes from last year? You know we're going to need those next year for our exams." she pointed out. But she let out a huff to keep herself from laughing at Weston's question. She considered it seriously though. The new professor seemed to be more lax than Crabapple, maybe Adams would find that kind of response to an assignment refreshing or whatever. "You could always try that approach." she shrugged. "At least it would be honest."
"The Mayans..." Weston repeated, nodding. Maybe he could also write about the Mayans. Of course, he'd first have to learn about them. He knew they were an ancient civilization in the Americas and... well, that was it. He looked up in alarm at the mention of exams. He had completely forgotten about OWLs. "I didn't take the class last year," he said miserably. "Maybe I should just drop it again this year. It's not too late, right?" He tried not to think about how disappointed his parents would be. He'd already promised them that he would give the class another shot. No, dropping it wasn't an option. Still, Weston wasn't wasn't sure how he would even get through the first assignment. "You think?" he asked hopefully. "Yeah, maybe I'll do that..." He picked up his quill and started to print his name in the corner.
Indi ate a bit of her breakfast and shook her head as Weston thought about her answer. She frowned when he mentioned he didn't take the class last year, which she thought was a bad call on his part but she didn't really react until he mentioned dropping the class. "Don't drop it." she said fiercely. She didn't mean to sound so dramatic but the thought of him dropping an important class over this just seemed silly. "There's no need to do that." she added and pushed around the food on her plate. She wasn't sure why he had jumped to such a drastic conclusion but if she had anything to do with it he would take his exams and do just fine. "You can always borrow my note. Or I could help you catch up." she offered and immediately wondered if she had just made a huge mistake.

Indi had never excelled at sharing her knowledge with people. The few times she helped her sister with her homework it resulted in a blow up arguments that had to be settled by their mom. "But for now? Yeah I think that should work." she said but wasn't really sure if that was true. But as far as she was concerned one assignment wasn't going to cost Weston too dearly. He could make up for it later.
Weston jumped a little at the sharpness in Indi's tone, blinking at her in confusion. "Uh, okay?" He wasn't completely sure where her conviction was coming from. Then again, she probably had never even considered dropping a class before. His eyes widened when she offered to help him catch up. "Really?That would be amazing!" He suddenly paused, remembering how badly things had gone with Eoin. "I mean... are you sure?" He didn't want to lose Indi's friendship, too. Then again, the disagreement with Eoin hadn't really been about their tutoring arrangement. It had been about the eel. And that was one topic where Weston knew he and Indi were definitely on the same page.

He nodded at Indi's advice, fully trusting her when she said his approach to the assignment would be fine. Weston began to write, explaining that he hadn't learned anything because he hadn't taken the class. He also added a quick sentence, reassuring the professor that he totally knew who the Mayans were. As he worked, he glanced at Indi. "Have you also been studying all morning?" Weston asked, remembering her bag filled with books.
Indi felt a little bad about her outburst but she still felt strongly that it was a dumb reason not to take a class. Even though she was starting to question her decision to offer her help specifically. She smiled weakly when Weston seemed excited by the idea. A moment later he offered her a chance to back out and she took a deep breath and held it. She could still say no. But in the end she nodded. “I’m sure.” she said more confidently than she felt. She was too far in it now. It would feel like a defeat if she took it all back. She would make sure he passed. It might not be with top marks but he would get there if she had to drag him. She was grateful for the slight change in the subject and she remembered the food in front of her. Indi took a few more bites before she answered. “Kind of.” she said vaguely. “I couldn't sleep so I got ahead on some reading.”

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