Stop and spill the tea

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
It was late. Elvera had been sitting in the professors lounge after dinner initially talking to some of the other professors before getting absorbed in the book she was reading, a novel about a teashop and a ghost and a dog and a man regretting his past. it was a good book as the minute hand ticked one more place around the clock she felt her eyes grow heavy and that slight brain fog start to build that signals a need for sleep. she had not slept well the night before and it was getting late. not her usual bedtime but the evening was passing by. placing her bookmark in the book she got up, picking up the tea she had been nurturing for the last hour. it was cold. but she had drunk plenty of cups of cold tea in her time. she bid the others goodnight before slowly making her way up the stairs. one flight, two flight, third. floor fourth floor, she was walking along the corridor on the fifth floor when the world shifted from under her end even though she was in the middle of a corridor she felt that sudden lurch in her stomach usually reserved for when one misses a stair going down at the same time there was a flash across her vision and a pressure as the world shifted and she stumbled for a moment and fell onto the floor the remains of her tea sloshing out across the tiles.
Well Maris always felt she was the most productive in the early morning, there was something to be said about the castle at night. Little imperfections were easier to gloss over in the dimmer lighting and for a few hours it felt like she had the castle to herself, no gaggles of students dropping crumbs or stinkbombs or potion slurry for her to clean up in a never ending wave. Just the quiet of the hallway and the slight squeak as she waved her wand to wipe fingerprints from another set of armor that lined the hallway.

The quiet was abruptly broken by the sound of a clatter down the hallway and Maris sighed in frustration, wand still out as she stomped towards the source of the noise. "Really, it's not enough you're out past curfew but you have to make a mess too-," she started, seeing something spilt across the floor first before noticing what looked like Professor Le Fey sprawled across the tile. "Oh! Are you okay?" She said, crouching near Elvera, hands hovering uncertainly as she tried to discern if she was hurt.

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