Still Searching

Estrella Drage

Obliviator for MACUSA | HNZ 1st Graduating Class
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Estrella was quite miffed that she had not found a private place to practice, her expression cold and uninviting as she strolled through the hallways. "Watch it!" she snapped at a student who nearly ran into her, looking at her fearfully and scuttling off like a frightened puppy.

She carried her head high, having decided that since she couldn't seek out a place where she could be truly alone, she would patrol the corridors.
Bellatrix swiftly turned the corner to come face to face to a rather cross Estrella. She stared at her showing no emotion and waited to see what she would do.
Estrella was quite surprised to become face to face with Bella, her expression containing the consistency of cold stone. After staring back for a moment, she intoned not a bit nicely, "What?"
Bellatrix smooth voice came out more impressed than shocked at Estrella's rude outburst. "Wow...not very friendly, are we?"
"What's the point of being friendly?" Estrella replied, her dark eyes harsh and cold. "When it's just going to slow me down in the long run?"
"Funny, I recall when I once tried to profess that message, you only spit upon the idea and would not leave me alone, and now you are showing me that you were being a hypocrite all along....I seem to enjoy this new Estrella..." she said in a seductive tone, knowing that if Estrella was in such a fragile emotional state as this, that she could easily be swayed to Bella's liking. Maybe a friendship could last after all.
Estrella rolled her eyes. "Would not leave you alone? I thought I avoided you for the most part." Shrugging her shoulders, her gaze cold, she replied, "Do you want anything in particular?"

She had to admit, she was acting more like the girl in front of her than she would have ever dreamed possible.
Bellatrix ignored her first statement and decided to pounce on the second. "Oh nothing alliance-ship perhaps....nothing more....unless you would like to make an offer."
Estrella snorted. Alliance-ship? That wasn't even a word.

"No, I don't believe I have anything to offer," she replied curtly, smirking. "What's in it for me?" She could not help being quite out for herself these days, especially after everything had happened. If she didn't get into anything, she reasoned, she wouldn't get hurt. She didn't want the same thing with Kale to happen all over again.
Estrella's eyes narrowed, crossing her arms as she stared back at Bella. What was this girl up to? She could only try to find out.

"I don't see what I would need from you," she replied slowly, watching Bella warily.
"You obviously are not the Estrella I used to....know....thus if there is anything I can do to assist you....let me know." Bellatrix said straight forward, no strings attached.
Estrella was a bit surprised as Bella told her that she wanted to help her in some way, but she could not cast her suspicion idly to the winds. She was tired of trusting people, at least, in the school; family was another matter.

Her expression hardening a bit after a moment of thought, she inquired, "Whatever do you think you could help me with?" I don't need help, she told herself, immediately on the defense. However, she did not know if this was true or not.
Estrella's eyes narrowed at Bella as she looked around the crowded hallway, bringing her voice down to a hiss, "What trials are you talking about? I know of no trials."

She of course, was not sure of this, but appearing to be weak in the open did not suit her well. Lately, she had issues with it.
"Neither do I. Only if you are going through any and if you would like to share them with me..." Bellatrix said kindly... :blink:
Estrella crossed her arms as she stared back at Bella, although her dark eyes softened just a tiny bit, a barely noticeable involuntary gesture that reflected she was somewhat interested. "Why are you so willing to help me now? If I remember correctly, I've heard rumor that the little message you and Perthro wrote on the wall condemned Ravenclaws. Why would you be so willing to help one then? And one that you have not passed up the opportunity to call a half- blood?"
Bellatrix averted her eyes in an unease manor. "Well....lets just say...the blackened soul has had a bit of a reformation to gray..."
Estrella chuckled coldly, rolling her eyes a bit and looking back at Bella in amusement. Although she hadn't laughed in a long time, this still didn't feel all that right, but she knew that she would have to get slowly used to it. What time did she have for humor now?

"You know, I have kind of a hard time believing that," she replied simply, smirking.
Estrella shook her head a bit, moving over to the side of the corridor so that she wouldn't be standing in the middle. She really hated brushing shoulders with people, so it was all for the best.

"You know Bella, you seem to say that a lot, but then when, everytime, you screw it up, is really what diminishes faith of you in people."
Bellatrix didn't respond, and stood there in the middle of the hall...frozen. She was shocked, and actually, such a light comment had truly penetrated her heart, that was no longer made of stone.
Estrella stared back at Bella, finding it hard to feel any remorse for the girl. Seriously, that could have not been the first time she had heard this?

"Don't act surprised," Estrella said curtly, starting to turn.
Estrella turned back around to face Bella, her cheeks flushed and expression harsh. "Change of heart," she replied simply, starting to walk away again.

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