Closed Stepping Up

Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (47)
Angel had a lot on his mind this year even before the new semester had started. Things had been hectic for him ever since Amanita was born, and now he was adding on the extra pressure of taking over Slytherin house and things were starting to slip through the gaps. "Elizabella, have you seen my class notes?" He asked, shuffling the papers across his desk for probably the fifth time. He'd taken the young Hufflepuff on as an assistant mostly as an excuse to have someone water the plants and do general busywork he couldn't be bothered with, but as time went on he find he needed the extra hands more and more, grateful to have her around the greenhouse these days.
Elizabella was finished slowly her working with plants and Greenhouse. She liked be there most of time and she was felt good helping and see that she did a good job. ''It's done, professor!'' She told professor and walked closer to him and he asked notes. Bella was find fast notes and gave to professor. ''What i can do for you, professor?'' When she gave notes professor and mayby he needed something else to.
Angel was still shuffling things on his desk when Elizabella handed him his notes, sighing in relief as he took them. "Ah, thanks," he said, setting them down carefully where he would definitely be able to see them for class later. "You've been a life saver lately, by the way, have I mentioned that," he said, finishing up trying to organize his mess of a desk so he could focus on talking to his assistant. "I'm going to be a bit more busy lately taking care of Slytherin, so I appreciate you checking on the plants and making sure everyone's fed and watered and all that," Angel said, giving her a smile. "I might need to rely on you doing that more this semester while I get settled, just so you know. I don't know how Professor Carter juggles it all."
''Thanky, professor for your kind words. It means a lot. I wanna realy learn that later i can work Healer.'' She smiled professor and told her biggest dream and hoped that he won't be laught about her. ''Of course, professor! I will be there lot of time and i will do my best, professor.'' She smiled. ''Of course, i was woried more that you will be fired me, but i can work my own to. Professor Carter, can look to if that make you feel better, professor!'' She smiled.'' Mayby we can later do together, with plants to, when time will be?'' She realy hoped work with professor to,
Angel smiled at Elizabella, waving off her thanks and quirking an eyebrow when she mentioned wanting to be a healer. Angel had no idea what he wanted to be at 13. Probably something ridiculous like a rock star or quadpot player. "That's impressive, I'm sure you'll do well," he said vaguely. Elizabella was hard working enough for sure, so Angel had every confidence she could achieve what she wanted. "And I have every faith you'll keep me sane by helping as you do," he added with a small smile, scrubbing a hand through his hair. "Fire you? Definitely not," he said with a laugh. "We'd lose half the plants in here cause I'd forget to water them if I dared," he said, giving Elizabella a grin to show he was joking. "Don't worry, I have every faith you can handle yourself and a few plants," he assured her. "And I'm sure I can find some time to go over some of the more dangerous plants with you later as well," he added. Angel was a lot busier than he ever would have liked these days, but he was sure he could squeeze in some time to reward Elizabella for her hard work.
''I will try this year good grades. Becouse i last year was a little laisy,professor.'' She make her promise to professor and this year she alredy started good with grades. She needed that if she later change her mind and be a Auror. ''Of course,, i will do!'' Bella told professor and she always was helping him. ''I am glad to hear that, i was afraid.'' She smiled professor.''I am sure, that won't happened, i am taking good care of every plant here.'' She smiled and Bella was agreed with professor that she can do that. Bella never wanted disapointed professor to. ''Realy? Finaly!'' She wanted cheer up and flapping her hands. It was realy important to her,
Angel shook his head when Elizabella said she'd work hard this year, finding it hard to imagine the girl was very capable of being lazy. At least not by his standards. "I'm sure you're doing your best. Though I suppose I have to mention you should prioritize your classwork over this," he said, half as an afterthought. It probably wouldn't reflect very well on him if his own assistant was spending all her time in the Greenhouses and not on her homework. Not that he would blame her, personally. "I know you take good care of them. It's seriously a relief to have you around for that very reason," he said, giving Elizabella a smile. It was nice to see she was excited about going over some of the more dangerous plants as well. Angel knew he probably shouldn't be too hasty to let a 13 year old near some of things they had around the greenhouse, but it wasn't like she'd be unsupervised. "Sure, we'll find some time to check out some of the other greenhouses together. Assuming you keep those grades up this year, of course," he said, sharing a grin with her.
''Of course, professor! I will do my best'' She promised do her grades a little better and find sometime for homework and she didn't wanted lose assistant job here. ''Thanky, professor.'' It was good to hear that words from him and she was happy that she was doing fine. ''I will, do my best, professor'' She smiled.

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