Selling tickets for Valantine Eve

Harri thought for a moment "Oh yeah! I suppose we could always ask her!" Harri said, she had racked her brain but couldn't remember the spell!
Zazuka suddenly got an idea. "Hey I could look it up. I don't thow any of my note papers away I should be able to find it eventually." She said almost too quickly.
Harri smiled "That would be great Zuka!" Harri said smiling "Then we could advertise them as 'Homegrown Lurrrrrve roses!" she said laughing.
Ellie laughed, "I dont throw any of mine away either but my room's such a tip, because i have it to myself, i couldnt possibly find them" She told them all, "We could have our own little rose garden, growing pink and red roses i love pearl roses" Ellie said, thinking of the gorgouse light pink roses that grew in her garden at home!
"And we could grow them outside out windows since both our dorms are in towers. They'll get plenty of sunshine there." Zazuka said with a bright grin. This sounded more fun by the minute. "We could probobly come up with more decoretions too." She said thring to think.
Ellie grinned yes, then thought about other decorations, "Big huge hearts and floating flowers" She suggested thnking it would look soo cool!
Zazuka had an idea then let it go. "I would ask Professor Loyd if he knew how to make bubbles stay longer if I wheren't so scared of him." She said flicking her wand. A small bubble with a redish sheem came out of the end but poped as soon as it hit a wall.
Ellie miled, "Koool" She said, as Zazuka made a bubble come from her wand, "How do you do that?" She asked amazed, they had never learnt that!
Zazuka laughed. "I don't know. It kinda like how normal wands give off sparks when you flick them without thinking any thing. Mine gives off bubbles insteased of sparks." She said letting one go that had a pinkish glimmer to it. This one too poped on contact with something hard.
"The decorations sound great!" Harri said smiling "Wow thats amazing!" Harri said staring at the bubbles that errupted from Zuka's wand.
Ellie grinned as another bubble came from Zazukas wand and pulled her own out, giving it a flick she sighed as nothing but Golden sparks came from it.
Zazuka smiled wide. "This one is the odd wand though I should be greatful that it doesn't blow things up right?" She said laughing. She remembered one of her sales at Mr. Olivander's and the boy had taken the wand too.
Harri smiled as Ellie tried her own wand "I think your wand's just special to you!" Harri said and flicked her wand just sparks, a mixture of silver and gold, nothing out of the ordinary.
Ellie smiled, "Yeh, the wand chooses the wizard, or witch in this case, guess it was drawn to you because it sensed youre so dreamy" She joked, wishing her wand gave off bubbles instead of sparks!
Harri smiled then laughed "Well you could only excpect sparks Ellie Sparks!" She said, "gettit?" she asked laughing, it was a terrible joke but it tickled Harri's sense of humour.
Ellie laughed, then she couldnt stop, "That was actually quite funny" She told Harri, clutching her sides.
Harri laughed "Glad someones finally appreciating my comic wit!" she said and carried on laughing, when someone else was laughing Harri could never stop hersefl from joining in!
Zauzka laughed into her hands. "That was cleaver!" She said laughing still. It wasn't that funny but it had been to her. She always comlemented with cleaver because she knew that most people didn't think they where.
Kailey walked into the great hall in pursuit of getting a semi-late lunch when a stand run by a group of girls caught her eye. Kailey being curious walked over to the stnd and saw what it was selling. Valentines eve? Hmmm...I haven't got much else to do around here, Why not? she thought
Kasey laughed with the girls as Zazuka gave her decoration ideas."Yeah, we could ask Professor Cecily, she would never refuse after all she was the one whom I told my idea first"Kasey said with a big smile.She saw Kailey enter the great hall and Kasey knew she could be tehre new costumer.She put a new banner on the booth and than said"Hi Kailey, are you coming to the Valantine Eve?"
Zazuka looked at Kailey and smiled wide. "You are comeing right?" She said holding up a ticket to her. "It's going to be loads of fun and I'm even going to make a biger fool of myself than usual." She said brightly.
"Sure I'll come, it sounds fun. I might even ask my mom to owl me some temporary hair dye just for the occasion." Kailey said looking at Kasey, who knew what she really meant. Before turning to Zazuka and saying "I'm sure you won't make a fool out of yourself. If anyone'll do that It'll be me." a bit of her southern accent coming through.
Zazuka shook her head. "I'm joining the dance competition. At least if you make a fool of yourself you'll be able to live it down. I may get a prize for doing it." She said laughing into her hand.
"You're probably more coorinadted than I am, I'd go out there, do maybe two moves before falling flat on my face. I can hardly run without falling. Let alone dance." Kailey replied
"Hey Kailey" Ellie said with a grin as Kailey joined them.

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