Open Rolling Along

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Santiago Torres

rebel without a cause 🛹sensitive 🛹difficult
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 13 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
11/2046 (15)
Santiago felt a little ridiculous as he skated around the great hall. But the costume had come to him last minute when he remembered the skates at the bottom of his trunk. He had 'stolen' them out of his mom's closet in the hopes of trying them out but it wasn't like there was a lot of places to practice on a ranch. So far he hadn't crashed but he didn't feel quite as comfortable as he would have been on his skateboard. At least he felt tall as he made a lap around the hall. He had been keeping to the edge of the party to keep his path clear and maybe was getting a little too comfortable. He glanced over his shoulder for just a moment but long enough for someone to walk in his path making him scramble to stop in time. "Watch out!" he called as a warning as he focused on not falling over either
Teddy was in a last minute Halloween scramble, and his costume creativity had hit an all-time low. He had taken his bedsheet, thrown it over himself, and hastily styled it with a hat and sunglasses. As he arrived at the Halloween feast, he immediately realised the impracticality of his costume. He could barely see anything around him. The sunglasses made it worse but if he took them off then the bedsheet wouldn't stay in place. And hearing? Well, it was challenging under the sheet. Oh don't get him started on the sheet itself. He was tripping up and stumbling more times than he could count that he wondered if Audrey was casting trip jinxes at him again. He was just about navigating without injuring himself or anyone else when he heard someone call to him, or he thought it was to him. "Eh? Wotcha say?" He replied, turning to where the sound came from.
Santiago swore as someone in a half baked ghost costume walked in front of him and didn't seem to hear his warning. He thought it sounded a little like Teddy and if the younger boy wasn't going to move he would have to be a physical break. Thankfully he had slowed quite a bit and was able to grab on to the other boy's shoulder as he wobbled and tried not to get his wheels caught up in the sheet. "Why the hell are you wearing sunglasses at night? No wonder you can't see where you're going!" he grumbled.
Teddy remained oblivious to just how close he'd come to getting run over. He felt a hand on his shoulder and this close up, he could see that it was Santiago. "Oh hey!" He said, "If I take them off, the sheet moves." he explained regarding his sunglasses. To demonstrate, he took off the glasses and the sheet moved. He sighed, conceding that his costume was ridiculous. He finally gave up, pulling the sheet off himself, he had to pull harder than expected as a small corner was under the skateboards wheel. He looked at Santiago and could see now that he had been in his way. "Oh, sorry about that!"
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