
"I thought of going to Florida because it was warm and it looked as though it had interesting place." Grande said "Time for subject change. Whats your favorite season?" Grande laugh at how stupid the question he had just asked was.
Ana-Cole gave a little laugh and smiled. "Well I have to say without a doubt Summer would have to be my favorite season. How about you?" she asked
"Summers my favorite too but i quite like spring too." Grande said "What about month whats your favourite month?" Grande laughed again these were really stupid and pointless questions
"Now I don't feel so bad about my question" she said jokingly smiling widely. "Well my favorite month would have to be May." She said smiling. "Now I ask you the same question. Your favorite month would be?" she said laughing at this conversation but still enjoying it.
"I like June, most" Grande said laughing "Why is May your favorite month?" He was having a lot more fun today than he thought he would. He thought it was going to be another day spent walking around, bored. Now he was smiling and laughing with a good friend.
Ana-Cole smiled. "well May is number one the month of my birthday. number two part of the summer and number three just simply a great month" she said realizing that her reasons were not very good but she really could care less. "But I mean June is ok......" she said jokingly "But I think I need to know why it is so great I mean if you can give me good reasons than maybe I will understand" She said with a little laugh and a wide smile. Ana-Cole was enjoying herself quite a bit.
Grande laughed while trying to come up with some reasons why "Well 1. its in summer 2. school ends at the end of that month and 3. er. well i like it so it must be good." Grande said and laughed at his last reason " I wont even ask what your favorite week is because thats just really stupid so whats you're favorite type of weather? Like is it rain, wind or snow."
"well your reasons are as good as mine which probably isn't saying much" Ana-Cole said with a laugh. "So lets see my favorite weather." She said thinking. "well you are going to think of me as insane but hear my logic first" she said trying to think about how to explain it. "I love the snow, but only if I am inside under warm blankets." she paused. "I know odd for someone who loves the summer so much but hey what can I say the snows beautiful only if I am warm and inside" she said with a smile. "Now your turn. Your favorite weather would be?" she asked smiling
"Thats true i like snow but from a distance. My favorite weather is sun, when its sunny and warm. I do better in warm weather than in cold" Grande said "Whats your favorite planet?" Grande laughed this was the most stupid question he had come up with yet.
Ana-Cole laughed probably the hardest she had in a while. "You just asked me what my favorite planet is" She said smiling so wide that her mouth was starting to ache. "wow now my question seems like a wonderful question" She said joking around with him. "But I would have to say Pluto even though people say that it is not a planet. it will always be a planet in my heart" She said laughing at her own stupid answer. "What is your favorite planet?" she asked laughing half way in the middle of asking the question.
"Your question was wonderful. Pluto was a great planet. My favorite planet has to be Neptune. Its near Pluto." Grande said between laughter "Whats your favorite country?" This was also a quite a stupid question and Grande while laughing at it was trying to come up with another.
"oh yes my question was really the work of intellegence" She said laughing not really worrying if Grande thought her laugh was annoying. She just couldn't hold back anymore. "Well my favorite country would have to be England just due to the fact that they have the best accents." she said laughing realizing that was a stupid reason but sadly a true one. "What about you? " she asked wondering if you could answer since he was laughing quite hard. she was having a good time and hoped that he was too.
Grande thought " My favorite country would have to be Scotland because its really nice their but if you ever go never go to Glasgow its rubbish" Grande said "What your favorite city?" Grande was smiling this was a better question and he was thinking about another question thats was just as stupid as some of the other he had come up with.
"Actually I have never been to Scottland but someday I am hoping to travel all over the place see everything do everything. You know?" she said sensing that she probably sounded like a loon. "Anyway my favorite city would have to be New York City just because of the shopping" she said with a smile then thinking that she sounded quite superficial. "I am really not superficial" she said making sure that was clear. Then she smiled "And you favorite city would be?"
"I didnt think that you're superficial. I never did. My favorite city would be Rome because its really nice and its hot and the people are really nice." Grande said then coming up with the most stupid question he had come up with the whole conversation "Okay this is random and very wierd Do you like green bananas?" Grande started laughing.
Ana-Cole was glad that he didn't find her superficial, but couldn't help smiling when he asked his next question. "Green bananas? As in bananas that are not yet ripe and yellow or do they actually sell bananas that are suppose to be green?" She asked really wondering what he meant by a green banana. She couldn't help but keep a smile on her face the entire time though.
"I mean like bananas that arent fully ripe." Grande said smiling "So do you?"
Ana-Cole laughed a bit at this. "actually I have never tried a green banana in my life" she said "Should I? Are they good?" she asked wondering
"God no, yellow bananas are much nicer" Grande said smiling "Whats your favorite fruit of all time?"
"Thanks for the warning" Ana-Cole said with a smile and a small laugh. "I will keep that in mind" She said "Now my favorite fruit of all time would have to an apple. What about you now that I know that it is not a green banana" Ana-Cole said with a little smile.
Grande laughed "My favorite fruit is an apple too. Whats your biggest fear?" Grande said more serious but with a smile
"Lets see" Ana-Cole thought about it. This question was actually quite hard. "Actually I think my biggest fear, as silly as this sounds, is spiders. I just absolutely hate them, but I feel too bad to actually hurt them so I basically just stay away from them" Ana-Cole said with a small laugh. All her thoughts sound so odd when she actually said them aloud. "what about you? What is the thing that frightens you the most?" Ana-Cole asked curious about his answer.
"The thing that frightens me most would have to be clowns. They are just so freaky." Grande said then remembering something odd that someone that he used to know said "I used to know a guy that was scared of peaches, how wierd is that? Did you know anyone that was scared of something really wierd?"
Ana-Cole thought about it "Yeah clowns are rather creepy" she said getting a little chill up her spine. "Peaches though. That is rather funny" She gave a smile. "I kind of feel bad for that guy though" she said laughing a bit. "But yeah I knew a girl once that was afraid of the color black." She remembered it quite clearly "it was actually really odd. She couldn't have anything that was black and freaked out when even someone wore black. "She said trying not to laugh but it was actually a bit funny. "I couldn't imagine being frightened of something like that could you? Every day life would seem so much harder." She said.
"Thats wierd actually. Being scared of black. I dont i could either i like the color black and i like peaches." Grande said "Whats your favorite spell?" Grande smiled he was having so much fun and wondered if Ana-Cole was too

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