🌹 Rose Giving Red Red Rose

Kiara Thompson

perfectionist • growing • princess of plants 🌿
Blood Status
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Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
10/2043 (17)
Red Rose for @Soren Gates

Kiara loved rose giving, but the idea of having to make her way through the castle to find students she might not even know made her a little nervous. Still, she was sure it would be good for her. Even better was that she actually recognized most of the names on her list, which meant she wouldn't have to just call out names and see if someone came up to her. She had been silently making her way through the castle, looking around for any familiar face when she suddenly noticed one. "Soren, hi." Kiara smiled shyly as she caught up with the boy with what seemed to be a strange combination between running and skipping. "I've got a rose for you." She added.
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Soren was on his way back to the dorms when he heard his name- again. Well, he was popular. He turned with a soft smile. "That's me," He chuckled easily. "Let me guess- rose?" He offered, running a hand through his hair.
Kiara nodded when Soren mentioned roses, looking at her bunch to pick out the right one and holding out a red one for him to take. She enjoyed seeing people's reaction to the roses but had to admit the pink and red ones made her a little curious. "The red ones are really pretty, huh?" She said a little absentmindedly as she waited for him to read the note.

I loooove youuuu. And I most definitely will steal your favorite t-shirt because it's pretty)))
Soren chuckled, taking the rose and peeking at its note. "Hm, yes, they are," He mused, thinking about where the note could have come from. "I think it's from my sister... she's horrible at signing these,' He chuckled. She had access to his closet, at least. The twins did as well, but Sadie seemed like the most likely candidate.
Kiara had to say the red rose was a little less interesting when he mentioned it was from his sister. It was still pretty though. "That's sweet." She responded with a small smile, almost feeling bad she hadn't send one to her own brothers. Especially since this would be Zay's last year at school with them.
Soren smiled softly, and offered the rose back out to her. "Here, have something for all of your troubles." He smiled at her.
Kiara could feel her cheeks burn up the second Soren offered the rose to her. "Oh! No, I- I couldn't." She replied with a small shake of her head. "I mean it's yours. And it's no trouble, really. I quite enjoy delivering them.."
Soren smiled, leaning down a little to try and catch her eye. "Hey, I insist, it's alright," He offered again, trying to tuck the rose into her hair. "It is mine, and I want to give it to you," He spoke with an easy smile, like it was the most obvious answer in the world.
Kiara was about to decline Soren's rose again but he had tucked it behind her ear before she had been able to get a word out. "I- Uh- Thank you.." She eventually managed to get some words out, feeling her cheeks heat up even more.
Soren smiled softly. "You know, do you have a date to the dance tonight?" He asked. "I don't have any plans, I could take you?" He offered, thinking it might be a nice change to not just be an add on to the twins.
Kiara was about to excuse herself to go and deliver the rest of her roses but froze when Soren suddenly offered to take her to the dance, which was more than a little unexpected. "Oh.." Was the only thing she managed to get out as her head tried to wrap itself about the fact that someone had actually just asked her to a dance. "Well.. no." Kiara replied before quickly shaking her head, trying not to trip over her own words. "I mean not no!" She corrected herself. "I mean no, I don't have a date. So.. yes, I would like that."
Soren blinked, about to give her a smile, when she quickly corrected herself. He chuckled. "Alright, sweet. I'll pick you up? Or I could meet you at the entrance?" He offered easily, already planning.
Kiara smiled when Soren offered to pick her up but shook her head nonetheless. "We could just meet at the entrance so you don't have to take a detour for me?" She responded sweetly. Plus, meeting at the entrance would give her the whole walk down to try and calm her nerves, which she was sure she'd have.
Soren chuckled and nodded. "Sure thing, I'll see you there?" He offered easily, taking a small step back.
Kiara nodded in response, shooting Soren a final smile before glancing back down at her list and wandering off in search of the next student she was supposed to deliver a rose to.

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