Open red for the night.

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Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
Selene had been struggling to decide what to wear. She had started to develop a liking for dark clothing, a slightly gothic style however she had worn black to the last two school events and thought she should probably wear a little more colour. She had begged heli to lend her something and in the end, ended up with a red dress that was not like what she would have chosen. It was long and fluffy in the skirt which was not a bad thing. but the top was tight and made like bands across her front showing off more skin than she liked. she also wasn't keen on the fact that it actually showed her boobs. or rather nonboobs. It was clear that the dress was made for someone with a little more to fill it than her almost fourteen-year-old self. She had adjusted it slightly one night so it sort of fit, but she made sure that her hair was down and covering her shoulders as she made her way to the ball.
She had not really organised to meet anyone there but she had hoped to run into some friends. she passed through the crowded entrance hall and made her way into the great hall. unsure what to do from there she poured a glass of punch glad to smell that it hadn't been dung-bombed, at least yet, and took a seat at one of the free tables keeping an eye out for someone that she knew.
Blake's words about asking out a girl kept coming back to Tyler, but he hadn't actually followed his advice. Something he was regretting now that he stepped into the great hall. It would have been so much nicer to enter with Sierra by his side, but the chance of being rejected had made it too risky. The Valentine's dance was also an option, he told himself. Maybe he would have the courage to ask her to that. But even now... the fact that they weren't going together, didn't mean he couldn't run into her at the dance. Maybe she would want to dance with him? He scanned the room for any sign of Sierra, but it was very busy. Frustrated, he pushed past a few older students and looked around. His heart skipped at the sight of someone with a red dress and dark hair. Sierra was a Gryffindor, did that mean she would wear red? He approached, only to realize it wasn't Sierra, but another classmate. He didn't bother to hide his disappointment, but walked over to her anyway. "Have you seen Sierra?" He asked Selene, a Ravenclaw girl he didn't think he'd ever talked to. But she was classmates with the Gryffindor as well, so he guessed she would know who he meant.
Selene had been sittign for a few minutes watching the people pass by, girls in dresses all the colours of the rainbow, boys in suits and ties. everyone dressed to the nines looking stunning and looked like they were having fun with their friends, boyfriends girlfriends. where as she was sittign there on her own feeling both conspicuous and invisable wishing she had not gone with helias red dress and just gone with her own black one. She was half way though her drink when she saw someone coming over towards her. She recognised him from classes, Tylor, or was is Taylor? but she had never spoken to him. at least outside of what was normal in class. She looked at him an smiled feeling her heart drop at the expression on his face .clearly she was not who he had been wanting to talk to. still walked over to her and she smiled again. she opened her mouth to wish him a good evening but before she could say anything he spoke. asking if she had seen sierra. not even a good evening or merry christmas or yuletides greetings. she looked down slightly and shook her head. "no sorry. i have only just got here" she said. which was a blatant lie, her half-drunk glass would atest to that. she hadn't seen sierra but she had been here for art least ten or fifteen minutes.
Tyler sighed in annoyance as the girl couldn't give him an answer. "Right." He muttered, clearly frustrated. He cast another look around, but there were so many people here, and many of them taller than him. Tyler couldn't wait until he was in his fifth or sixth year, at least he wouldn't feel so small anymore in a crowd like this. He didn't spot Sierra or anyone who looked like her, so he dragged a chair back and slumped into it, frowning. "I'll see if I can see her from here." He explained, adjusting his jacket. "Are you waiting for anyone?" Selene wasn't someone he would normally want to talk to, as she seemed a bit... strange. But at least now he had company of someone around his own age, and he wouldn't look lonely to any bystanders. It was a temporary solution, as Tyler intended to bail the moment he saw someone cooler to hang out with.
Selene felt herself deflate as the boy clearly wasn't interested in talking to her. he just wanted to find Sierra. It was clear that she was just a means to an end, and there was nothing she could do as he sat down, She was stuck here making small talk with him."you will probably have better look finding her if you walk around and look. or t least stand up somewhere that isn't this out of the way" she said mumbling slightly. She was not usually the bold one, that was Helias job, but she liked this little space she had found and wanted it to be hers without his bad energy, it was actually a fairly good spot to people watch from but people watching was not the same as looking or a certain person. as he asked if she was waiting for someone she turned to look at him her mismatched eyes, one violet and one silver grey, were buried under a slight scowl. "I was waiting for my sister" she said. She wasn't sure if Helliana would be attending the feast but she was the first person to come to her mind. and it sounded a lot less vague than waiting to find a friend.
Tyler leaned back in his chair, his arms resting on the armrests casually. He frowned as Elene told him he would have better luck if he went to walk around and look. It didn't matter that she was probably right, he didn't want to just listen to her. Who was she to tell him what to do? "Thanks I tried that." He snapped at her, frowning. "I can see plenty of people from here." He added, not wanting to leave just because Selene told him to. He had a suspicion that she wanted to be left alone, and was trying to subtly tell him to leave. He sneered when she said she was waiting for her sister. "You will probably have better luck finding her if you walk around and look." He repeated to her in a mocking tone, then rolled his eyes. He crossed his arms and looked at the crowd, his bad mood only increasing as he looked at all the happy couples.
Tres was excited for her second ever Yule Ball, and it was strange but since she'd joined Heta Omega she felt empowered to protect the other girls not just in the club but in the school. They had to stick together after all, and knowing how Uno just to stick up for her when their momma or siblings were being mean, made the Slytherin think she should do the same. Therefore when she entered the Great Hall and saw one of the boys mimicking another girl who just appeared to be helping him. She didn't want to cause a fight, or make a scene, but she wasn't going to just stand there and let that boy make the girl sad, so she decided to have a little harmless fun of her own in the hopes that karma would come back to him. "Sienna?" she called out, not actually knowing which girl that was specifically although she did vaguely recognise the name, "I just saw her out in the court yard on the way in," she smiled, "I wouldn't get your hopes up though, I think she was kissing a boy," she shrugged her shoulders a little, curious to see if the boy would up and leave. Besides this girl decided to have a little fun of her own this evening and enjoy the ball instead of being hassled by other Slytherins.
Selene felt frustrated that the boy continued to sit there not even considering moving even though her suggestion had been a perfectly good one. it wasn't the fact that he was sitting with her but the fact that he was sitting with her when he had from what she could tell no intention of talking to her or being with her in anything other than purely physical presence. not that she would have wanted to be with him as friends or anything either but a merry Christmas or a compliment no matter how insincere would have been good. or even a good evening.
as he echoed her own words to her she sighed. "or maybe someone had the forethought to actually organise where to meet" she said. hoping that either sienna or heliana would come near soon so she had a good excuse to move or he would finally leave her alone. She looked up as a girl with brown hair approached them for a second she thought it may be sienna but that hope was short-lived. she was clearly younger and looked nothing like her classmate. as she smiled as the girl seemed to know where sienna was seen he would not be able to see her from here. she tried to stop it becoming a smirk as the girl finished her description. she looked at the girl a note of thanks in her eyes. "Thanks for that. Taylor would have been sitting here all night waiting for her to walk past" she said. "Happy yule. I like your dress, it makes such a statement" she said. It was not something she would wear, but it looked nice on the girl and she seemed to have a confidence she didn't that enabled her to pull it off.
Tyler looked up as some first year girl approached them, and frowned at her as she spoke to him. The news she brought was extremely unwelcome, but Tyler wasn't one to just rise to bait like that. Could she be right? Sure, and that thought soured Tyler's mood even more, but he also knew this girl had no reason to know that news would upset him. All he had done was ask around for her. The fact that she pronounced her name wrong helped him a little, as it made him hope she was simply wrong. Not one to show weakness, all Tyler did was scowl more, before he made himself roll his eyes and snort derisively. "Right. I was looking for Sierra, not Sienna. I doubt you even know who she is. But even if you're right, I don't care. I was just trying to see if I could find her. It's not like we're dating." He said, trying his best to sound dismissive. "Who even are you? You're just some kid." It frustrated him that Selene started to talk to the girl as if he wasn't there, and he turned to her with a glare. "It's Tyler, and I am going to stay here. If you have a problem with that, I suggest you go somewhere else." He snapped at her.
Tres frowned at the boy, wondering why he was getting so mad. “Short brown hair, enough energy to power a battery for over a year, has the cutest smile?” She listed, recalling her from the girl she thought she was from the LGBT day last year. “Yes I think I know her,” she pondered, before smiling back at Selene. Boys could try and bully them all they wanted to but it wasn’t going to make any difference to Tres’ mood and she hoped poor Sierra didn’t have to deal with him later too. She may have just been some kid, but at least she wasn’t some angry unfriendly kid. “You know I think Tyler’s right. He wants to stay here by himself, so let’s leave him to that!” Her grin widened as she moved straight past the stupid boy and linked her arm through the brunettes, guiding her further away from him and towards the dance floor. If Tyler meant what he said they’d he’d leave them alone. “Thank you! I love yours too, it’s so pretty,” Tres admired it, stroking a small part of it gingerly. “Where did you get it from?” She was quite sure she’d not seen it at Vibez, she’d had the stock there in her head by memory.
Selene looked at the boy as he said that he wasn't trying to find her as it wasn't like they were dating. "that... wasnt the impression you gave. or maybe you just wish to be dating her" she said her tone more of observation not accusatory.
as the girl described sierra Selene had to smile. enough energy to power a battery for a year, she knew what a battery was and it was true that Sierra had a lot of energy but with the amount of energy, this girl was showing she would be able to power one for ten. as the boy glared at her when she complimented the girls dress "I can't compliment your dress if you are not wearing one, but i like the stripes on your jumper. blue is always a good colour" she added not realising that the reason he was glaring was not that she hadn't complemented his outfit. What would helia say? she was the person who could easily make people love her, who knew just the right comment and time it perfectly. she well she had to try hard just to be liked. but she couldn't think of anything. and before she could think more the moment had passed. and Tyler was asking the girl who she was. which was actually something she wanted to know too. she didn't recognise her from class or the common room but there were a lot of students who weren't third year or Ravenclaws, and she didn't recognise all of them either.
it seemed her intentional missing the name had annoyed tyler but instead of making him leave it had made him tell them to leave a notion that the girl took to heart. taking her by the arm and leading her towards the dancefloor. Selene was not the most coordinated dancer at the best of time. and that coupled with a floor-length dress and heels meant that it would likely end in embarrassment. as they walked the girl complimented her dress which made her smile and without knowing it she stood a little straighter. "Thank you. it's my sisters, I don't know where she got it from." she said truthfully. " thank you for helping me out there, didn't htink i would be able to get him to move. but do we really have to dance? i am sure I will end up tripping or have someone stand on the skirt. she said. she really wasn't used to this much fabric around her legs, or that little around her top.
Tyler's mood was getting worse by the minute. What was it lately with girls? They all seemed to be crazy. The possible exception being Agnes, but even she hadn't been great to be around at first. He wished he knew where Blake was, he'd much rather hang out with him. He scowled at the description Tres gave, but then shrugged as if he didn't care. The other girl commented that he'd given the impression he was dating her, or that he wished he was. "I literally just asked if you had seen her!" He said to her, incredulous. Sure, he did want to date Sierra, but he hadn't said anything strange. He could have asked the same thing about any of his friends. "Just because nobody but your sister would look for you at a dance, doesn't mean other people don't have friends." He spat at her. The girls then decided to leave, as the younger girl guided Selene away and to the dance floor. Tyler crossed his arms and looked away, hoping they would move far away from him quickly.
Tres rolled her eyes. "That boy reminds me of my brother. If something isn't going his way then he just has to have a temper tantrum! He's just trying to make you feel bad so that he feels better about himself. If he had any friends, he'd be with them," she smiled at the girl beside her, hoping she didn't feel too bad about it all. It was a little annoying that Tres wasn't able to find out where the girl had gotten her dress from, but she was still glad she'd seen it. "Well if you ever want to get a dress of your own, I'd love to take you shopping one day," she said sincerely. She'd only ever had Uno and Finn to go shopping with and neither of them seemed to care much about what they were looking at unless they could make it into a joke. "We don't have to dance if you don't want to. I just didn't want to stay there anymore," she glanced over the girls shoulder as she paused, although she couldn't see Tyler in the distance anymore. "I'm Tres by the way." she smiled back to her new friend.
Selene smiles am almost knowing smile as Tyler said that he had just asked if she had seen Sierra. body language also speaks sometimes more than you know she said in a tone that was very much like her mums, hinting that she knew more than she let on, not that in this instance she did. His last words t her hurt. She got the feeling that heli had decided not to come to the ball after all. Did she have friends? She had Kira and nel for starters. though she knew nel was closer to some the other girls in her dorm than her. she had asteria, but she didnth tink her cat counted.
Tres seemed really nice. offering to take her shopping for a dress. "I do have a few dresses of my own, but I generally don't rear things this colourful. and thought maybe I should make a change from wearing black to events" she said. she had worn black for all the ones she could remember. "maybe some time. that would be nice" she said not committing to anything. she was not the biggest fan of shopping, at lease not for clothes though she could spend hours in a bookshop. but Tyler's words were still ringing in her head, maybe she could do with a couple more friends. "no we can dance. I will just have to be careful" she said. looking down at the bolts of fabric around her feet. she would try her best. she saw a table with a few empty glasses on it and put down the remainder of hers. the girl introduced herself and she smiled. "I am very happy to meet you Tres, I am Selene" she said. as they made their fest step onto the dance floor.
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