Closed Putting it Off

Emery Mettlestone

🏆 Gobstones Fanatic - Collector - Focused 🪀
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 8 1/2 Inch Whippy Wenge Wand with Fairy Wing Core
4/2045 (16)
Emery liked being at Hogwarts, but he didn't necessarily like his lessons. Sure, most of them were at least somewhat interesting, but he would much prefer to pick what he wanted to study, rather than do the assignments the professors forced on them. He had found a very interesting book on the history of gobstones a while ago, but now he had to leave it on his bedside table and get a new book from the library about something he actually had to study. He sighed as he looked through the shelves for the book he'd need for Defence Against the Dark Arts. It had to be around here somewhere.
Emrys liked walking around the castle, taking Vladimir, Hades, and Madame Alice out to see the castle and get some fresh air. He'd already made a few rounds and had decided to walk around the library when he saw a boy he was sure he knew. He stopped, staring a moment before taking a small step closer and speaking. "Emery?"
Emery frowned as he couldn’t find the book. Wasn’t it here, or was he overlooking it? His frown deepened when someone said his name. He turned to see one of his classmates, one of the Hufflepuffs. He remembered the boy had a weirdly similar name to him, but didn’t think they had ever talked. “What?” He asked.
Emrys smiled softly. "Hey," He greeted. "You look upset. Need help finding anything?" He asked, looking over the bookshelf and running a hand over his hair. He stepped up beside Emery, looking over the shelves. "What book is it?" He asked.
Emery’s frown deepened as the boy approached him, looking at the stuffed animals skeptically. He wondered if this was part of some sort of prank. “I’m not upset.” He said, taking a step back. “And I don’t need your help.”
Emerys hesitated as the other boy spoke, stopping and looking over with wide eyes. "I... I'm sorry?" He apologized slowly, his hand coming back down. "Have I done something to upset you?" He asked slowly, wrapping his arms a little tighter around his friends. "I just... wanted to help," He spoke, tilting his head a little bit.
Emery frowned as the boy apologized. Then asked if he was upset again. He rolled his eyes. “I just told you I’m not upset, so no. And I also just told you I don’t need help.” He said impatiently. “Anything else?”
Emrys was quiet a moment, tilting his head and listening to the other boy speak. "I... would like to be friends?" He offered slowly. "Could we be friends?" He decided a direct approach would work better. Maybe Emery was just grumpy, Emerys could deal with that. He stepped back a little bit, giving Emery space.
Emery had been sure he had scared of Emrys by now so he returned to browsing the books. So it surprised him when he heard his voice again. The words surprised him even more, he frowned and turned to him. “What? Why?” He asked, seeming genuinely surprised. "I already have a friend." He added after a moment.
Emrys smiled softly, shrugging. "You can have more than one friend." He offered easily. "We could be friends, too." He stated, like it was an obvious answer. "I bet there's lots of stuff we could do." He mused, thinking about it. Reading, gobstones maybe- did Emery like gobstones? Emrys thought he might, but he could be wrong.
Emery resisted the urge to roll his eyes again, he was starting to think it was a little too mean. But Emrys said some weird things. “I know you can have more than one friend.” He said. “I just don’t want to, and I don’t get why you want to since I’ve only been rude to you.” He said, frowning. “Did everyone else say no?”
Emrys shook his head. "I know you have. And no, everyone else did not say no," He offered easily. "You're interesting. And a person. I don't want to be your friend because you're always nice to me." He replied. "I just think it would be fun if we spent more time together." Emrys shrugged.

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