Private Meeting

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
Kalif walked along the side of the village, gazing about the students that entered. His eyes watched for Jaken, his son whom was supposed to meet around the Hog's Head. Kalif leaned against the wall of the cheap Inn and smoothed his plain black robes. He let out a small sigh, for what he was going to reveal to Jaken wouldn't be pleasant to him whatsoever. He waited patiently.
Jaken wore a pair of jeans and a band shirt. He walked out of the school and followed a crowd into the village. He looked about for a tall, mysterious figure. Hog's Head...Hog's Head...where is it? Would I have to go in or not? He spotted the sign above. His eyes fell upon his father. Jaken grimaced at the facial expression he had. Something was wrong. Jaken approached him and cleared his throat, "Erm, dad. You want to go inside or talk out here?" Jaken bit his lip. Kalif was not pleased.
Kalif turned his head to his son. He gave him a small smile. Kalif, for once, didn't feel anger. He answered his son softly, "Let's go around here where there aren't many people around. What I have to tell you will make you rather unnerved." Kalif grabbed Jaken by the upper arm and led him to a more isolated area. Kalif waited for Jaken to respond.
Jaken felt his father lead him to a more private area. Was his father stupid if he were to try anything, or was this serious? Jaken casted a worried look to Kalif. Jaken finally asked, "What's wrong? I asked you to come here to talk to me about my siblings. What else could be wrong? Mom? The elves?" Jaken hoped that his father didn't feel angered by the questions he gave.
Kalif sighed. He didn't feel sadness or morose. He wasn't raised with those feelings. He couldn't describe what he was feeling. Must be disappointment. Kalif rolled his eyes at Jaken while he asked so many questions. Kalif snarled, "That's what I have come here to talk to you about!" Kalif calmed down and finally revealed, "I do not care for the elves, and you know that. Look, your sister, Alessine, is in Azkaban."
Jaken felt like he got the news that Alessine had died. Jaken shook his head. She was a good girl, how could this have happened? Jaken finally demanded, "Wha-What happened? I need to know everything you know." Jaken didn't care that Kalif hated being talked to like Jaken is talking to him now. His Azkaban?
Kalif shrugged, "Alessing was sentenced by the Bulgarian Minstry of Magic. Or whatever area they were from. But apparently, she went ballistic and used the some curses against Barbara. Barbara took her to the trial, and then they sentenced her to at least a year in Azkaban. I would try to get her out, but I don't have that many ties with the Ministry since we moved. She won't be receiving the Dementer's Kiss so everything will be fine. As long as she behaves in Azkaban." Kalif added, "According to Barbara, she was influenced by you. However, I feel much different." Kalif smirked a bit. Perhaps Jaken would catch on.
Jaken listened to this information. He wondered what side of the story the Ministry listened to. Barbara's, or Alessine's? Jaken shook his head, "At least she won't be receiving the kiss. She hardly acts up, so she should be fine. Just being in Azkaban would haunt her." Jaken realized that Kalif had been in Azkaban before, before he was born.

Jaken laughed, "I bet Barbara tortured her until she had to go on the offensive. Since Barbara doesn't have me, then she moved onto Alessine. But dad, we need to get the other two away from her." Jaken hoped that Kalif would listen to him. Kalif seemed as though he were on his side. Namina, however, wasn't.
Kalif folded his arms and closed his eyes. Even he knew that Jaken was right. He had to get his children back. Kailie and Kalif he missed them. Kalif opened his eyes and leaned against the wall. He murmured, "I know, Jaken. Alessine is innocent, but guilty too. Perhaps Alessine needs to be punished for her crimes."

Kalif looked toward the sky, "It's harder than you think, Jaken. Namina won't listen to me, and somehow keeps me from doing what I want to do. Even with my anger outbursts, she don't give in. I have even tried the fear thing, and it didn't work. Namina would warn Barbara before I could get over there to get my kids." Kalif sneered at the thought of being tied down by his wife.
Jaken felt his fury build up. Alessine was too young to be guilty of such crimes. After hearing the last part, Jaken finally shouted, "You are a freaking Death Eater! You shouldn't be tied down by a meddling wife! I love mom and all, but right now, she is acting like a fool! Teach her that your way is right! You shouldn't be afraid of her! Don't let her stop you from getting your kids! Asparuh wouldn't have let Tsvetanka stop him from anything!! He wasn't a coward!!"

Jaken stopped, terrified. This was the first time Jaken had yelled at his father, and compared him to Asparuh. Jaken waited for Kalif's response to this outburst.
Kalif's lip curled into a sneer. He despised it when anything yelled at him. Kalif's right hand pinned Jaken into the wall, and Kalif pointed his wand at Jaken's throat. Kalif hissed harshly, "And who was the one saying that I shouldn't be a Death Eater at all? I believe it was you. I don't let your mother control me. In fact, she is terrified of me. Don't compare me to my father. He was weaker than I, letting himself be murdered. Call me a coward again, boy, and I'll use a rather unforgiving curse on you."

Kalif smirked as he let go of Jaken's throat, but kept his wand pointed at him. Kalif knew that Jaken knew that Kalif would really use a horrific curse on him.
Jaken wanted so badly to fight his father to letting go of his throat. Jaken grew terrified of Kalif, perhaps more than werewolves. Jaken finally breathed whenever Kalif's grip completely vanished. Jaken gazed at the wand pointed at his throat. Jaken muttered, "I'm sorry, dad." Jaken wanted to take out his wand and point it back at Kalif, but Kalif knew much more spells than Jaken.
Kalif glared back at his son. Was he apologizing? Kalif back away from Jaken, but still pointing his wand. Kalif cocked his eyebrow, "Did you just...apologize? I taught you no such thing." Kalif turned his head to the ground and shook it, "What are they teaching you in that school, that lets mudbloods in...?" Kalif felt dismayed at allowing Jaken to be school at Hogwarts New Zealand.
Jaken glared at his father. This was the first fight they had gotten into. Jaken was sick and tired of being raised as another copy of Kalif. Jaken didn't want to be silent anymore. He wanted to be liked by people, and not isolated. Jaken muttered, "I know what you taught me. And, sometimes, you didn't teach the right thing." Jaken had stepped into forbidden territory. "Seriously, dad, mudbloods aren't that bad. Can't you look at people for who they are and not their blood? You aren't pureblood, you know. And the school is teaching us to be the person we really are. There is more out there than just Dark magic."
Kalif did not know how to react to Jaken's sudden protest. Kalif lowered his wand and put it into his robe. Kalif thought, I have never been stood up against by an infidel. Especially my own son. Kalif finally smiled his crooked smile. His anger completely melted.

Kalif murmured softly, just loud enough to hear, "And I have been teaching you well, I see. What you think is right, is only yourself wanting it to be the correct way. I am here to show you the path to self endearment. Whether you follow it or not is all up to you." Kalif's hand twitched a bit.

Kalif's eyes narrowed, his brows becoming tense, "Mudbloods? Consider them equal? How could they be, with muggle parents? After you answer me that, then I may consider thinking them more worthy than magots. As for my family not being pureblood, I am rather glad they aren't. Purebloods...they fascinate me. Deformity..."

Kalif patted his son on the shoulder gently, "If I hear something else about that school not teaching you the skills you need..." Kalif's voice deepened to a low growl. "I'll physically remove you from there."
Jaken didn't know how to respond to his father all of a sudden being ever so nice. Jaken then realized, his father did this quite often. Jaken bit lip as he felt his father's touch upon his shoulder. It was surprisingly gentle.

Jaken shook his head, "Father, I must learn to make my own choices. I know you want me to grow up to be just like you...and probably even be a future Death Eater. But that's not what I want to be." Jaken felt as though he were punched in the heart. He could never be a Death Eater, even if it was in his blood to be a Dark wizard.

Jaken wanted to answer, but doing so would leave him speechless. He didn't know a good reason to think of. He finally stated weakly, "They can be as powerful as a normal wizard or witch..."

Jaken glared at Kalif. How could he take him out of a school that taught him independence? Jaken countered, "Death Eaters are prohibitted from the school. There is a teacher there that is an Auror, and he would come after you." Jaken imagined an Auror sending his father to Azkaban. Jaken wouldn't live with himself if that happened.
Kalif drew his hand back from Jaken. His anger returned with a vengence, however, Kalif subdued it. He couldn't take it out on Jaken, not just yet. Jaken would learn his way.

Kalif glared at him. He hissed, "Then what do you want to be, my son? Considering your family history of all Dark wizards and witches, most places around here won't have you for an employee." Kalif smirked. Jaken would have no choice but to enter the Dark Arts.

Kalif snickered coldly, "Mudbloods? Equivilliant to us? Ha, you have quite a sense of humor. You must receive it from that mother of yours."

He folded his arms and murmured once again, "I wouldn't care to blast a few into Hades if they were to get into my way. Even that Auror. It's not like I haven't fought a few here and there." Kalif noticed the sadness in Jaken's face. Naturally, it infuriated him. He was receiving the unnecessary feelings. It had to have been from the school. Kalif mocked, "You know well that the world could use one less Death Eater around here, Jaken."
Jaken folded his arms, unhappy to see his father's facial expression. Happy? Or was it something deeper? Kalif was hiding his anger, for sure.

Jaken answered with a smirk, "An Auror." Jaken knew that this would harm the relationship between him and Kalif. "But that might not just be what I want to do either."

Jaken sighed at his father's comment about muggle-borns.

Jaken countered quickly, "I don't like knowing what you do...whenever you were younger, or now. I don't want to know, okay?" Jaken heard the mockery in Kalif's voice. How could he be so unfeeling? He didn't have a conscience. Jaken muttered, "The world could use one less Death Eater, but I couldn't use a dead father." Jaken stared at Kalif, waiting for his responce.
Kalif's lips curled as he let out a violent hiss, "Auror?" Kalif then cocked his head to the side. "Then you would be hunting me down... I think you need to let that dream go. Be a rockstar instead, my son. Auror...isn't the right road for you, considering your family history."

Kalif snickered, "Even you cannot find an excuse for them. My my, how you have changed."

Kalif shrugged, casting his hands into the air a bit as well, "Just ask anyone, about the Zhefarovich family. They, well the higher up wizards that are older and work in the Ministry, they will tell you just how bad of a man I was, back in the day. Good times..." He smiled.

Kalif nearly jumped back. Jaken, how could he have said such a ludricris statement? Kalif murmured, "Jaken, I was hardly there for you when you were little. How could you possibly sympathize for me? I am..." Kalif's voice trailed off. He never sympathized for his father, even when he was killed. How could Jaken feel like that? Kalif turned his head away. I was there more than my father was there for me. I cared more... Perhaps I have never inherited those feelings. But now, I have some of the feelings a father should for an offspring.
Jaken cocked his eyebrow at Kalif, "You want me to be a rockstar? After years of putting it down? And Auror would be an exceptional job for me, considering I am skilled. Otherwise, I really don't know."

Jaken snapped, "How could you have considered those times 'Good times'? Death Eaters like you hurt people, innocent people! You should actually feel shamed, considering the shame you have put on Alessine and me. Probably even the younger ones too."

Jaken sighed, "You are my Dad. How could I not? I am not heartless, or that cruel like some people. would do the same if I were to be hurt in any way. You care, because you were about to go get Alessine out of Azkaban somehow." Jaken knew he touched a weakness in his father. However, would Kalif have a positive reaction or not puzzled Jaken.
Kalif laughed a cold laugh. He mocked Jaken, "Oh, having a rockstar for a son would be downright insulting to me. Rocking out, doing drugs, drinking, etc.. Jaken, my boy, a rockstar as a career would be pathetic and mental. Even an Auror requires more brains than that."

Kalif snickered, "I put shame on you? Who was the one getting suspended from Durmstrang out of bad behavior repeatedly? I haven't done my ways in a few years now, since there hasn't been any action to do so. You, however, have. Haven't you hurt students emotionally with your pranks?" Kalif smirked.

Kalif's lips smiled crookedly, "Why, of course I would care for my offspring. I just don't show it in a way that is recognizable by others. If something were to happen to you, I would kill whoever hurt you. But as for Alessine, if she got in Azkaban herself, then I won't let a guilty one out of where she belongs." Kalif knew that he wouldn't dare give Alessine everything she wants. Even younger girls had to be punished the same as adults.
Jaken rolled his eyes. How could he have believed his father actually wanting him to become something as a rockstar? It was too good to be true. "Just as I thought, you would never let me to become something like that. I suppose your reasons are good enough than just 'I just don't want you to be'. I know you never minded me playing for fun either." Jaken finally smiled at his father. Perhaps his reasons are satisfying.

Jaken snapped, "I never killed anyone!" Jaken calmed down. Arguing with Kalif was like agruing against a brick wall. Kalif always won, and Kalif countered anything Jaken would throw at him with something Jaken has already done in the past. Jaken sighed, "Dad, we both have done things. I am actually ashamed of what I have done...and also proud. But we both don't need to point these things out, okay?"

Jaken laughed, "Yes, you have the oddest ways of showing your love for your children. And I do understand the reason you feel like that toward Alessine. I would too. When we do depart for our separate ways, you go find out what she has or hasn't done. Then give me the news." Jaken felt very curious about what happened to make Alessine do that.
Kalif smirked a bit. He knew that his son was not the most stupid boy out there. "I knew that you would see things my way. But, playing for passion is much better than playing for fame and fortunate. We have enough of that in Bulgaria." Kalif shrugged, dreading to go back to Bulgaria, though it was rather interesting having some ignorant wizards fawn over touring his business.

Kalif snickered, remembering the good times. Kalif laughed, "I see that you don't want to argue anyway. There wouldn't be a point, so let's just end it at that."

Kalif thought for a moment. Why would Alessine do such a thing? She was smart enough to not get caught, wasn't she? Kalif sighed, "I hate not knowing why she did it. Perhaps I will find out. I thought I knew my own flesh and blood, maybe I was wrong though." Kalif looked to the sky. The sun was beginning to set. "Jaken, I believe that it is almost time for us to depart." Kalif couldn't risk being out in the open for too long. Especially in unfamiliar territory.
Jaken sighed, wishing he could spend a bit more time with his father, despite the heated argument that they had just moments ago. Jaken smiled warmly at his dad, "I understand perfectly, dad. I better be off to school then." Jaken shook his father's hand and turned to leave Brightstone Village. The day had gone by quick, and he knew that soon, he would know what exactly happened with Alessine.
Kalif shook his son's hand, feeling reassured that Jaken is not as warm as the weather here. Kalif watched Jaken leave his sight. Kalif glanced around before apparating out of the village.

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