🌹 Rose Giving Next Stop of Many

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (23)
Poppy felt like she was off to a good start. She wanted to deliver her roses in a timely manner but she felt like she could indulge a little and savor the experience. She landed on the fourth floor and made her way to the Hufflepuff house to try and find the next person on her list. The hardest part of delivering roses was tracking people down. The castle was huge and trying to find just one person sometimes felt impossible but it seemed to be her lucky day when she saw just the person she was after. "Leonardo! Leonardo Orr!" she called out and waved to get his attention. "I have a rose for you!" @Leonardo Orr
Leonardo had noted the deliveries for the rose giving had begun. He was sure he wouldn't get any, after all, he knew that most of his friendships or almost friendships were probably one sided and no one would want to send hima rose. So, he was very confused when he left the common room for lunch and suddenly there was someone behind him, getting his attention. He stopped and looked at the older girl. "Really?" he couldn't help but ask, his tone nervous as if he expected this to be a joke.
Poppy smiled warmly as she handed Leonardo his rose but she gave him a curious look when he seemed to be uncertain. "Of course!" she said with a laugh, not sure what he was so worried about. "You have a friend who's hoping you have an extra special Valentine's." she said and pulled out the card that went along with the rose. "Here, see for yourself."

Dear Leonardo Orr.
Thank you for your friendship. I have enjoyed spending time with you, especially during the halloween feasts.
wishing you all the best this valentines day
Harmony Neimh Erikson
Leonardo looked at the old girl with some scepticism about what she said, but took the card that went along side it. He opened it and read it through. He read the words twice over and his brain didn't seem to want to compute it. He had started the day believing he still had no friends, and yet...he had not one, but two. Her notes was also certainly nicer than his very awkward one. And for a moment as he read it over again Leonardo had the terrifing feeling that he might cry in front of this older student. "Thank you," he managed to somehow say.
Poppy waited expectantly has the younger boy read his note. She always loved seeing people's reaction after reading a sweet message from a friend. But she frowned slightly as he looked at the note for a while. Surely the message couldn't have been that long, the piece of paper wasn't that big to begin with. Her concern grew when he finally choked out a thanks. "Are you ok?" she asked, worried. "It was a good message right?" she added, suddenly worried there had been some kind of prank and she needed to scold some one. She usually didn't take her prefect position very seriously but she was willing to wield it now.
Leonardo gave a jerky nod, "It's a good message," he spoke quietly. He took a deep breath and then several little ones. He didn't know why he was reacting like this, perhaps it was just the kindness of the people he knew, that they admitted their friendship so openly when he'd believed he'd been ruining it. He had never had friends before, had barely interacted with people his own age. And all he'd wanted from Hogwarts was to make at least one friend. Now apparently he had two friends. Would he lose these friends...how did one keep friends....could he arrange to see them during the break...or....just be able to be around them..god...he was going to ruin it..."I'm fine, thank you for bringing this to me, your kindness is appreciated" he was quickly trying to shove down his own emotions and defaulting to much more formal and serious tone. This girl had better things to do that watch his emotions overwhelm him.
Poppy still felt worried even after Leonardo confirmed that the message had been a good one. She hovered a bit longer and was a little confused when he thanked her for her kindness. "Alright." she said finally, and forced a smile. She had to trust his word even if his behavior didn't exactly sooth her concerns. "You're very welcome. I hope you have a good day." she added and slowly started walking away but couldn't help but spare a glance over her shoulder before she was on her way to deliver the rest of her roses.
Leonardo was rather glad when Poppy left, he had glanced at her and forced a very fake smile onto his features, but it faded quickly. His decision to go get food completely forgotten. He wasn't sure what to do now. Should he just continue, he shoudl speak to Niamh, and Felix...speak to them both..and ask, ask for the confirmation. But maybe he just needed to be alone. Leonardo moved away from his spot and headed to the student lounge, he just needed to sit down.

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