Closed Never Known Peace

Enoch Goldewyn

loner | tired | chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 16 1/2 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
06/2048 (13)
Enoch Goldewyn really hated how social everyone was supposed to be at this school. There was just so many other students and students looking for conversations, looking to catch up with others or speak to him. He hadn't yet in any located quiet spots to study, the library was one but after the fight in the last year, he was avoiding. The dorm too, and even if it was nice out, he knew being outside wouldn't help him either. So Enoch had decided to try the student lounge, which had people, so hopefully anyone who came in would find a spot away from him, with others rather than annoy him. He was tucked away at a table far from the door, and was just studying, going back over the beginners guide to transfiguration.
Lucy loved making friends - it was one of her favourite things to do, and although some students in her year had turned out to not be much fun, she had made at least two good friends she was happy with. She wanted to branch out more, to get to know people from different houses. Admittedly, she had a bit of a prejudice against Slytherins - they seemed unfriendly, and always seemed to have an agenda going on. But as she wandered into the student lounge to see if she could meet someone new, she decided she'd be open to friendships with Slytherins. It was only fair to give them a chance, after all. She looked around the student lounge and spotted a student from her year. Lucy recognised him from classes, and from the fight he'd had with another student in the library. She decided against bringing that up, but wandered over to him and gave him a smile. "Hi," she greeted cheerfully. "We've never really talked before but I'm Lucy, I'm in your year." She peered over to see what he was reading. "Studying already? Impressive!"
Almost predictable, Enoch was not alone long. Perhaps he would become more and more alone, the more he pushed everyone away. But for now, he hadn't done it enough. Though really, this girl had seen him get in a fight with Dante, surely that was enough. He didn't smile back just rolled his eyes a little. "I know who you are," he said, lying a little he hadn't known her name. "Enoch, not that it matters," he knew she could find it out anyway, so what was the point in lying. "Yeah, and I'd like continue studying in peace, so please," Enoch said and then he turned back to his books, angling his body away from her trying to get her to now leave.
Lucy frowned a little. He wasn't being friendly, but maybe he just needed a bit of a push. Maybe Slytherins weren't just like that. "Transfiguration, right? I was trying to read that the other day. It's dense, isn't it?" she continued blithely, ignoring the obvious signs that he didn't want to engage. "I much prefer it when we get to just do spells rather than just theory. I know the theory's important,'s kinda boring. What do you think?" she asked politely, genuinely curious on his opinion.
Enoch didn't know what it was about him, where those who wanted to be his friend, never took his sharp tone to mean anything other than a please leave me alone. He looked at his book again and then sighed heavily. "I like the theory, it's important," he said, mostly just echoing some of her words back to her, but not saying any more, not contributing or giving anything further, barely even looking up from his book.
Lucy tilted her head slightly. He didn't seem to be engaging much, but he could just be shy. Maybe he was even embarrassed about her seeing him fight with that other student in the library. She'd probably be a bit embarrassed too. "Mm, I suppose it is," Lucy agreed slowly, though she still much preferred the practical side of things. "You like transfiguration then?" she asked, still trying to get more of a response out of him. "I think I like charms the best, but transfiguration is good too."
Enoch wasn't sure why she wanted to talk to him about it. Why she felt the need to get his opinion on Transfiguration. He just kept his gaze on his book, trying to stay concentrated on it but it was a little difficult. He did prefer charms to transfiguration because of the spells, though Transfiguration so far had come a bit easier to him. "Okay," he replied, trying to make his tone a little dismissive, hoping his lack of bite and dismissive tone would encourage her to leave.
It was getting a bit trickier now, but at the same time Lucy hadn't given up hope for a decent conversation - maybe to even make a new friend. Perhaps he was one of those people who didn't talk much but liked listening. "I'm looking forward to both this year, though. It's always fun to try new spells. Oh, and herbology. Herbology was fun, I thought. Not so many spells but it was interesting. It's going to be cool once we can start picking our classes in third year, I think. I wonder what those classes will be like." Lucy rambled a little bit, but she hoped that he'd be one to appreciate that. Though she was starting to get a voice in the back of her head that was doubting this course of action.
Enoch didn't know why this girl was really still trying when he was trying as hard to dismiss her. She was talking about Herbology and rambling a little. He glanced back at her when she finished speaking, giving a long drawn out sigh. "I'm trying to work here," he said, dismissively, hoping that maybe for once being half straight forward would result in him being left alone, rather than the ignoring tactic that really was getting him nowhere.
Lucy's brow furrowed slightly. "Oh, sorry," she said, a little taken aback. She'd been really trying to get something out of him, but maybe it just wasn't to be. Or maybe... "You don't want help or anything?" she asked, just to make sure. "It could be fun, both of us studying together." Lucy gave a genuine smile, hoping it would be encouraging to Enoch.
Enoch was a little pleased that it seemed just being straight forward with Lucy worked better than ignoring her. If Enoch felt a little bad, he wasn't going to say it, not at all. he shook his head. "Studying is not a shared activity, or no work would get done," he replied. "If you wish to study, then it will be independently and silently," Enoch knew they could sit at the same table and study together but he would only go for that if they stayed silent.
"Oh," Lucy said, feeling a little bit chastised. "I think you can, um, do study with friends, but...but if you'd rather I went away..." It was looking that way now, now he was being more blunt. Enoch didn't seem to be interested in making friends at all, or maybe it was just a bad day. Or he was someone who had times when he didn't like to socialise. Some people were like that. Still, Lucy felt a bit sad that things hadn't turned out as she hoped. "I could talk to you some other time?" she tentatively suggested, wondering what his response to that might be.
Enoch felt a little bad about what he was saying. He didn't feel bad when it was that girl, Faye, but with Lucy, he felt a little bad, she never tried to be better than him, though he knew that she was. But still he shook his head. "I don't have friends, so I don't study with anyone," He shook his head, and looked away from her deciding to not answer the other question, just remaining instead silent.
"Oh, okay. Well, you know, if you ever want to change that, I can be you friend," Lucy said with the ease of someone young who hasn't known much rejection. "But I guess I'll leave you alone now. Um. See you, Enoch," she said with a little wave and left the boy to his devices. She felt a little sad that things hadn't gone well - but she hadn't given up completely. She still had six years to get to Enoch, she thought to herself. Maybe she'd get there in the end.
Enoch felt bad as he watched her walk away. It wouldn't have been too hard to just have her sit and study at the same time as him, but he couldn't afford the distractions. If he was to get better, and keep on top of things, then he needed to work harder, he needed to avoid any and all distractions. So he just watched her go, and then looked back at his work.

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