Malfoy Manor

Lucius Malfoy

Well-Known Member
Lucius sat back in his giant armchair, reading an intriguing book about pureblood theory. He looked up over his book as Felox brought him a cup of wine, but the house elf was also holding a letter.

"Owl brought it this morning, master," Felox said clearly, trembling at his Master's feet.

"You are dismissed, Felox," Lucius drawled. "Make sure to give that owl something raw as a treat.

The letter had only his name scrawled on it. He smiled in satisfaction as he realized what the letter was. Happily he began to read it.
I'm sorry that I haven't been able to keep you updated.  School is very busy for me second year, it's not as much of a breeze as expected.  But that's life.  I get a lot of homework now.

How to explain?  There are certain people in the wizarding world that you had best stay away from.  Lucius Malfoy is just one of them.

There are things going on that you wouldn't understand.  I don't even begin to understand them myself.  But you don't need to worry about me, Carlisle.  I can take care of myself.  I know that we really aren't on knowing terms right now, with the whole incident over the summer, but just be assured that I can hold my own.  I might even be receiving private lessons.

Just hang in there.  I hope the family is doing well.
Lots of love,

"Oh, how precious," Lucius muttered to himself. The Green Girl had done well. Rising from his chair, he left to visit Carlisle Bennett.
Lucius apparated to his elaborate estate, strolling in through the door with a tired air. The muggle man was helping him get nowhere. And on top of that, he had served coffee. Absolutely disgusting.

Calling Felox to bring him some tea, Lucius sat down in his tall armchair once more, putting a hand to his forehead. Old age was beginning to claim him, and he hated him.

Nonetheless, he started as he heard someone stroll in through his front door. I wasn't expecting any callers, he thought, wondering who it could be. His expression turned smug as Tristan entered the library with an irritated expression.
Tristan, having invited himself in, sat down in an armchair. His face was filled with anger as he looked at Lucius. "Damn those Winterlings," he snarled, running out of breath. "They dropped off a goddamned body in my house! My House!"
Drago walked up to the old Manor and sniffed the cool autumn air. He closed his eyes as he breathed in, and knew he recognized the scent of Lucius and the other one.....the other one must be Tristan. Hunching over, he walked quickly up to the main door. Without ringing the bell, he pushed the door open.

The inside of the Manor was dimly lit, though he didn't need light to see where he was going. Walking quietly, he approached the two men.

"A body you say!?" He boomed as he entered the grand room. "Is it fresh?" He laughed and thumped Tristan on the back. "It's been a while since I've had fresh meat." Still laughing, he walked over to Lucius.
Lucius could only sneer at Tristan as Drago walked in, saying mockingly, "So what did you do to dispose of the body? Or is it still at home? Because I believe Drago here is eager to dine there. Even if it does, happen to be a muggle house."
"Very funny, Lucius," Tristan replied dryly. "They could put you on the radio, you might be blamed for breaking everyone's ribs in their laughter."
He looked at the old man with a dark expression. "I threw it into a river and disposed of it, of course. But then again, that's not the reason I came here. Can I borrow your owl to send a letter? I need to arrange a meeting with the Headmistress of Hogwarts New Zealand just before the Holiday Break, you know." He smirked; he never was actually going to show up at the meeting.
"If you must," Lucius snapped, not pleased with Tristan's snide insult. "Felox will bring the letter to my owl when you have written it." He turned to Drago. "And what business do you have here, my sadistic friend?"
As he sat back in his chair, he thought of the Headmistress, Alicia Barker. I really ought to get in contact with her, he thought to himself. They went a long way back.
Drago growled at Tristan, "What a waste!" and then turned his attention back to Lucius; his broad smile showing off two, large, gleaming eye teeth. "I'm free! I thought of no one else but you to visit first, Lucius." He saw a small House Elf in the corner and salivated. He dropped to all fours and laughed maniacally, "Have you any other House Elves? It's been too long since I was able to catch my own meals." He laughed again, then stood up.

"The walls are thin in Azkaban and I've heard that there has been some new plans. Perhaps a new uprising?" He looked hopeful, happy.
"My House Elves are not to be touched, thank you very much, Drago," Lucius sneered. "Why don't you go after some muggles in one of the towns around? But be discreet about it. I wouldn't relish a trip to Azkaban myself."
He stood, and turned with a swish of his cloak. "An uprising? It might not be called that. But it's something along the lines of that, of course."
Tristan found a piece of parchment and quill in Lucius' great library, and began to write a letter.
Headmistress Barker,
I am requesting a meeting with you concerning my daughter, Estrella Drage, who is currently enrolled as a Ravenclaw in your school.  Would you mind if I came to the school for a meeting just before Holiday Break, at about 8 pm?

Send any replies with this owl.

Thank you for your time,
Tristan Drage

Tristan stared at the parchment for a moment, and then sealed it. Short and concise was all that was necessary. He called for the house elf, Felox, who was waiting upon the letter.

"Tell the owl to bring this directly to Headmistress Alicia Barker of Hogwarts New Zealand," Tristan instructed the house elf. He waited for the little creature to move, but the elf could only smile at him with a mocking expression.

"It's about the little half breed, isn't it?" Felox cackled, taking the letter away. His eyes wild and glittering, he disappeared.

Glaring at the house elf, Tristan shook his head, ignoring the insolent creature. He had better things to do than to be made fun of by house elves.
Lucius sneered at Felox's statement, but kept quiet about it. He turned to Drago. "To answer your question more completely, it involves three young girls, and a prophecy of dire importance." His eyes flared as he looked at Drago. "And no, you cannot touch them. Find some muggle children to bite, alright? The daughters of Death Eaters, or any children of death eaters, now that I think of it, should not be touched." He had felt the need to repeat himself twice, looking sternly at Drago.
Drago snarled at Lucius and waved a large hand at him as if swatting flies. "I wouldn't touch the precious children; though children are the sweetest meat of all." He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, wondering if there were any schoolhouses nearby that he could visit in the morning. "Have you any rare steaks then; just to tide me over for the night?" He asked without manners; though manners were not his strong suit. He was used to taking what he wanted and killing anyone who tried to stop him.
"I have steaks, of course," Lucius drawled boredly, instructing one of the house elves to come over to him. "Rufus here will bring you to the coolers, where we have all the meat you could want. And try not to eat him on the way, alright?" He turned to Tristan. "Will you be staying the night, then?"
"I suppose," Tristan replied, "I'll be waiting upon a reply to that letter anyways."
He looked at Lucius, his expression drawn and irritated. "What room should I stay in?"
"Felox, bring Tristan here to one of the bedrooms on the left wing," Lucius replied. He cast his gaze to the book he had been reading, and tried to get interested in the story.
Tristan turned to leave, but then noticed a letter sitting on the table adjacent to Lucius' armchair. Noticing not one, but two, names, on the letter, he snatched it up, and began to read.
I'm sorry that I haven't been able to keep you updated.  School is very busy for me second year, it's not as much of a breeze as expected.  But that's life.  I get a lot of homework now.

How to explain?  There are certain people in the wizarding world that you had best stay away from.  Lucius Malfoy is just one of them.

There are things going on that you wouldn't understand.  I don't even begin to understand them myself.  But you don't need to worry about me, Carlisle.  I can take care of myself.  I know that we really aren't on knowing terms right now, with the whole incident over the summer, but just be assured that I can hold my own.  I might even be receiving private lessons.

Just hang in there.  I hope the family is doing well.
Lots of love,

Tristan turned to Lucius with an angry expression. "How in the world did you get this, Lucius?" he asked angrily, wondering what the old man was up to this time. Private lessons... Who could she be getting those from? It was not a good sign.
"Well, let's just say that I have employed someone with Hogwarts to spy on, and occasionally steal from, your daughter and my granddaughter. That just happens to be a stolen letter that never got to its recepient." He shifted in his chair, looking boredly at Tristan. "I also have been making an acquaintance with Carlisle Bennett. The muggle fool has bought every lie I have told him."

He sneered. "You should not be so worried about it."
Tristan shook his head in exasperation. "Carlisle Bennett will not play the idiot for long, Lucius. He may be a muggle, but he's not particularly dumb." He looked up at the old man, and added, "He'll figure you out, sooner or later. Or just stop replying to you."

With direction from Felox, Tristan left the room to go to bed.
Tristan was quite impressed by the speed that the letter returned to him; it hadn't even been a full day. He woke up to a tapping on his window, where a gray owl had snapped a letter in it's beak.

Opening the window, he allowed the owl to come in, bringing in also the fresh and biting autumn air. Irritated that he did not have a treat, the owl flew off into the Manor, leaving him to read it.

Tristan opened the letter, scanning it happily with a dark expression.

Mr. Drage,
I accept your request, and will notify those who will be patrolling that night to allow you to enter my office. I will be waiting. I am also going to keep this meeting to us; Estrella will not be present. Thank you for your concern.

Many regards,
Alicia Barker
Headmistress of Hogwarts New Zealand

Pocketing the letter, he smirked; the meeting would never happen, but the Headmistress was none the wiser. Pocketing it, he fell back asleep.

((Drago you can just post around this, if you want to answer Lucius' question. lol))

Drago walked with the tiny elf, wondering just how serious Lucius was about not eating it. The house elf was so small and helpless; it made his mouth water just thinking of the meal he could be having. He was snapped back from these thoughts as he heard Lucius ask if he was staying. Drago bowed deeply and said, "I am flattered that you have invited me to stay in your grand house. I say these arrangements will be much more comfortable than those of Azkaban." He snarled, then turned to get the raw meat he had heard about.
Lucius sat back in his chair and waited for Drago, wanting to have someone to talked to. He had not really had a chat with the man since before he had been put in Azkaban, and was willing to catch up. Even if he is a bit... savage.
Wiping the blood from around his mouth, Drago smiled contentedly and plopped down in an overstuffed armchair near Lucius. "That was delicious, Lucius! Thank you." A small trickle of blood ran down his chin, which he swiped away absent-mindedly. "So, are there any schools near here?" He asked, showing a full row of sharp teeth as he smiled.
"I don't know, you'd have to ask the locals," Lucius drawled, "I care not for muggles and their snot nosed brats. Actually, I don't care for snot nosed brats in the first place, but that's besides the point." He looked over to Felox, who was crouching in a corner. "Would you like some wine or firewhisky?" He smirked; he didn't know what he would do if he had been snuck in azkaban for so long and not have a sip of his specially imported alcohol.
Drago perked up at the mention of firewhiskey. With a belch, he nodded. "Firewhiskey would be excellent!" He smiled widely and watched the tiny House elf walk quickly away. Leaning back in his seat, Drago allowed himself to become serious for the first time. "I've heard many things while in Azkaban, Lucius. Many things about the Death Eaters being on the move again. Things about the school of Hogwarts New Zealand." He looked around and then added, "Though I haven't heard where Narcissa is now." His voice dropped at the mention of the beautiful former Death Eater.

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