Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice Y46 S1

Chase Campbell

⚡beater + captain⚡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 14 Inch Flexible Aspen Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2045 (15)

Chase at first hadn't been entirely sure why Felix had decided to name him captain, until he saw what remained of the team. Almost everyone had either graduated or stepped out and he was left with nothing but two other players. Or three, since he had assumed Penelope would try out for seeker again. He was without a doubt glad that she had. Four people wasn't enough to play though and, admittedly, he had been a little worried during tryouts that he wouldn't even be able to form a full team. Imagine being benched whilst the other three houses played for the championship. That would've been pathetic. Luckily though, just enough students had shown up and with a few compromises he had been able to form his team. It was a young team and he knew they'd be far better off with a more motivational captain than him but they'd just have to figure it out together.

"Right, welcome. As you may have noticed during tryouts we had a lot of spots to fill, which means most of you are here for the first time. Thank you.. for that. I'm sure any other captain would give you some grand speech about trying your best and learning to work together but that's not me. You have your positions, you know what you're supposed to do. If not, come ask me and I'll try to be.. more helpful. Let's just get to practicing, yeah?" Chase spoke, almost feeling sorry all of their new additions would have to deal with him as their first captain. Surely René, Felix or Renata would've been much more welcoming. "Oh, and chasers?" He added while already getting onto his own broom. "We've got two keepers now, so make sure to use both sides of the pitch."
Callie was very excited to be on the team and she flew to the hoops she was due to guard, watching for any approaching chasers.
Chase jumped onto his own broom and looked for a bludger.
Penny was excited about the first practice of the year, she took to the air and started looking around.
Oz hadn't actually expected to get this far, but he was here somehow. Probably helped that most of last year's winning team was now gone. Still, Oz was a decent flier and Chase seemed pretty alright, the type of guy who didn't act falsely cheerful or sweet or anything like that. It made Oz actually want to put in an effort. With that in mind, he was quick to get the quaffle and look around to the goals, flying towards Callie's goal since she seemed ready first.
Chase noticed a bludger nearby and flew after it.
Callie watched as one of the chasers approached.
Oz had been practicing his throws, but in a proper practice they left a bit to be desired and his first attempt didn't pass the keeper.
Chase swung at the bludger but hit it in no particular direction.
Marley was hyped and excited for the new year of quidditch. She listened carefully to what Chase had to say, nodding along to what he was saying. It wasn’t long before they were up in the air and Marley immediately started looking for bludgers to hit.
Chase hit another bludger and had planned to send it Penelope’s way but @Marley Owens-Lee flew inbetween. At least he could see if she was able to hit it away in time.

Marley x1
When nobody else went for the quaffle, Oz took it up again and headed down to the other end.
Marley knew she should be paying attention to her surrounds, but as she flew towards a bludger, she got hit by one. She hit the same one back towards one of the other players but missed.
Oz overcorrected on his next shot on goal, going for more power, less precision, and unfortunately missed.
Marley managed to hit a bludger and was aiming it towards Penelope but missed her and hit a chaser instead. @Oswald Brambleheart

Marley x1
Oswald x1
Dominic was nervous for his first quidditch practice. He made his way to the quidditch pitch and listened as the captain addressed them all and them know what they were doing before allowing them to get started. Dominic just did as everyone else did, heading up into the sky. He watched the game unfold for a little, wincing as Marley was hit by a bludger. She took it very well however and Dominic was sure that she was okay. When Oswald missed his shot, Dominic swooped in and took the quaffle.
Chase flew towards another bludger.
Marley looked for a bludger to hit
Noah was surprised he’d actually made the team - he’d tried out for seeker, but there had been older people try out for seeker and he wouldn’t have been able to compete for that position. So it was all the more exciting for Noah to have been accepted as part of the team, even if an alternate, and for beater nonetheless. He hoped he’d make his captain proud. He got on his broom, a bat in hand, and was in the air in moments. He began to look for bludgers to hit. He soon found one and took a big swing, aiming it at one of the chasers but horrifically watched as it hit @Chase Campbell instead. “Oops, sorry!” he yelled.

Marley x1
Oswald x1
Chase x1
Chase had been too focussed on the bludger in front of him to notice the other one coming his way. He swung his bat at the bludger and send it flying towards @Penelope Marshall seconds before the bludger had Noah had send his way slammed into his side. He looked in the boy's direction when he apologized, giving him nothing more than a small nod. Noah had managed to hit a bludger ánd a person. That was good.

Marley x 1
Oswald x 1
Chase x1
Penelope x1
Dominic made his way over to the hoops, wincing again as a player near him was hit by a bludger. As he tried to make the shot, he sighed as he missed. At least it was his first attempt and he had many more attempts to go.
Marley managed to hit a bludger, hoping to aim it towards one of the chasers but it went off course and hit the alternate beater instead! “Sorry!” Marley called out to the younger boy. @Noah Cosgrove
Noah winced as he felt a bludger hit him, but he could take it. He knew he'd have to get used to it if he ever needed to sub for one of the beaters in an actual game. He sent the girl a thumbs up to signal he was all good. Noah tried to hit that same bludger, but missed. Epically.

Marley x 1
Oswald x 1
Chase x1
Penelope x1
Noah x1
Penelope winced as the bludger hit her, she knew it was part of it, but it still hurt. She kept on flying and looking.
Noah kept flying about, searching for a bludger to hit.

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