Hogwarts Monthly: Y40 Semester 2

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (23)


Another Year Comes to a Close!
By: Poppy Perkins
Things are never quiet around Hogwarts and this semester has been no exception. Now that we find ourselves at the end of the year it can be hard to remember just all that has happened in the last few months and provide you a pleasant distraction from exam stress, especially for the OWL and NEWT students reading this. First, we welcomed Professor Harrison Adams as a permanent professor, taking on History of Magic for the lower years. I hope everyone has provided him with a warm welcome.

In more serious news, there was some kind of disturbance in the forest recently and while details have not been confirmed, it appears to have ended with one student in the hospital wing and two other students expelled. There is a lesson that can be learned here. The Forbidden Forest is off limits for a reason and it is important to remember that so accidents like this can be avoided in the future.

On a more pleasant note, we also saw the return of Rose Giving this year which flooded the school in flowers for Valentine's Day, which you can read more about below. There was also more quidditch matches and a whole dueling tournament which has brought us brand new champions to celebrate. Enjoy reading all about it and pat yourself on the back for making it through another year! And for all the seventh years graduating, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and a big congratulations to the class of 2056!
Semester Two Quidditch
By: Rhys Garner
Op-Ed: Let First Years Duel
By: Celia Vuong
The second half of the year is really where the Quidditch started getting intense with all the teams fighting for the honor of not coming in last place. For our first match, it was Hufflepuff up against Gryffindor. It turned out to be a pretty high-scoring game for the lions, the snitch remaining elusive for long enough for Gryffindor to really pile on the points.

It was Head Girl Chloe Thompson of Gryffindor who really shone on the pitch, managing to rack up the vast majority of Gryffindor's points. On the Hufflepuff side of the field, they managed to only score four times compared to Gryffindor's nine. But, as usual, it was the Beaters who were the real stars of the show. Tilly Drage and Connor Holland of Hufflepuff managed to work together, taking Gryffindor seeker Flynn North out of the match pretty early. It took some time, but eventually, the Gryffindor beaters, Lysander Summers and Emma Van Houten, managed to even the score and take out seeker Lucas Fletcher.

In the end, it was a match-up of the alternates - Felix Carnahan and Elara Chatelain battling it out for the snitch. Finally, it was Felix Carnahan of Hufflepuff who managed to get to the snitch first, pulling home the victory for Hufflepuff.

For our second, and much shorter match, we saw Ravenclaw and Slytherin in the finals. Xiuying Huang was Ravenclaw's only goal scorer, while it was Liusaidh Fergusson and Indira Khatri who managed to score for the Slytherin side. But it was a worse game for the beaters. The two Ravenclaw beaters failed to hit anyone all match, while it was only Celia Vuong of Slytherin who managed to hit anyone for Slytherin, racking up three hits. However, it is worth noting that one of those hits was against her own team's Keeper. Maybe something she would rather forget.

With not much action, it was Ivelisse Burleigh who swooped in and grabbed the snitch, bringing home the glory of Quidditch Champions to Slytherin. Something I am sure our new Head of House would appreciate.

Congratulations to the Slytherin team on the victory, and I am sure the whole school is cheering for you in the upcoming match against the team from Ilvermorny.
Compared to other schools, Hogwarts doesn't have a lot to offer in terms of extracurriculars. But for better or worse, it makes most of its extracurriculars available to all students regardless of skill or experience. As a first year, you can write for the Monthly, garden with the Wild Patch Club, and craft with the Conglomerated Arts Club. You can even join your house Quidditch team if there aren't enough experienced players.

But the one thing you absolutely cannot do is sign up for the Dueling Tournament.

It's a restriction that doesn't make any sense, and it's about time that the Student Defence Association changes its rules to allow first years to participate. SDA already accepts first years as members. That means there are SDA members who are barred from participating in their own club's tournament.

That's absurd. There is no reason why first years shouldn't be allowed to duel. They already do a version of it in Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons. In fact, the first two spells they learn in DADA are the Shield Charm and the Stunning Spell. That's all one needs to be able to duel. In Charms, they learn four additional spells that can be used in a duel: the General Counter-Spell, the Summoning Spell, the Banishing Charm, and the Disarming Charm. And that's not including all the other spells any clever first year can learn on their own with some self-studying.

A duel between first years might not be interesting to watch, but it will be good practice for them. There's more to a duel than just throwing spells. There are rules to be learned and an etiquette to be mastered. Allowing first years to join the tournament would give them a chance to familiarize themselves with these guidelines without worrying about dealing with complex spells.

If safety is a concern, remember that first years already practice the Stunning Spell and the Shield Charm on each other in class, which is arguably more dangerous than a duel. In a DADA lesson, there is only one professor supervising an entire class. In a duel, each pair gets assigned a proctor.

It should be noted that SDA's membership numbers have been steadily declining in recent years. In 2051, the club had 52 members. Last year, that figure was 35. This year, the club has only 26 members. A grand total of three new members joined this year.

It's clear the club is floundering and needs to revitalize interest in defensive magic among students. It can't do that if it's barring an entire segment of the student body from participating in its activities.
Spotlight Interview: A Talk with the DADA Professor
By: Aaliyah Chun
Aaliyah Chun: Good day, Professor Maxwell! First and foremost, thank you so much for accepting my invitation for this Hogwarts Monthly interview. (gives a bow)

Professor Noelle Maxwell: Please, it's always a pleasure, Ms. Chun. It'll be an honor to be an instrument to the success of your article for the school paper. I never thought I'd be in the paper until I left Hogwarts.

AC: Once again, thank you, sir. Left Hogwarts? Now, that's interesting. I've also heard from the grapevine that you look too young to be a professor. Would you like to shed some light on this by telling us more about yourself?

PNM: (laughs) Of course! Grapevine huh? Good thing you come to the source. (laughs some more) I'm Professor Noelle Maxwell. I was actually a Hufflepuff of this school three, shy of four, years ago. Yes, you heard me right. I was one of the 2052 graduates of Hogwarts New Zealand. Prof. Landon Carter was even my Head of House during my stay here.

AC: (wide eyes in surprise) Professor, you are indeed the youngest! (giggles some) How does it feel to be back only after three years and as a professor? To be even colleagues with your former HoH and professors?

PNM: Honestly? It feels surreal! (laughs out loud) Imagine being asked by your HoH to call them by their first name. Trust me, Prof. Carter asked me just that. But, it feels like home. To come back as someone my professors can be proud of.

AC: I can already imagine that. (lightly chuckled) Have you always wanted to be a professor here, sir?

PNM: Honestly, that was my first thought. But when I left Hogwarts and went to Wales, I thought why not teach in the muggle world, yes? Teaching is teaching, wherever you are. So, I took up some university units, work as a teacher assistant and give private lessons to some kids after school and on the weekends.

AC: That's amazing, I never thought of going to university after Hogwarts. Besides teaching DADA lessons, what would you say are your hobbies and interests?

PNM: Hobbies and interests? Let’s see. Reading books, patrolling. (laughs loudly) Come to think of it, I really don't have any hobbies. Oh, wait, I often go to an art gallery to see some watercolor paintings of a particular artist. (points to a framed work on the wall) That's one of her works.

AC: Oh, it looks pretty. I'm sure she's really talented. What would say is one of your favorite things about Hogwarts or working for Hogwarts? It can be anything.

PNM: My favorite thing about Hogwarts? The people. The students. The staff. Down to the house elves and the house ghosts. I see the castle as a place where everyone is at home. Regardless of their blood status, heritage, sexual orientation, and personality, Hogwarts finds a way for people to connect. Now that I'm a professor here, I aim to somehow leave my mark here to the students and to help them in any way I can. For me, learning does not have to be a burden. Hogwarts is our home for at least seven years, more for me, (chuckles) so I want the students to feel at home while getting the education they need.

AC: Wow…Prof. Maxwell, you have an amazing perspective of the school. Well thank you for letting me interview you, I wish I could stay and ask more questions, but I must resist the temptation. It’s been a great afternoon getting to know you better. I hope everyone else enjoys reading this interview as much as I enjoyed asking you questions. Thanks again!

PNM: It's really a pleasure to do this with you, Ms. Chun! Looking forward to reading your article. You should bring this box of cupcakes for the staff. (summons a box) If you need any help at all, feel free to knock on my door.

A Happy Valentine's Day For All
By: Estella Fuentes

Dueling Tournament
By: Elara Chatelain
It was the most lovely time of the year again with the Rose Giving celebrations underway. This year I had the privilege of working with Nicole Fisk, organising every delivery and making sure it found its way to the correct recipient. This was my first year organsing it, and despite the hard work, I definitely don’t regret it! After no deliveries last year, hundreds of roses were delivered this year, and a few extra than last time. For those that don’t know, red roses are for love, pink roses are for admiration, and yellow roses are for friendship. The tally for this year is below.

63 Red Roses
22 Pink Roses
234 Yellow Roses
Total: 319

I would like to thank the Wild Patch Club for providing us with the roses, and of course all of the people that signed up to help deliver them. I particularly loved those who dressed up for the occasion with flower crowns and matching lipstick. Everyone did a really good job! If you are interested in signing up next year, it is definitely something to consider.

With Valentine’s Day also comes the Valentine’s Dance. It partakes during the evening of Valentine’s Day in the Great Hall, allowing those who love each other to spend one last moment together before the day ends. Valentine’s Day isn’t just about spending time with your significant other however, but also your friends. It is not only a day of love but also a day of friendship, which was seen in some friend groups that attended the dance together.

Some amazing outfits to remember include Juniper Zumwalt’s long red dress and also Natalia Novak’s strapless red dress, both matching the red rose petals that floated around the room. They were both the perfect length and complemented each of them quite well. Indira Khatri also stood out to me, proving that it is possible to look good without wearing a dress. Her jumpsuit matched the occasion with subtle pink flowers on it and plain-coloured heels. Simple but classy!

Whilst it was an evening to dress up, there were some people however who decided jeans, and even turtlenecks, were the way to go. Some even decided that wrapping a sheet around oneself was a good idea too, but as long as they were comfortable. Better yet, I’m sure they would’ve been the best on the dance floor! Maybe a dance competition can be in the works for next year to spice it up a little?

Overall, I’m sure Valentine’s Day was a success for everyone. I look forward to next year and seeing what everyone comes up with!
What a semester we’ve had full of events! The Dueling Tournament definitely didn’t let down, and if you missed any of the juicy bits from this year’s matches, I’m here to hand out the highlights!

With 35 duelers entering this year’s competition, only 6 came out on top for their year. With some heavily analysis, this writer determined that the top 5 defensive spells used in this tournament were Stupefy, Expelliarmus, Incendio, Rictumsempra, and the infamous Slug-Vomiting Curse.

There was a lot of banter that happened on the platform this time, but that didn’t necessarily negatively impact all duelers. Second year Evander Mikaelson attempted to summon Second Year Champion Jingyi Huang’s socks, which was a more unconventional use of the summoning spell. However, Jingyi held onto his socks, shoes, and wand to come out on top.

Many aggressive competitors like Celia Vuong and Juniper Zumwalt favored fire, and I would not want to be competing on the other side. Fifth Year and SDA Co-President Flynn North was hit with a nasty leek jinx, which is a spell we don’t often see on the platforms. However, he and many others came out victorious among their years, dodging all the oddness that comes with dueling. Congratulations to all the victors!

Year 40 Dueling Champions
Second YearJingyi Huang
Third YearCelia Vuong
Fourth YearIndira Khatri
Fifth YearFlynn North
Sixth YearLeia Hume
Seventh YearJuniper Zumwalt

"Would you want to run for Minister of Magic? Why or why not?"
By: Giulia Alcott
Amelia Middlebrooke
First Year
"No thank you! I can barely make a flashlight with my wand. There is just no way."
Aikihiro Chen
Slytherin Second Year
"Oh, someday perhaps. It's a bit early to know what the future holds."
Louis Alcott
Gryffindor Third Year
"Yes, I think I'm exactly what this country needs. I would run right now if I could."
Louis Vernier
Hufflepuff Fourth Year
"Well, not this election. I hope my mum wins. Vote Vernier!"
Cassiah West
Ravenclaw Fifth Year
"Yeahhh ... No, simply because I'm a clever clog. Everybody hates one.."
Leia Hume
Slytherin Sixth Year
"No. Politics isn't for me, I get why it's important and if I'm old enough I'll vote, but being a part of that....that's not for me."
Vivienne Hoshino
Gryffindor Seventh Year
"Oh my gosh, of course I would! So much of our legal system needs a total makeover if we want to dazzle on the world's stage!"
Professor Mallory Corrins
Charms Years 1-4
“Oh, heavens no. That's much too great a responsibility for me."
Dear Aunt Meg
By: Anonymous (OOC: Abigail Payne)
By: Poppy Perkins
Dear Aunt Meg,

Help! I accidentally sent a girl a red rose not realizing that it meant love. I don't love her, but I do want to be friends. I thought the red was for Gryffindor and Yellow for Hufflepuff. I guess I should've paid more attention. Is there any way to salvage our friendship and not make things awkward the next time we meet?

I'm just dumb


I think the best way is to approach this is maybe to ask how they interpreted the rose? I'm sure she sees you guys as friends. And its okay to send your friend red roses, you can love your friends romantically or just plantonically. There's nothing wrong with that. I reckon it wouldn't hurt to just talk it out with each other. I hope that helps.

Dear Aunt Meg,

what advice can you give for starting conversations with people? I want to be liked but I'm not sure what to say to come across...likeable. Can you help?


I understand where you're coming from. I personally struggle when it comes to interacting with people. The best i can offer to you is maybe just start off you getting to know you questions, and maybe their answers will somehow develop more into a conversation. I'm sure you're likeable, you just gotta trust yourself and hope for the best. I hope that helps.

Dear Aunt Meg

I have a friend who I've been on a few dates with, and I like him a lot. We get along well, we have good chemistry, he's fun to be around. But I don't think I'm ready to commit to a relationship with anyone. It's a lot of pressure, and I'd rather just go on dates and have fun with people I like. He asked if we were boyfriends and I think when I explained how I feel I really upset him. I thought he knew going in what I was looking for, but now I've ruined a friendship. What should I do?

Mercurial Artist


Hello there, Mercurial Artist, its okay if you aren't ready to commit to a relationship. Its different for everyone and you shouldn't feel pressured to be in a full committed relationship. I don't think your friendship with this person is ruined. I think the best way is to talk it out, I'm sure they'd understand. Just know your feelings are also valid.
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Ever the courageous one, rushing into situations is nothing new for you. Eight is a lucky number for your sign. Try counting to eight if you feel like taking a risk. Use that time to think about consequences.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Both Monday and Friday hold significance for your sign. The beginning and end of the week. Try to plan anything important on those days for the best outcomes. And wear green for extra luck.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): You may tend to let the wind blow you around but its important to have roots to the things that matter to you. For a sign that is always looking forward don't forget to look back now and again.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): It can be easy to be wary of new people. But rest easy when it comes to Capricorn and Taurus. They're a good match and it would be wise to open up to them, even if that doesn't come easily for you.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): The Sun is very important to you and with winter fast approaching it can hard to feel a connection to it. Surround yourself with warm colors like gold and orange too keep up your usually cheerful sprits.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): You are no stranger to work and sometimes it doesn't even feel like work. With break coming up use that time to embrace freedom. Responsibilities will be back before you know it.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): For a sign all about balance it can feel like you just don't fit in to such a chaotic world. There will always be things you can't control and that's ok. Also your lucky numbers are 4, 15, and 24.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): You may have a reputation for being a distrusting sign but you also make a great friend. Don't be afraid to let people see that side of you. And wear the color red, it suits you.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Like the planet associated with your sign, Jupiter, you are larger than life and like to let people know. You are great, but sometimes need to remember that things aren't always about you.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19):
Dark colors like black and brown tend to suit you. Serious colors for serious people. But remember, not everything is set in the stars so remember to have fun now and again.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Other air signs tend to be aloof and adaptable. Yet you tend to be a bit more suck in your ways. Embrace that part of you and let go a little. Watch for blue or silver, those are lucky for you.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): You have great compatibility with those of the sign Virgo and Taurus. If you are feeling lost look to them to help guide you on your way. But don't let your overly trusting nature get in the way.
Fashion Forecast
By: Robina Black
Winter Solstice Getaway
By: Alexander Woodlock
This time I would like to suggest something that would be useful for you to feel comfortable, modern and practical. Therefore, five fashion suggestions that would be useful to you this year.

1. Tactile textiles.
Nature inspires pleasant soft fabrics in textures and materials such as knitwear, soft yarns and touches, as well as rough textiles made from raw fibers help us enjoy the magic of touch through clothing. Articles depicting nature and feelings. For example: quilted jackets and ottomans.

2. Colors heal.
All the brightest, happiest and most optimistic color spectrum tones will be at the top this year. Newly discovered everyday with color therapy in clothing and accessories in all its glory helps to increase emotions that will help you feel better. Yellow will be associated with happiness and smiles, orange with flowers that can warm even in the cold of winter. Contrasts in the color game will be great acceptance in any combination, even those that may conflict with your fashion tastes. If the choice falls on lime green or purple one color in several shades of gradation. For example: bright colors for active leisure jackets.

3. There is power in the parts.
We can still do enough to spend enough time in leisure style, for example in clothing, because people will continue to be the most popular choice for safer everyday clothing. The desire to stick to minimalism will allow you to invest in higher quality clothing, which will have values in details, professional finishing, suitable and coordinated accessories, longer and more versatile clothes. The revolution of form is not expected, although design will be more important than before, but the answer will be hidden in the small details, which will give added pleasure to the chosen costume and the look created. Brands with a simple but elegant style will be more in demand than others.

4. In step with nature.
Innovative fabrics created in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way will definitely be at the top of the charts. Brands that invest in the materials of the future, in a symbiosis of smart technology and clothing, promoting wearer comfort, health and longer use of clothing will not be the only use of some enthusiasts. The newly created fabrics, for example, from mushrooms, leaves, plant fibers will become more widely available all over the world, at the same time our own natural materials - linen, wool, cotton will herald a well-thought-out and responsible lifestyle. Big brands are investing in expanding the range of natural materials that reduce the ecological footprint of humanity and support the green course.

5. All the good old that comes back.
This season is returning to fashion, which seemed to be out of fashion for a long time. Here are some fashionable clothes and fabrics that must be in every girl's closet this year: micro-jupe, bermuda shorts, lace, minimal monochrome, fringe, and silver.

6. Also, don't forget about boys' fashion.
Look out for:
*Polo long sleeves
* Straight cut jeans
* Matching coat and pants
* Oversized sweaters
* Vests
* Slacks and trousers
* Hoodies
* Loud colors

It’s almost Winter in the Southern Hemisphere and what better ways to welcome the cold and snow than explore? Being born and raised in New Zealand, we sure know how to make the best of it. Here are Top Tens of What to Do in New Zealand over the Winter.

  1. Snow Farm NZ
Missing your big family over the School year? A great place to hangout in the snow with small children is Snow Farm NZ in Cardrona. In the Cardrona Valley. Their snow fun zone is ideal for small children who like to do some snowman and snow angels. They also have trails for Snowshoeing and Skiing.

2. Kerosene Creek
Stressed from the long studying and NEWT and OWL testing? Located 35 minutes South of Rotorua. A geothermal spring sits just beside a gravel road. A very known location for both locals and tourists alike. For some people on a budget, Kerosene Creek is free of charge. Just be mindful of other people who might be there for the same reason you came for … relaxation.

3. Southern Lights
Loving the Winter more? See the Southern lights down the Southern Islands. The best place? Near Mount Cook, Home to the Darkest Skies in the World.

4. Māori New year (Matariki)
As the Matariki or Pleiades Star cluster rises in late June or early July, it signifies the New Year in Māori calendar. What does this mean? As part Māori, we celebrate it with our family at home, honouring our ancestors, making traditional food and just reminiscing about the past year. I would love to invite you all to our Matariki this coming Winter.

5. Bluff Oyster and Food Festival
We can't forget the available seafood in the Winter season. Oysters are ready for harvest and how to get some of the good ones? Head down in the Southland in the town of Bluff where they have their annual Bluff Oyster and Food festival. Ready your tummies for a fun filled meal.

6. Marlborough Farmers Market
Farmers Market is the best weekend getaway for some who like fresh produce and handmade goods. The Marlborough Farmers Market in Blenheim is easier to access from the capital. Open every Sunday. Marlborough Farmers Market is one of the first established markets in New Zealand.

7. Big Game/Small Game Hunting
Hunting has been part of History everywhere, either for food or for trophies. Hunting in New Zealand can be a family affair or with friends. Ages from 1 and over can participate.

8. Havelock North Farmers Market
Located in Hawkeʻs Bay is another Farmers Market. Enjoy fresh produce and the winery scene.

9. Stratford
Stratford is my hometown and sits near the foot of Te Papakura o Taranaki (Egmont National Park). Our charming town is named in honour of William Shakespeare's hometown. The town of Stratford is Shakespearean- inspired with streets named after Shakespeare's characters. Stratford is also a stop for hikers for their supply and the last point for fueling up before the Forgotten World Highway.

10. Hobbiton
Lastly, who will forget a visit at one of the iconic places of a filming ground? Hobbiton is open year round even in the Winter. Experience the picturesque place with snow covered ground.
Recipes: Rolled Omelette (Gyeran-mari 계란말이)
By: Aaliyah Chun
Music Facts

By: Charlie Helkovaara
4 large eggs
1 teaspoon kosher salt
½ chopped medium size onion, minced
¼ teaspoon ground black (or white) pepper
1 tablespoon minced green bell pepper, optional
1 tablespoon minced red bell pepper (or minced carrot), optional
1 to 2 tablespoons vegetable oil


1. In a mixing dish, whisk together the eggs and the salt. You can use a fork to mix it up. Add the onion, salt, and black pepper to taste. If using, add red and green bell peppers. Using a spoon, stir it all together until it's evenly distributed throughout. Prepare a basting brush and a small basin of vegetable oil.

2. On medium heat, heat a large non-stick skillet. Reduce the heat to medium-low or low when the skillet is ready to use. Brush the skillet with the brush after dipping it in the oil. In the skillet, pour roughly 13 ounces of the egg mixture. Using a spoon, evenly distribute the egg mixture into a thin, rectangular pancake. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes, or until the top is still a bit runny but the bottom is set.

3. With a spatula, lift the rectangle's right edge and roll it up from right to left. Move the rolled egg back to the right side of the oiled portion of the skillet after brushing some oil on the cleared part of the skillet.

4. In the skillet, spoon half of the remaining egg mixture in a rectangle shape, immediately to the left of the omelet roll, so that the eggs run into the bottom edge and the omelet you just cooked extends into the bottom border. Allow this fresh layer to simmer for 1 to 2 minutes, or until the bottom is set but the top is still a little runny.

5. Turn the wrapped omelet over onto the new egg pancake and roll it up from right to left with a spatula. On the left side, you'll now have a roll. Return the omelet roll to the far right side of the skillet and brush it with the remaining oil.

6. Step 4 should be repeated with the remaining egg mixture. Roll up the omelet from right to left to form a long, even rectangular shape when the last layer has set. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes over low heat, rotating the omelet halfway through to ensure that all four sides are evenly cooked.

7. Transfer the omelet to a chopping board after removing the skillet from the heat. Wrap it in a gimbap mat and push and shape it with your hands to get a nicer rectangle. Allow it to cool for 5 minutes before cutting it into 12 or 34-inch pieces and serving with rice.
Music is a way of life. Will we really question that? From the sorting hats ditties at the beginning of the year, to the cheers and songs on the Quidditch Pitch, or even my roommate playing at night when he thinks the rest of us are asleep, music is pivotal in everyone's life. So, I’ve compiled a list of fun music facts that might just make your day.
  1. A Canadian astronaut named Chris Hadfield released his first album in 2015, which was recorded while he was orbiting space. He became the first Canadian to walk in space.
  2. Music Helps Plants Grow Faster. According to a study by scientists from South Korea, plants grow at a faster pace when they are played classical music. Using 14 different pieces of music, the scientists played music to a rice field and studied the results. Findings were that the music helped the crops grow and even suggested evidence that plants could “hear”. We suggest practicing your instrument in your veggie garden!
  3. The Most Expensive Musical Instrument Sold for $15.9 Million. In 2011, the “Lady Blunt” Stradivarius violin sold for $15.9 million, making a world record.
  4. Musical Education Leads to Better Exam Scores. Studying music is an actual workout for your brain. Learning an instrument has been proven to help students in myriad ways from mastery of memorization, pattern recognition and emotional development.
  5. Renaissance composer Orlando de Lassus was kidnapped many times as a boy because of his beautiful singing voice. Orlando de Lassus was a composer of the late Renaissance, chief representative of the polyphonic style of the Franco-Flemish school, and considered to be one of the three most famous and influential musicians in Europe at the end of the 16th century.
  6. The Seikilos Epitaph is the oldest musical composition in the world. Dating back to the 1st century AD, it was on a column marking a grave in Turkey. The epitaph includes both a musical score and a short set of lyrics. The lyrics read, “While you live, shine. Have no grief at all. Life exists for only a short while. And time demands his due.”
  7. The world’s largest performing rock band included 953 musicians. They performed in the city of Tianjin, China. The band included 349 singers, 154 guitarists, and 151 drummers. 100 bassists also took part in the performance, along with 100 keyboard players, and 98 players of wind instruments.
  8. Music, along with painting, poetry, literature and architecture, was an Olympic event from 1912 until 1948.
Branson's Bookclub: Raybearer
By: Branson Archer
Poetry Corner: Colours
By: River Hopkins-Vance
Welcome everyone! This is another Branson’s bookclub and this time we’re dabbling into fantasy. The fantasy genre is often quite European centric but this book, Raybearer takes a look at a fantasy African continent and basis it story there. The book, Raybearer was written and published by Jordan Ifueko in 2020. The book follows the life of the main character, Tarisai, who is born to a genie father and very powerful mother. Tarisai’s mother has bound her only child with a wish and the book centres around this conflict of Tarisai wanting to follow her own path or following the desires of her mother.

The novel is a fantastic example of interesting and engaging world building - some of the early chapters could be seen as a little slow as the world is introduced but as the novel moves along all the elements of this world not like our own are given the time that they need to be able to understand it. The world is rich and involved. It’s also a really nice coming of age story which though a common element of fantasy novels has a really interesting take. I don’t want to say too much more, as this is a book I’d definitely recommend checking out for yourself and going on the fun ride the story presents yourself. I would recommend this for all the books I read, but this one in particular is really worth your time.

My favourite quote from the book is probably “Only one thing is more powerful than a wish, and that is a purpose.” Which in the context of the novel is a very powerful quote, but also easily applicable to everyday life.

Hopefully everyone has a great time reading this - there are only a couple of copies in the library so folks might have to wait, but it is worth it. Until next time readers!
I heard the sky was blue today
So I decided that was right
heard the sunset shone bright yellow
So I chose yellow, shining and full of fight

I heard that sometimes if
You look to the waters below
You can see a dark green colour
So green I chose to go.

Colours mean the world to me
And you should never hear
The secret that I keep too deep
Although it's very near

Let's give you a hint
Like a little game
I change who I want to be
Afraid of ever being the same​
Editor's Note

By: Poppy Perkins
This Editor's Note is not an easy one to write. I have spent all seven years of my time at Hogwarts writing for the paper and the last two humbly serving as editor. It has been an honor to have that title and it would be easy for me to take credit for what we create each semester. But the truth is I am just a small part of a great team that works very had to make the "magic" happen behind the scenes. Every one on the Hogwarts Monthly staff is dedicated to bringing you news and updates that you need to know, and entertainment to get you through those last weeks of exams.

I have loved my time here and I know it will be in great hands as Estella Fuentes takes over as Editor next year! With that said and done, all that is left is to say goodbye and thank you to everyone who reads and supports the paper with every year. I hope everyone has a restful break and I'll see you out there!
Leia was eager to read this month's hogwarts Monthly, since she had been part of the poll. In all her years of school, she was almost certain this was the first time she'd ever been a part of that. She knew it would mean her face was in it too, which she was eager about, she'd supplied the picture and had thought it was a cute one, but perhaps it hadn't been. Or wouldn't turn out nice. She grabbed one copy of it as she arrived at the great hall, before sitting down at the slytherin table and opening it. She flicked through the pages and found the section with the poll and looked at herself on it. She thought it didn't look to bad. She ended up flicking through other bits of it and stopped at the article on duelling. She read it and frowned. She knew her duels hadn't been as exciting, but she had won for her year for the fifth year in a row, and it wasn't worth a mention? She frowned and sighed before closing it over and just grabbing something to eat, magazine forgotten.

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