Open Histoy Club!

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Emmanuel had liked the clubs that the school offered, but he was disappointed about the lack of a history club. So, Emmanuel had decided to do it himself. It would just probably be him and a couple of others, but they could be a little history club, meeting up to discuss history, reading books about history and perhaps every so often giving presentations. He didn't need it to be official he didn't need it be in the yearbook, he justed wanted a space to talk about history. He'd put up a couple of notices and had gotten the librarian to put a table in the history section of the library so they had a place to sit and talk about history. Now he was here. He had little name tag on, and had a history out in front of him. If no one turned up then he'd just read history on his own. Someone somewhere would be interested enough in History to join him eventually.
Aine hadn't seen the signs, she'd just happened to be going to the library to do her History of Magic homework a little later than she'd intended to. Procrastination was a wonderful thing. Though she did feel a little bad about it, history was a subject she kind of enjoyed. She would've liked to learn about some more useful things, perhaps more modern history of the wizarding world to have a better understanding of it, but perhaps that was just part of the wizarding world's resistance to modernization. Besides the point.

She saw the slightly younger boy set up at a table in the history section and couldn't help but approach, her interest piqued. The only club she'd joined so far was the paper, and if this wasn't strictly a school sanctioned club that was okay, at least she'd get some interesting things to discuss and learn. Aine peered at the boy's nametag for a moment, perhaps a little rudely, before looking up to offset her bad manners. "Hello," she greeted with a small smile, sliding into a spare seat. Her homework could wait a little longer. "Emmanuel? I'm Aine. This is a neat idea."
Emmanuel glanced up when he heard someone approach. He gave a little smile to the girl as she looked at his name tag. He gave a little nod, and then hold his hand out to her. "Hi Aine, and thank you," he said with a happy smile. He slide over a little name tag that she could. He was glad that at least one other person had come. "I like history and there's no club for it, but I can't be the only one to like history," he said. "We can wait to see if anyone else comes along, but we can also just be started?" part of him was sure that this could be the only person to come to it, and he just wanted to read and discuss history.
Aine took his hand with a slight look of bemusement, giving it a relatively firm shake. It wasn't the type of behaviour she expected from a what she presumed to be first year, but she supposed he'd probably had a well to do upbringing and was rather polite. Truthfully she was a little intimidated joining any club, formal or not. She'd already put her foot in her mouth with the older Slytherin girl, Celia, at the paper, and she'd never quite fit in with any group at her primary school. Too weird and awkward for the smart kids, too much of a know it all and decidedly not at all sporty enough for the cool kids. She took a nametag and scribbled her name down, sticking it on her chest.

"Probably anyone else can just join in part way," Aine agreed, grabbing out her textbook. It wasn't necessarily the aspects of history she'd look at discussing but it was probably a good starting place. "Er, full, what's the word...disclosure," she started, stumbling a little. "I'm muggleborn. Magical history is all pretty new to me." She didn't know if this boy had a magical or non-magical background, but she supposed that just had to be a part of her introduction in the wizarding world, that she was still pretty new to it. She'd liked learning history back at her old school, though a lot of it was Australia specific and not necessarily relevant. A lot of World Wars 1 and 2 (mostly 1) and colonization. Mostly she'd find herself wandering encyclopaedias and wikis when she was bored and picking up information there. "I've been picking up bits and pieces with Professor Corrins and Professor Moncrieffe, though," she added hastily, as though she was defending herself. "Do you, uh, have any particular time periods you're really interested in?" Is that a weird question, she thought, shifting a little in her seat.
Emmanuel was quite curious as to what her disclosure would be, but nodded as she did tell him. It made sense that she would say it, since if he started rattling away about something she had no idea about it, it wouldn't exactly be fair. "That's okay," he assured Aine warmly, he hadn't quite picked what they would talk about, or what they could do as part of the club. " parents are both historians of nigerian pre-history, so, I'm interested in that, but being in New Zealand, there's lots of regional history we can learning...muggle and magical..," he suggested. There had to be a point that they were both interested in and willing to learn about.
Aine was impressed, in all honesty. Historian parents likely meant that home conversation was fascinating, filled with interesting new knowledge. This boy was obviously interested in it and not put off by that, which was impressive. Most conversation at her house was about property and stock sales. It was incredibly dull as much as Aine tried to politely listen. "I mostly know about colonial Australia. Nigerian pre-history sounds really interesting," she said, encouragingly. If nothing else this was a good break from thinking about herself and her own worries too much, think about more worthwhile things. "I wouldn't mind learning more about New Zealand, though. I will be the first to admit I don't know very much."
Emmanuel thought it was pretty cool that she knew about post-colonial Australia, it wasn't an area he knew at all but he'd never been to Australia to learn about it. It seemed they had an overlapping lack of knowledge about the country they were in. "Well, then let's do that, history of New Zealand!" he said enthusically, actually pretty eager to learn about it. "Why don't we, look for a book each, read a bit and then discuss what we've learned?" this was supposed to be a club and clubs had structure of some this made sense to do. He was sure.
Matt didn't often stick his nose in student business, but he had heard some rumors about a history club. Naturally, Matt had been intrigued. He wasn't intending to interrupt the club, but he wanted to see if they needed any help. Matt couldn't lend his expertise often, as not that many people were interested in historical facts. Matt headed to the library, taking a few overdue library books with him as well. He hoped Stefan would go easy on him, even though this was his third time this school year being late with his books. He was sure the head librarian was used to it by now, he had never been very good at punctuality. Matt poked his head into the history section, looking for a group of students. It took him a moment to notice the table with two young students at it, and it took another moment for him to realize that was the history club. He hadn't realized how young the student organizing it was. It made him feel all the more fond. He caught a bit of their conversation, then decided to interrupt for a moment. He stepped closer to them, holding up a hand in greeting. "Er, hello. This is the History club, correct?" He said, glancing at the boy's name tag. "I'm sorry to interrupt and I'll be out of your hair in a second, but I'm the upper-year History Professor, Professor Ward. I heard about your club and I would like to offer my assistance if it's needed. If you need any help with your research, please feel free to ask me." He said, smiling at them both.
Aine nodded. She was thoroughly disorganized so she was glad the younger boy had some ideas. She was keen to learn a little more, plus it didn't have to specifically be through a lens of magic. She only knew bits and pieces of where the two countries histories aligned, and even then it was mostly seeing the kiwi shearers come to town for decent pay in shearing season. And that was far smaller than it used to be, from what she was told.

She was just about to get up to have a look when they were approached by one of the professors. Not one she recognized, but that made sense when he introduced himself as the upper years History professor. Most subjects seemed to have split teaching, considering the teachers she spoke to taught years 1 to 4. Aine was dimly aware she was considered a teacher's pet (mostly by Cameron, to be fair) but smiled at the professor anyway. He seemed nice and she did like History - being able to study it wasn't so highly dependent on her mood. "Thanks, Professor," she said, cheerfully. At any rate, the careers she had a vague interest in required history, so she'd be studying it through until graduation. That didn't bother her, she would have done modern history without question at a muggle school, anyway. "I might take you up on that." She was already doing a personal interest project with Professor Moncrieffe, but she figured it would probably be good to do some more tangible research and study.
Emmanuel glanced up at the professor as the man walked to them. He didn't know the man, he'd seen him about the school but hadn't met him, which made sense when the man said he was the professor for the older years. He thought it was pretty good that a professor was willing to at least support them. "We might definitely," the boy said in agreement with what the girl said. It would be useful to have that support. "We're going to be starting on New Zealand history, do you have any recommendations? Any books we should start on?" if someone might know what the library had it would be this professor. Emmanuel knew they'd just settled on it, but knowing what to do, how to go about it or an author they might want to start on.
Matt smiled, glad to see the students didn't seem to be annoyed by his interruption. He nodded at the girl, glad to hear it. He then looked at the boy as he asked about recommendations. Matt hesitated for a moment. "Well, as you know I'm an expert on magical history, so I'm afraid I'm a bit less useful about generic history of a place... but I do have a few books you could look into." He said, taking a small notebook out of his pocket and scribbling down a few titles. "These are good ones to start with." He said, sliding it towards the boy. "If the library is out of any of them, I have them at my office too. You're welcome to borrow one." If they could find a specific book in Matt's office, which was a feat on its own. "Anything else I can help with?"

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