Closed Hard Times

Samantha Jacobs

55' grad 🎓 | biggest heart ❤️ olivander's asst.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
24 (06/2037)
It was Samantha's third year at Hogwarts and she quite enjoyed her three year adventure at Hogwarts so far. She had made a few friends a long the way of her journey. Samantha was bored today though. She had nothing to do at the moment. She already had completed her homework for the day and her friends were busy doing other things at the moment. So she had decided to walk around the school and maybe doing some exploring. Along the small expedition of exploring, she had made the decision to sit down for a little bit, under a nice shady tree.
Eric had been bored, and hadn't found anyone he could hang out with inside the castle. He had no idea where Kas or Nova were, and it annoyed him. He'd found an empty Bertie Bott's box on the lawn, and was kicking it ahead of himself as he walked, his hands stuffed in his pockets. He was already so done with the semester, looking forward to when he could go home. Hogwarts was boring, and most of his classmates were awful. The one bright spot he had was that Sydney was clearly still humiliated by the trick he had pulled last year, and clearly didn't know it was him. For once, he had gotten away with something, and it was totally worth not being able to rub it in her face. Speaking of Sydney, Eric spotted one of her friends sitting under a tree. He didn't really know the Hufflepuff well, aside from the fact that she had been one of the people present at the fight last year. The mere memory of it was embarrassing, and she had probably told Sydney all about it. Eric scowled, then kicked the carton box at the girl. "Oops." He said dryly as it landed on her lap.
Samantha had been enjoying her time under the tree, until she felt something landing on her lap. She was confused at first, not expecting anything. When she picked up what was on her and saw that it was a carton box. "What was that-" Samantha says, until she was looking up to where the voice came from. "for?..." Sam said slowly as she realized who it was. Samantha didn't really know Eric personally, aside from a few fights she had seen with him.
Eric snorted at the girl's tone of voice, which changed the moment she saw who had disturbed her. He could tell by her expression that she remembered the fight, or maybe she had heard about his reputation in the meantime. It pissed him off. "I said oops, which means it was an accident." He snapped, even if it certainly hadn't been. "You see me in one fight, which you know nothing about by the way, and assume I just go around attacking random people now?" He challenged, frowning.
Samantha gasped slightly at the boys remark. Who did this guy think he was? She slowly stood up from the place she sat. "Well, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding" Samantha apologized slightly as she emphasized 'I'm sorry', even though part of her apology wasn't genuine. Samantha had started to regret her apology has he continued to snap at her. "I wasn't assuming anything. I don't even know you" Samantha said with a sigh and shook her head.
Eric was surprised the Hufflepuff got up and challenged him, he had thought Hufflepuffs had no backbone, wasn't that part of their whole deal? Kas was an exception, but he hadn't expected this girl to be as well. He snorted at her tone, then rolled his eyes. "Yeah right." He said with a scoff. "I know you're friends with that snake Sydney, am I supposed to believe she hasn't told you crap about me?" He gave her a skeptical look. "She probably only hangs out with you because she needs someone who doesn't challenge her." He added scornfully. "I don't think she actually cares what a Hufflepuff has to say, she's using you." He guessed that was probably true, though he really didn't care if he was on the mark or not. He just wanted to annoy the girl.

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