Exploration club

Maddiie wonder around as the rest of them. "Anyone found anything" she asked the group.
Pungahn opened another door. this one lead to another room. "hey, check this one out over here!"
They stepped inside. it was dark and the echo of their footsteps told her that the room was big. Pungahn pulled out her wand and said "Lumos."
Maddiie walked next to the other girls. "Its umm gastly in here"
Courtney looked around the room, it appeard to be huge. "Lumos!" She said, trying to add more light to Pungahn's.

"I wonder why they don't use this room much here."
Pungahn looked around using her wand light, but there was absolutely no furniture or anything. "maybe it was a storage room for the previous owner," she suggested.
"Or maybe it was a secret room of pervious students"
Pungahn walked around the room. she found a torch on the wall. "incendio." the fire flew from her wand tip to the torch, lighting up the rest of the room.
"Intresting" Maddiie exam a table that had fangs, and herbs all lined up
"fangs of what is my question."
"I dont probably for a potion of some sorts. And I think their either dragon fangs of some sorts" Maddiie looked clueless herself.
"Maybe someone was preparing a potion in here at some point."
"Did anyone purchase a book on potions? We could probably find out what they were brewing, or, planning to brew."
"Yeah, but for what" Maddiie smelled a vile and it smelled awful, she looked at it and it looked silviry like if it was unicorn blood.
"Courtney right" Maddiie looked around hoping if their a potion book they may have left back.
Pungahn searched more of the huge room. finding another torch, she lit it, revealing a cauldron at the other side of the room. she headed towards it to see if anything was in it.
Maddiie looked at pun hooping if she can find anything to explain this.
"Wow, this place is more interesting than I thought it would be. I wonder if the headmistress is hiding something from us."
"I don't think its her hiding something" Maddiie replied
"look at this," Pungahn said. "i think... yes, its polyjuice potion. i recognize it because my father used to brew it when he was an Auror."
"Wow, I don't reckon anyone will be willing to try it out. And if we show any professor they will surely confiscate it.'
"well, we could sit here asking empty questions to each other all day or we can see what else there may be of interest around here."
"You're right." Courtney said as she began to walk in the direction of the room they had not been to yet. It was completely dark, as no torches were around. "Lumos!" She said, lighting up her wand.

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