Open Excuse Me

Francis Merriwick

First child • ‘Eyebros’
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Mahogany Wand with Boomslang venom Core
09/2040 (14)
mind went very blank on the title

Francis was so excited to be at Hogwarts. He couldn't wait to start his seven-year journey. He had wanted to start by exploring the castle, but with all the new things to do and all the people to meet he barely had the chance. Now, classes had started, which meant he had to study to his greatest disappointment. He didn't want to make his parents mad, so he was going to use his books, of course, but that did not necessarily mean he enjoyed doing it. Francis preferred to have fun. Which reminded him of his current task: to find his roommates. He'd met them and they were awesome, so hopefully they wanted to hang out today. He had assumed they'd all be in the dorm, but that hadn't been the case. For some strange reason, unless Francis was supposed to be in class, he couldn't find them anywhere. It was odd to say the least, maybe they were all hanging out with each other and France was missing out - which would be no fair. He entered the student lounge, a place he quickly found to be a favourite of his, glancing around the room. The Gryffindor was so preoccupied with trying to see if he could find Isaiah, or any one of them really, that he wasn't watching where he was going. The boy bumped into a body, and rubbed his forehead. "Could you watch where you're going next time, please?" he muttered, before he looked up to see a pair of very pretty eyes. He flashed the girl his best smile, maybe that would excuse his mistake. It was obviously him who'd not been watching where he was going.
Meeting cool people at Hogwarts was proving harder than Jenna had expected. She had hoped to have her own little squad by now, but so far Seraphina was the only person who had really managed to get into her good graces. It was no wonder Blake had been so hesitant to talk about his school friends.... this place was full of losers. Jenna was just giving up on a trip to the lounge in the hopes of finding someone to hang out with, and had decided to head outside for a bit. Anywhere that wasn't her insufferable dorm. She was stopped in her tracks when someone collided with her on the way out though, yelping in indignation. "Hey!" She called out, stumbling back a bit. Jenna prepared to turn her most withering gaze on the culprit, but her face softened when she caught sight of his face. He was cute. She quickly plastered a smile on her face instead, choosing to ignore the fact that the collision hadn't been her fault at all. "I mean, hey, no worries!" She said warmly, giving him her most winning smile. "These doors are way too small." Jenna lied, leaning on the doorframe. "I'm Jenna." She added, giving the boy a small wave. "You're a first year too, right? I think I've seen you in classes..."

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