🌹 Rose Giving Enthusiastic Yellow

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Yellow Rose for @Jordan Harris

So far, Chloë's tactic of walking around and seeing if she spotted any of the students on her list in passing had been working quite well. Although perhaps that had been because she had been looking for friend and those might be easier to recognize in a crowd than students she didn't know as well. She knew Jordan though, had gotten a rose delivered by him before which made her think it was likely the boy was delivering this year as well. Having made her way back down from taking a break in the common room she spotted a slightly familiar head of curls. "Jordan! Jordie!" Chloë called out, figuring he had to respond to either name.
Jordie was in a rush with his deliveries, and had to come to a screeching halt when he heard his name. He turned to smile at Chloe. "Hi!" He greeted, readjusting and walking towards her. "Chloe, it's been a while! I heard you were Head Girl, congrats!"
Chloë gave a small wave hello when Jordie had noticed her and was making his way over, glad she wouldn't have to chase after him. "Thanks!" She beamed at his congratulations. Even if she had already been holding the position for half a year it still felt a little strange when people mentioned it. A good kind of strange. "Right, I have a rose for you.." Chloë grinned as she looked through her roses to pick out the right yellow rose and held it out to him.


Jordie smiled brightly when she offered out a rose, taking it eagerly. "Oooh, thank you," He tucked his rose into his hair, expanding his collection, and peeked at the note. "Aw, it's from Wes," He looked up at Chloe, smiling so hard his face almost hurt a bit. "Thanks!"
Chloë was glad Jordie seemed to be happy with his rose, chuckling when he tucked it into his hair. That was certainly a way to carry them around. "No worries! Did you get many roses already?" She asked, always curious to know which students got an insane amount of roses.
Jordie smiled, pointing at the four blossoms in his hair. "Five of them! Every one I get goes into my hair," His smile faltered and he stepped a half step closer, suddenly looking eager. "Hey, um, if you get like, an unsigned rose, how do you find out who sent it?" He asked, unthinkingly brushing his fingers over the pink blossom he'd stuck into his front pocket.
Chloë grinned as she looked at all the flowers in Jordie's hair, quite impressed they all stayed put. "You should keep them there for the dance." She responded with a chuckle. She was a little surprised when he suddenly hit her with a serious question but thought it was nice that he dared to ask. "Oh, uh, I'm not sure. Never had one unsigned." Chloë said, thinking about it for a second. "Any guesses who it might be from though?"
Jordie smiled, touching one of the petals. "That's a good idea, I will," He grinned. His heart thundered in his chest as she answered him, and he bit his lip. His shoulders fell a little at her answer. He rubbed the back of his neck, trying not to pout too much. "No, I- I don't know, part of me still thinks its a joke," He bit his lip, before taking the note from his pocket and offering it to her. He already knew the words by heart. You’ve already stolen my heart. Perhaps a rose to go along with it?
Chloë gave Jordie a sympathetic smile when he thought one of the other roses he had gotten might just be a joke. She took the note when he offered it to her, scanning over it before handing it back. If it was a joke, it would be a cruel one. "I don't think it is. Is there anyone you're close with? Someone you have a crush on?" She asked carefully, feeling like the only way to figure out who it was from was just to ask people but that would take a lot of gut. "And if you somehow find out it is a joke I hope you'll come find me because that won't do."
Jordie was considering what she said, blushing deeply at what she said. "I... I mean, I kissed this boy after Yule ball... And I really like him a lot, but... I confessed to two different boys before and they rejected me, and my ex broke up with me... Every time I like someone I'm just not worth being in a relationship with, I guess... I've been waiting, trying to let him choose what happens, but... I don't know, he's just been acting like nothing happened," Jordie sighed, looking away. "I just can't see anyone actually like me like that, it's probably... just a mean joke from my ex, he went out and started seeing someone else almost immediately after he broke it off..."

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