End of the Year Feast!!!

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Alicia Barker

Alicia smiled proudly at all the young faces in the crowd. She stood and walked before the podium and held her hand up for silence. "Hello to you all! I will make this quick, as I'm sure you're all anxious to go home and see your families for the Summer. We are giving away several awards today in addition to the house cup. We are also awarding the people who earned the most points for their house and their year, as well as the top points earner for the year. We will then finish the year off by announcing the House Cup winner." She nodded at all the students. Then turned around and picked up a plaque. "First I would like to congratulate everyone on all their hard work this year, I know it was a tough one!" She looked down at the plaque then lifted it up a little higher.

"The most points earned for second year, with a total of 523 points, of Ravenclaw, Kasey Carla! Everyone please give a hand to Kasey Carla for all her hard work. Please come up here dear and claim your prize!" Alicia paused while the girl approached the stage. "Next, the Ravenclaw top point earner is Estrella Drage, who earned a total of 699 points! Well done, Estrella!" The Ravenclaw table exploded with excitement as Estrella walked up to accept her award.

Alicia picked up to awards and smiled. "The next few names I call are for people who earned two awards or more. These are for most points earned for your grade, and most points earned for your house." She was grinning with pride as she spoke loudly again. "The person who earned the most house points in Hufflepuff AND the top points earner for first year is Violet Bellamy, with a total of 627 points. Everyone please give Violet a hand. Violet dear could you please come up here and claim your plaque? A replica of this plaque will be put in the Trophy Room as well. That goes for all the awards." Alicia paused while Violet collected her second award. She picked up the next plaque. "The Slytherin number one points earner AND the Third Year top points earner is Katrina Redding with an impressive total of 907 points earned for Slytherin. Excellent job!" Alicia paused while the Slytherin table roared their approval and Katrina accepted her plaque. Moving on, Alicia turned around and picked up the final two plaques as well as a tall trophy. She waited while the Great Hall became quiet again.

"Finally, we have the top points earner for Gryffindor, who also happens to be the top points earner for the entire school, and the top point earner for fourth year. The top points earner, who got their house an alarming total of 952 points is Bruin Dumbledez; for the fourth year in a row!" Alicia heard a roar of approval from the Gryffindor table as Bruin walked up and accepted his plaques and trophy. Alicia smiled and patted him on the back.

After several moments Alicia raised her hands to indicate silence and started again as soon as the Hall quieted. "Now for the moment we've all been waiting for, the House Cup! I would first off like to thank all of you again for all your hard work! You all did very well. Of course, there can only be one House Cup winner, and that winner is Gryffindor!!" Alicia clapped her hands and the Great Hall was covered in two-tone Red and Gold decorations. The Gryffindor table cheered as Alicia held up the trophy that would be put in the Trophy room for all to enjoy! "Congratulations again Gryffindor and well done!" Alicia shouted over the din.

She waited only a couple more minutes before she clapped her hands again and great golden platters of cookies, dougnuts, pies, cakes, and millions of other sweets flew around the room, filling the tables with a rainbow of sugary treats. Alicia smiled as the students dug in and sat back down at the table to partake in a particularly large doughnut with violet and magenta sprinkles on it.
Kat was excited about it being the end of the year. She sat in the great hall at the Gryffindor table with the rest of her housemates and friends, listening to all the awards that were being given out. She clapped for each and every person as they accepted their awards and when Bruin got his she stood up and clapped loudly, as did the rest of her table. "Go Bruin!" she and a few others shouted loudly. Then it was time for Headmistress Barker to announce the winner of the house cup. We won! Kat thought excitedly as she cheered along with the rest of her house. Perfect ending to the year! Food suddenly appeared on the table in front of her and she got to work on sampling each and every thing there.
Violet couldn't pull the grin off her face at the End of Year Feast. I made it to the end of my first year at Hogwarts, this is so amazing! she thought, excitedly, as she sat at the Hufflepuff table with her housemates, eagerly anticipating the feast to come.
It was a little odd to go straight to the awards for second years, thought Violet, as Kasey recieved her award. Although, she quickly found out why when her name was called as the top points earner for the first years AND for Hufflepuff. Me? she thought, astonished. There's gotta be some mistake! Stunned, she walked towards the podium, and accepted the awards from the headmistress. This is the first time I've ever won anything! Happily, she walked back to the Hufflepuff table, and cheered as the other awards were presented. And the icing on the cake, quite literally, was the food at the feast. Violet could happily say that her first year at Hogwarts was absolutely perfect, as she looked around at her house, at the friends she had made throughout the year, and the results of her own efforts.
Andromeda sat with her house at her first end of year feast. This was exciting, nail biting stuff. Their headmistress stood up and the room became hushed after a moment. She began reading out the list of winners for the year and Andromeda was thrilled, she clapped as loud as she could when Kasey went to accept her trophy. She had gotten to know this Ravenclaw girl briefly over the year and liked her. That was some points average to get, Andromeda was in impressed. When the winner for Hufflepuff was read out, she couldn't help but stand and cheer this time. Violet was such a hard worker, completely dedicated.

"Whooeee Violet!" she called before whistling as well. She retook her seat as the Slytherin winner was being called out. She only really knew some first year Slytherins and them not well at all, she had met up once with one of the prefects Ford who she had found interesting. Andromeda wondered who it would be from that house. A girl called Katrina Redding, Andromeda gasped at her score. Now that was highly impressive. She clapped along with the others in awe of the girl.

The headmistress came then to Gryffindor House and Andromeda waited patiently, the excitement building slowly. She had seen the trophies with his name adorning the trophy room would he win again this year? Bruin's name was called out and the high score he had achieved. Andromeda's mouth fell open before regaining her composure and standing up to wildly clap and cheer for their prefect, their captain and big brother. She felt very proud at that moment but even more so when it was announced that Gryffindor won the House Cup. The table erupted into squeals of joy and excitement. Everyone had put alot of work in this year and it had thankfully paid off. The decorations around the hall changed and the place looked wonderful. Platters of cookies and other treats adorned the tables. Andromeda sat with her friends, feeling happier than she had been in along time. She was surrounded by good people, very good people. They had looked out for her all year, she was sad to be leaving them for the summer but couldn't wait to be back in September. A 2nd year, with a huge smile on her face she congratulated Bruin again admiring the trophy along with the rest of their house.
Bruin entered the End of Year Feast in good spirits, he knew that there was always the odd surprise in the house points, but was fairly confident that Gryffindor had built up an almost insurmountable lead. He was filled with hope that they would be able to reclaim the House Cup and become the first house to capture the overall title twice. Although a highly motivated student, Bruin actually cared more about group accomplishments and had been stung last year when he couldn't get his Quidditch team or Gryffindor into the victory column.

Bruin listened as Headmistress Barker announced the winners for top students in First, Second and Third Years, noticing that there was one for each of the other houses and cheering enthusiastically for each, particularly Katrina. Bruin knew that his fellow Prefect was incredibly dedicated and was impressed with her topping the 900 point mark.

When the Headmistress mentioned his name as the Top Point earner for his house, his year and the school, Bruin rose and walked to the front feeling a mixture of pride and humility. He was humbled by the honour and knew that he owed a great deal to a couple of his fellow fourth years for making classes enjoyable and keeping him motivated. He gave Estrella, Cyndi and Bellatrix appreciative glances as he accepted the plaques and trophy. Bruin also felt a sense of gratitude towards the professors who continued to amaze him with their knowledge and creativity, they were the true sources of magic at this school afterall.

Bruin walked back to the table and sat with his fellow Gryffindors, gratefully accepting their congratulations and sharing in the excitement they felt when Gryffindor was officially named as the House Cup Champions. Bruin had two goals for next year: getting his OWL's and helping Gryffindor to win the Quidditch Cup...oh, and having a little fun along the way, of course. Bruin grabbed a butterbeer and raised a toast for everyone within earshot to hear. "Here's to summer break and an even better time next year!!!"
Njord sat with his classmates at the Hufflepuff table. He had never been to an end of year feast before. He had to leave early from his last school and missed all the fun. It appeared though that this end of year feast was going to be amazing. He was already overwhelmed by the look of the great hall and all the smiling faces of the students.

After a little bit the Headmistress stood up and began her speech. He looked along the head table and saw several of his teachers. The mysterious Professor King, who scared him a little, and the Beautiful Professor Rambolt whom he still loved, even if she was responsible for the death of his beloved Mandrake Thursday. And then he saw his mother. She looked weary from the past year and he knew that most of her problems were him and his constant nagging and disobedience. He vowed then and there that he would be a better son to her next year.

As the awards were given out he clapped enthusiastically for all the students. And when Violet, a Hufflepuff was called he stood with the rest of the Hufflepuffs and cheered and shouted.

They as a group had not done well at all with the House Points but it was obviously not from a lack of trying. He did admit to himself he was disappointed that all his hard work didn't get him anything but he was still happy and vowed he would do even better next year.

Then with a clap of the Headmistress' hands, an enormous amount of food appeared before them and the Feast part of the evening began. And boy was he hungry. "Here's to next year." he said to the Hufflepuff sitting beside him and raising his glass of pumpkin juice. Here's to next year, I wonder what it will bring he thought to himself.
Kasey walked to End of Year Feast, hoping that Ravenclaw would atleast get second place because it was clear that Gryffindor stood first.She joined the Ravenclaw table and chatted with her dorm mates and first year friends about who they thought would get awards this time.

Kasey thought that it had to be Njord getting award from the second year because he had done extremly well according to her.She wasn't sure but she thought she was staring to have a crush on him.She saw him sitting with Hufflepuff students and smiled at herself.

When the headmistress stood up the hall went silent as usual.Kasey was keeping her finger crossed hoping that Zazuka would get the first year award but it was Violet.Her Friend Finder club member whom had helped her alot.She cheered for her"Go VOLET!! <:p " and than waited for the second year result.She couldnt believe her ears when Alicia announced her name. Me highest second year??she thought as she half confused half happy and smiling walked to the front.But when she took her award she was very positive about it.

She walked back to her seat and cheered for everyone else.After the points were announced she felt happy that she had done her best for Ravenclaw and she enjoyed her food and had a happy way of ending her year.
Estrella was quite enthused to be attending this year's end of the year feast, although she couldn't decide what to attribute more to; her growling, empty stomach or her eagerness to get away from the school for a while. Odd thing for a Ravenclaw to think, she knew, but she would be so glad to start afresh next year. On top of that, she was curious to see what the summer had in store.

She was positively happy as she had gotten Os in every one of her classes, although she didn't know how she had managed to scrape some of them, especially Astronomy. She wasn't entirely sure how she was going to do on the points scale this year, even more eager about it considering she still had her bet with Bruin going.

Taking a seat at the Ravenclaw table she brushed off her robes, distancing herself from everyone else- she was not on terms with Kaela and she knew that Lily and Courtney would be with her, so she was pretty much alone. Her eyes trailed the table of teachers, sighing quietly as she watched Professor Barker hand out the awards, stepping forward mechanically as her name was called. 699 points wasn't too shabby, she figured; but she hadn't won top points earner, which as far as she was concerned put her behind Bruin. She gave Professor Barker a small smile before returning to her seat, award in hand. This was nothing new to her; albeit second year she had won this award every single year of her school life.

Holy hell, 952 points? Estrella thought to herself, looking to Bruin with both admiration and envy. How could he possibly get that much? It was rather insane. But despite the fact that she felt that she had been beat she still maintained a large amount of respect for him, being as he was the only person she could really have talked to this year without it breaking out into a fight or a silly silence.

She was quite glad when the food arrived, at this point not caring much that Gryffindor won the house cup, for its second year since the school had been opened. Taking enthusiastically to her mashed potatoes she celebrated a year passed rather shakily as she anticipated getting on the train to leave.
Cyndi walked into the end of year feast and sat down at the Gryffindor table. She was eager to go home for the holidays, but the feast always made her a little sad too because it would be a while before she saw her friends again.

Cyndi listened as the headmistress began to give out awards. Cyndi clapped politely as the Slytherins, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs received their awards. When it came time to hear the Gryffindor winners, Cyndi's excitement grew. Cyndi had a feeling about what was to come, but when Professor Barker announced Bruin's name for the top points getter of the school and fourth year, Cyndi jumped to her feet and cheered for Bruin. She was happy that Bruin had received the award. Cyndi smiled as Bruin looked at all his fellow fourth years as if he were thanking them.

After cheering for a long time, Cyndi stopped and everyone else began to as well. Professor Barker called for silence and all the murmuring stopped. Everyone had been waiting for this moment. Cyndi crossed her fingers and listened intently. When Professor Barker announced that Gryffindor had won the House Cup, Cyndi jumped out of her seat for the second time that day and began to cheer. Cyndi looked up to see the Great Hall adorned in Gryffindor colors.

After all that excitement, Cyndi needed something to drink, so she grabbed a butterbeer and joined in on the toast to continuing their success.
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