
Ellie thought, "Nope" She said finally, there was honestly nowere they could get too, "I really want to go to the Borely Mansion, but were not alloud out of school, i dont think there is really anywere, unless youd like a part 2 of the forest?" She asked with a laugh, her eyes sparkeling at the sound of mischef!
"Yeah I really want to go to Borely mansion too!"Harri said smiling "As soon as we're allowed out of this place!" Harri said looking around the Great Hall. "oooo the forest!" she said her eyes shining "During the day we will have more time too!" she said giggling "So we shouldn't get lost!" Harri said smiling. "But then again if we get caught!We might loose Gryffindor points!" Harri said seriously, No way was she going to let Ravenclaw take the lead.
Ellie nodded grinning, then she thought about the forest, she didnt want to loose them points but desperately wanted to go back, "We could go in deeper this time too" Ellie said thinking, looking for a way round it, "This is when we need an invisibility cloak" Ellie sighed, if the shops selt them she was definiely getting one next time she was out!
"Do you think many peopla go near the forest during the day" Ellie asked still thinking!

((Sorry it took so long, was playing with my hamster :lol:))
((Hahaha thats ok :D))

"Yeah and invisibility clock would be great!" Harri said thinking how useful it would be! She was nervous, she didn't want to be the cause of Gryffindor loosing points especially after Bruin had called them all together and had a meeting about it "I think it might be too risky during the day!" she said, usually she would have been up for it! she was brave but she was loyal! She wanted to make Gryffindor proud.
"Yeh youre right" Ellie agreed with a sigh, "Well no mischev, how about we just go swimming and see if we can find the Giant Squid?" Ellie asked with a laugh, they wouldnt get any points taken off them for that!
"Yeah that sounds good!" Harri said laughing "I've always wanted to see it!" she said "do you think it's dangerous?" she asked her eyes shining, for the first time in a long time this was due to excitment not tears.
Ellie grinned, "I hope so" She said with a laugh, although she really did! She loved the frill and excitement of danger and adventure, as stupid ans silly as it sounded!
"Ooo I'm so excited!" Harri said "I can't wait to meet this squid, I hope we see it!" she said laughing.

((I think we should Pm the squid!:D))
"Me too" Ellie said, a silly grin on her face, she was really exited for tommrow now!

((Yehp:DDo you want to or will i?:D))
Harri smiled and finished the last mouthfull of cake "Now I really am stuffed!" she said rubbing her full belly.

((We could both send one?!?! Up too you :D))
((Lets both send one then :D!))

Ellie laughed as Harri announced she was stuffed and finished the last few bits of her cake off too, "Nearly..." She said, reaching over for a grape. After popping one in her mouth she grinned, "Me too"!
Harri laughed "Every little space is now full!" she said and popped a small choclate in her mouth, "But I think I might have space for a little chocolate milkshake!" she said and poured some into her glass and sipped greedily on it.

((Do you know the squids name?))
Ellie laughed, "I didnt realise how hungry i was till i started eating, i never do, and now i cant stop" Ellie said, reaching for a muffin but pulling her hand back half way, she would end up sik if she ate all that!

(( Nope :lol: Ill go have a look see if i can find him/her :lol: ))
((It seems like there isnt one :( Oh well, more to make up :D Gota go now, back tommorow :D))
((okkay :D I'll double check:D))

Harri laughed, she burped loudly after finishing the milkshake "Gosh I don't think that was a good idea!" she said laughing.
((Oooh you found him :D))

"Nope" Ellie said laughing, she couldnt resist taking a double chocolate muffin, they just looked so nice. "For later" She said, popping it into her satchel.
Harri laughed "I bet you'll have eaten it by the time we get back to the common room!" Harri said laughing. All the food looked so great "So we are both going to have breakfast lunch and dinner tommorow!" Harri said looking at Ellie, she knew that Ellie had also been skipping some meals and wanted to make sure she ate. Also this way Harri knew she couldn't skip meals!
Ellie laughed, "Yehp, Breakfast lunch and dinner" she said grinning.
Harri smiled "Good!" she said "Shall we go back to the common room?" she asked, she was stuffed and needed to sit down in a comfy chair!
"Sure" Ellie said with a grin, she had ate her full, nearly, removing the chocolate chip muffin from her bag she took a bite before saying, "Lets go!"
Harri laughed and stood up "Come on then!" she said and began to run "Race you!" she shouted across the hall.
"Cheat" Ellie shouted, running to catch up with Harri!
"I'm not cheating!" Harri said laughing and feeling her food churning in her stomach "Okay okay! You win!" Harri said laughing "I think I'll puke if I run more!" she said laughing.
Ellie laughed, "Cheaters neve win" She told Harri playfully, sticking her tongue out at her.
Harri laughed "But I never cheated!" she said grinning and sitting down on the steps. She groaned loudly "Ahh we have to walk up 7 flights of stairs!" She said looking up at the many different floors.

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