Dancing in the Dark, With you Between my arms

Linden Kinnek

His Snowflake ❄️ Magizoologist 🦡
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
🏳️‍🌈Cas, 🏳️‍🌈Gay🏳️‍🌈
Curly 12.5" Flexible Chestnut with Mermaid Scale Core
23 (05/2039)
Linden looked down and fidgeted with the ring on his finger.he could not believe that he was actually married now. married to cas. the ceremony had been all that he had dreamed it being and now the party was in full swing. it was fantastic. All his family and friends were there and wishing them congratulations. however there was one problem with the party. there were so many people wanting to talk to them he hardly had time to just be with cas. he had just made a round to the bar and was examining the space over a class of sparkling wine his gaze finding cas talking to willow. or was willow talking to him. either way he could tell that cas was slooking uncomfortable. he tried back to the bar. "please may I have a bottle and two glasses." he said before taking them and heading over to Casper and willow. "Hello Mr Kinnek" he said leaning in and giving cas a kiss on the cheek. "Hey wills" he added rolling his eyes at her experession and leaning in to give her a cheek kiss too. "would you mind terribly if I steal my husband for a few minutes" he asked tucking the wine under his arm so that he could take Caspers hand. "If you want to talk to mr Kinnek in the meantime I am pretty sure I saw basil hanging around near the bar on his own" he said. linden smiled as his sister pulled a face and left I get it. did Tara put you up to that? man I wish she was here" came his sisters response before she started to turn. "It's okay. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone If that's what you want" came her voice echoing in her wake.
he turned to cas and leaned in towards him. "how are you doing? do you want to run away for a bit and take a break from the party" he asked "I have a little surprise for you" he said. nuzzling up to cas.
The wedding was going well, Casper thought. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. He could hardly seem to focus on anyone- or anything- for longer than a few moments, though, whisked away from one thing to another to another. He was trying his best to try and at least appear put together, even if he was starting to feel like he was being pulled in a million different directions and he couldn't keep up. He knew technically it was his wedding, but he was still fussing over everything, over details and greeting all of his guests, of making sure all of the enchantments were in place and that dinner was being served properly. He'd been caught by Willow, giving her his best (albeit shaky) smile, trying to focus on just her.

He was surprised then when Linden appeared, not having noticed the man appear. He blushed at Lindens attention, giving Willow a shy smile. Before he'd even really registered it all, Willow had gone away and he was left with his husband. He hummed, automatically leaning in against Linden and shutting his eyes. "I..." He hesitated, wanting to slip away but also still worrying. "There... is a lot going on," He offered, neither accepting or denying the offer. "I should... probably check on the candles, and the waiters, and the music," He chewed on his lip, taking a tiny step back and looking around at everything. "I don't think I've greeted everyone yet, have you?" He looked back to Linden.
Linden watched his sister vanish for a moment before turning his attention fully to Casper as the man leant into him. He reached up and brushed his hair out of his face ending up cupping his cheek I know baby. It’s a big party and it is going off perfectly. he said. Rubbing his thumb lightly across Caspers cheek. everyone seems to be enjoying themselves he said well almost everyone. One of the grooms seems to be stressing too much about small details to be enjoying his own wedding day. And I can’t have that. he said. Looking Casper in the eyes and pulling his best sad puppy face. and I want to spend some time on my wedding day enjoying some time with my husband. now come on I’ve got us some wine some glasses and a surprise for you. The waiters know what they are doing. And I am sure will and bas will keep things under control until we are back. What do you say? he said leaning on and giving Cas a small kiss of encouragement. A promise of more to come.
Cas' thoughts stilled when Lindens hand brushed his hair and moving against his cheek. He smiled softly, eyes shutting and leaning into the touch. "Well..." He murmured, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. "I suppose a little walk couldn't hurt anything," He conceeded, opening his eyes and smiling up at Linden. He shifted to slip his arm through Lindens. "Where are we going, Mr. Kinnek?" He asked, falling into Lindens side.
Linden could feel his Casper relaxing he was glad that he always seemed to know how to touch cas to calm him down, or maybe it wasn't really magic, it was just that Casper relaxed with any kind of touch.
he smiled as his husband said a walk would be good. "you wont be disappointed, my love" he said. and led them to a small gap in the trees which as he approached lit up before going out once they had walked past.
it only took them a couple of minutes to stroll, but soon the sounds of the party were well behind them and the path opened up on a clearing lit by fairy lights to the point that you stood when middle it felt like you were surrounded by stars. On one side of the clearing there was a picnic bench that contained a music player and a book, a nod to the night when they had first started going out. he let got of casper long enough to put the bottle and glasses down and press play. "Casper Kinnek. would you do me the honour of this dance?" he asked offering out his hand with a slight bow of the head as the first soft notes of a love song came on.
Cas couldn't help but be in awe, lingering a bit and doing a slow turn, taking it all in and really just appreciating it- the crisp, fresh air in his lungs, the cool wind against his flushed skin, the beauty of the stars above and the affect of the stars around them. He was drawn from his thoughts when Linden spoke. Cas blinked and turned, smiling warmly at the sight of Linden standing there with his hand out. He giggled softly and walked over, slipping his hand into the mans hand. "I would," He offered easily, his other hand moving to Lindens shoulder. "This is all beautiful, Linden," He murmured, letting himself really relax.
Linden watched as casper took in the glade. He always love watching casper experience new things, pretty things. there was something so innocent about the wonder in his expression. he watched him a smile spreading on his face, as he once again impossibly fell even more in love with him. he didnt need to say anything as their eyes met and cas came towards him and took his hand and held him. or was he the one holding cas as they started to sway. "no casper. you are beautiful and I am probably the luckiest man alive" he said. leaning closer to cas their cheeks just a hairs breath apart
Casper chuckled and shut his eyes, just leaning into the man as they swayed. "We could probably argue that point forever," He countered, enjoying the cool breeze in contrast to the warmth of Linden against him. "Let's not argue tonight, hm?" He offered, too content in that moment, lost in Linden, to really worry about anything outside of them at the moment.
Linden smiled at cas as they swayed together, and he said that they could argue the point forever. "If that is the only and longest argument we have then i would be happy. But tonight we could just agree we are the two joint luckiest men in the world" he said his grin spreading as he pulled Casper closer and brushed some hair out of his face "now come here, and let's do this properly" he said looking up to his husband and leaning in to kiss him.
Casper chuckled, letting Linden lead him. He'd often forget that he was the taller of the two- he was always slouched or sitting or sprawled out somewhere, and it had become a common habit to look up at Linden. It felt like a special little treat, actually standing at his height and looking down to Linden. It was like a new side of the man he could enjoy in moments like this. He leant into the kiss, his fingers pressing into the small of Lindens back. Cas tried to take it all in- the soft scent of Lindens cologne, the warmth of him. Cas felt like he was curled up by a fire, felt like Linden was breathing color and life back into him. He let out a content sigh, leaning his forehead against Lins. "I love you, snowflake," He murmured, just lost in that moment.
Linden felt cas hold him closer his fingers on his lower back spreading warmth though his shirt and beyond. he didnt think he would ever have enough moments like these. he let out a soft sigh as cas said he loved him. "I love you too buttercup." he said nuzzling against his husbands cheek. he wished he could freeze this moment, just them in the clearing, it was pure love and happiness. and he wondered what would happen if he tried to cast a patronus right then. he reached up and ran his fingers through Caspers hair. "I still cant believe you are my husband now, we are husbands and I get to keep you, and I get to be yours for life" he said smiling.

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