DA meeting Three

Courtney Potter

Well-Known Member
Best wand ever!
Courtney made her way to the lawn early to introduce herself to any new recruits. She put down the box of DA goodies she was carrying, and started fiddling with her wand as she waited for the club members to arrive.

Once the members of the club had assembled themselves in front of her, she started the meeting. "Hello everybody, as a lot of you already know, my name is Courtney Potter. I'm here because I want my defensive skills to improve. I would also like to help others improve upon their skills.

"Now, I'm hoping everyone else can introduce themselves and give one reason why they are here. This information can help us with a much needed club name change!"
Naomi walked down to the lawn, relieved that they were not headed back into the dark forest again. She saw Courtney and headed in her direction. By the time she had reached her most of the group was already assembled. She listened to what Courtney said and waited for her trun to introduce herself.

When it was her turn she stepped into the circle and faced the group. "Hi I am Naomi Thomas. I am a 2nd year Hufflepuff and I joined DA so I can pratice the defensive spells we learn in DADA and perhaps learn some new ones." When she was done she stepped back into her place and waited for the rest of the group to finish.
kailey remembered the sign on the lawn about the DA meeting and walked out on the lawn with her wand in her bag. She walked over to a big group "Is this the DA meeting?" She asked the one who seemed to be in charge
Sam remembered that the DA meeting was today.He walked down to the lawn and saw a group of people talking he had his wand in his pocket and was really excited about this.Sam spotted Kailey there and walked over to her,"Hey Kailey."He said."So is this the DA meeting?"Sam asked her.
"Hey Sam,I dunno I just asked" She said
Hilary popped out from behind Courtney. "Boo! My name is Hilary Grace and I am a second year. I have joined this club to help me find the strength I need from within to not show my fear in a duel." She said this very matter a factly as if it was the most normal thing ever, and then she added. "Oh, and yes you have found the DA meeting, we're just doing introductions, telling out name and why we are here."
"Okay..." Kailey said waiting for all the rest of them to introduce themselves not knowing if she should where she had just joined.
Estrella was a tad late to the DA meeting, and she introduced herself in a rush, embarrassed, "I'm Estrella Drage. I joined, well, so I can practice defense." She wasn't really up to explaining anything at the moment.
Sophia had been standing off to the side, watching from a short distance. She had given her word to Courtney that she would come, and here she was. As Sophia saw all the people arriving late and standing around like babbling idiots she stepped forward, walking swiftly with her head held high.

"I am Sophia Stark and I am here to not only improve upon my defense skills but in support of Courtney." She had spoken from a position directly to the right of Courtney, her golden eyes staring coldly at those gathered there. Sophia did not personally know the first years who were gathered, and she wanted them to know that she meant business.
Angelica frowned a little as she made her way over to gathering on the lawn. She caught a quick glimpse of Patrick and felt her heart skip a beat. She had the sudden urge to turn right around and forget about the DA. But then she heard him speak, and knew from his voice that he wasn't Patrick. So she kept on walking hopeful, and a little disappointed that Patrick wasn't there; she was was sort of hoping to talk to him.
As she reached the group, she walked over and stood next to Naomi, whom she'd met in her room. "Hey Naomi," she said greeting her with a friendly smile.
She turned back to the whole group. "My name is Angelica Schuster, I'm a First Year in Hufflepuff, and honestly, I'm here because I wanted to make more friends, and learn some useful defensive spells."
Patrick walked down to the lawn for the DA meeting that was going on.It appeared like he might be a tad late but he hoped no one spotted him walking into the meeting.He spotted Angelica and stopped right in his tracks.He turned around to leave, but as he did so Patrick saw Sam and Kailey.He walked over to them,"Hey Kailey,Sam."Patrick said.
(((Okay guys for future reference just because you havn't posted yet does not mean you are late...everyone's here **looks to both sides** no ones missing, you are not late...I don't care if this is your first meeting, your third year, your first day on the site or whatever your reason is.....no one is late. Notice how I was hiding behind Courtney and Sophia was already standing there....you just didn't know it yet. Find something more interesting to RP than saying 'Sorry I'm late, did I miss anything' just read the past posts, no one has to catch you up and your character is none the wiser....also note: I am not attempting to be mean to anyone but it's slowing down not just this meeting but every meeting. You don't have to go back and edit now but remember for when you post in the future, you aren't late... you were there and you know what is going on. Thank-you)))
((okidoky :D thanks for the tip))

Angelica glanced around the group just in time to see the real Patrick walk over. She turned around and pretended she hadn't seen him, still frowning slightly.
"I'm Patrick Britton and I'm a first year.I am here to learn also how to improve my defensive spells."Patrick said trying to break the silence that was among them.
"I'm Kailey Paramore and I'm a first year, I joined to learn some defensive spells." She said she thought she had made a fool of herself but she put it at the back of her mind, she was too critical of herself.
"I'm Sam Britton,I am also a 1st year.I joined this to learn more defensive spell and learn how to defend myself more."Sam said after Kaily had finished speaking.
Zoe had heard about the DA meeting, wanting to join for a long time. She had previously spoken to Courtney, then realised that she was very late for this meeting.

When she approached the group, she saw many familiar faces, as well as some not as familiar. They were all introducing themselves, so when Zoe joined, she decided to go right away and introduce herself.

"I'm Zoe-Hope Weasley, 2nd year Slytherin. I am joining the DA to help improve my defensive, and offensive spellwork, as well as learn some more spells." She said, hoping she didn't startle anyone, then took a seat next to some first years.
Courtney applauded after everyone had introduced themselves. "First of all I'd like to thank Sophia for being here. I'd also like to thank old members for returning, and welcome the new members. The next order of business will be to come up with a new name for the DA. Who cares what the name of the club was in the old Hogwarts? We are completely different people, this is a different school and we serve our own purpose! It seems like most of us are here to improve the defensive skills we already have, and to learn new skills. Our name should reflect our ideas. Does anybody have any ideas they would like to share?"
Speaking for the first time during the meeting Crystal said,"I'm Crystal Peakocks,Hufflepuff 1st year and I'd like to learn more defensive spells and considering that everyone else does too,"she added turning to Courtney,"How about we use the original idea behind the DA and make it stand for Defence Association?"
Troy had been standing at the very back of the group.When he heard some familiar voices after it came quiet Troy said,"I'm Troy Merriman,a Gryffindor first year, and I'm here to learn how to defend myself and to learn new things that can help me."
((sorry.. this time difference thing really sucks lol))

Blake stumbled over to the group realising he was indeed, very late. He heard some of the other students making introductions and adding in why they wanted to join the DA, so he went straight from there. "Hey everyone," he said nodding first at the girl who he assumed was the leader. "My name is Blake Zepline, I'm a first year in Slytherin and I guess I'm here to learn some deffensive spells," he concluded.
"Hey Angelica! Nice to see you outside of the common room!" Naomi whispered with a laugh. Naomi was very excited to Angelica and the a few more of the 1st Hufflepuff at the DA.
Ginny started running to the lawn. she had forgotten her wand. the first time so she had run all the back to geti it she was indeed very late now. she rushed into the group and saw some people she knew; sam kailey troy blake and a few others. she went over to them after making her introduction

Hi, i'm Ginny porter 1st year ravenclaw and i'm here to learn defense spells i guess.' she said jokingly.

'Hi guys.' she said to her freinds.

she was enjoying this already. :)
Hilary Grace said:
(((Okay guys for future reference just because you havn't posted yet does not mean you are late...everyone's here **looks to both sides** no ones missing, you are not late...I don't care if this is your first meeting, your third year, your first day on the site or whatever your reason is.....no one is late. Notice how I was hiding behind Courtney and Sophia was already standing there....you just didn't know it yet. Find something more interesting to RP than saying 'Sorry I'm late, did I miss anything' just read the past posts, no one has to catch you up and your character is none the wiser....also note: I am not attempting to be mean to anyone but it's slowing down not just this meeting but every meeting. You don't have to go back and edit now but remember for when you post in the future, you aren't late... you were there and you know what is going on. Thank-you)))
((I'm naturally late. If people want to post being late, then so be it.))
Alex rushed down to the lawn as fast as he coild, gripping his staff in one hand, and his wand in the other. "Sorry I'm late," he chimmed as soon as he reached the other members. "I got caught up in the hopital wing. What did I miss?"

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