Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
27 (31/12/2035)
Selene was half way though her deliveries the had three down and had three left. two of her last deliveries seemed to like being outside so she was going to search the grounds for them. the fhird one she had no idea as if she had been running all over the castle today @Alice Holland would have been too as she was organising the whole event. she was just reaching the bottom of the stairs when she saw a familiar figure passing through a door. "Alice" she called speeding up to try and catch her. holding the basket with three roses and a cat in it tight to her chest so as not to shake asteria too much. she hoped that the girl heard her or that she would be able to catch up with her.
Alice was busy with deliveries, as well as making sure other people were able to do their deliveries. She felt like she had run all around the castle twice already, and the day was far from over. She stopped in her tracks as she heard someone call her name, turning around to see who it was. Alice smiled at the younger Ravenclaw who approached. "Selene, hi! You have a helper!" She exclaimed, looking at the cat. "How cute!" She wondered if Selene needed her help.
Selene smiled as Alice greeted her. she really was a lot nicer than her sister. "Yes I thought Asteria would like an adventure around the castle" she said. not mentioning that it felt good having her cat with her. the half kneezel always seemed to know when she needed her and she had jumped into the basket first thing this morning. "how are your deliveries going?" she asked glad for a friendly face.
Alice gently reached over to pet the cat. "How nice... I'm jealous, I wish I had a cute cat like this." She told Selene with a smile. "My deliveries are going well, how are yours?" She smiled. "Did you stop me because you needed help finding someone?" She asked.
Selene smiled as Alice gave Asteria a stroke the cat purred and rubbed her head against her hand. she likes you she said as she shuffled through the notes and found the right one. my deliveries are goING well I am half way though just three left she said there were two yellow and one red rose Left in her basket at her next question she smiled sort of. i have this rose for Alice holland. And well you would be the person who best knows where she is she replied. Passing the rose and note to Alice.
note said:

Thanks for being a good friend

Alice smiled as Selene told her her cat liked her. "Oh, I'm glad to hear it's going well." She said with a smile. "You're going fast!" She added. She was surprised to hear the girl had a rose for her, but it made sense. "Oh, thanks!" She said with a small giggle, then she took the rose from her. Alice unfolded the note and smiled fondly at the message from Vader, she would have to thank him for this. "Did you get any yet, Selene?" She asked the Ravenclaw as she folded up the note.
Selene was glad that that alice was going well with her deliveries. and she couldn't help but feel proud when she was dold she was making good progress Thank you. I dont want people to be waiting and wondering if they were sent a rose by a special person" she said grinning. she watched as Alice took the rose and read the note. she wuite enjoyed seeing people react to the notes. for the most part their faces softened as they realised who had sent it. as her next question selenes entire demeanor dropped slightly. "No, none ye, but it is only early afternoon. I will hopefully get something even if just from mt mum or sister]er t" she said.

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