Abigail Payne

7th year | aussie 🐨 | observant artist 🎨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
17 (02/2044)
Abigail had always enjoyed the outdoors. The girl also enjoyed art or anything to do with DIY. Her father needed to do a few things and Abigail was dragged along with him. Though she did have the option to go to the magical park they had in this magical village, the young girl decided to go there. She wasn't gonna be bored out of her mind with her father's boring work. Abigail had brought many arts and crafts along with her, as well as a picnic mat to place her things and where she could sit in peace to do as much art as she wanted. As the girl walked into the park, she had looked around for an area where she could sit. There were trees that were bunched up together by a footpath, and the girl had decided to sit underneath one of those trees.

Today had been really sunny, barely any clouds could be seen. The girl had been forced to wear sunscreen, which she had reluctantly put on. Abigail had looked around the park, not many people around the park. Abigail sat on her picnic mat and looked amongst her art supplies, thinking of what the first thing she could do. Though her mind and hands and decided to guide her towards the bucket of chalk, which contained many colours. The young Australian had picked the white chalk first and started to draw circles on the concrete path of the park. She hummed a random tune and wasn't caring what the other people around her were thinking.
Cameron didn't get to come to Brightstone nearly as often as he wanted. Technically, he wasn't even supposed to be here now, he'd told his mum he was going to the neighbor's house, but he'd worn a sunhat so his nose wouldn't get sunburnt, so he felt that made it less bad.

Now that he was here though, Cameron was at a loss at what to do. He didn't have any magical money on him, so he couldn't go shopping, and just walking around looking at stuff made him feel like more of an outsider than he probably already was. Instead, he'd just ended up brooding under a collection of trees, peering around one of the trunks when a girl sat down nearby and set up a spread of things, humming to herself.

"What's that supposed to be?" Cameron said after a few minutes of watching her drawing with chalk. It didn't look like anything to him, but maybe it was interesting.
Abigail looked up quick as a flash when she heard someone speaking, looking around where the voice was coming from when she saw a boy around her age. "Oh, hi" Abigail smiled a little as she waved her hand slightly. She then looked down at her drawing, now it had a few colours mixed in when she had begun drawing a few minutes ago. Abigail then looked at the boy again. "Oh, it's nothing. Just some bubbles" Abigail shrugged with a small smile. She always liked the idea of bubbles, they had somewhat made her happy. The young girl made her way towards the bucket of chalk and picked up a random colour, and made her way towards the boy. Standing a few meters away, holding out the chalk. "I was thinking of drawing some aliens and space ships next. Do you want to join or help?" Abigail asked the boy. She wasn't really sure if the boy would be interested, but she guessed it would be nice to ask him if he wanted to join in. Abigail also had an interest in aliens and space, so she thought that drawing them would help with the theories she had about them.
"Oh," Cameron said, blinking owlishly when the girl explained what she'd been drawing. "Yeah, I guess I can see what you were going for," he admitted. He glanced down at the chalk in the girl's hand when she walked closer to him, chewing on his lip for a moment. It wasn't like he had anything much else to do, but Cameron didn't think he was very good at drawing. He didn't want to muck up her sidewalk or anything. "I could help. If you tell me what to do," he offered after a moment, stepping closer to take the chalk and settling himself down near the pavement. "What sort of aliens though?" He asked after a beat, turning the piece of chalk over in his hand.
Abigail shyly smiles and shrugs when the boy speaks. The girl wasn't the best at drawing, so she understood why the boy would be confused as to what she was drawing. Abigail didn't speak much when it had come to new people, but she guessed it wouldn't hurt to try and speak. "Up to you," Abigail says quietly as she shrugs her shoulders, as he mentions that he could help. Abigail thought for a moment as he asked what aliens to draw. "I dunno" Abigail shrugs shyly with a small smile. "Draw what you think aliens look like. What do you think they look like? I think they're like, really tall and maybe have... heaps of eyes. Yeah, heaps of eyes" Abigail says, as she went on about what her thoughts of aliens looked like, as well as slowly warming up to the boy. Abigail leant down, as she started to draw the outline of her alien, using blue chalk. She thought that each alien was different from the other. Each of them being different colours and having different amounts of body parts. "What's your name?" Abigail asked the boy after a while. It wouldn't hurt to know their name.
Cameron chewed on his cheek for a moment, watching the girl draw out her interpretation of aliens for a moment before adjusting his grip on the chalk. "I think.. They should have really looong arms," he decided, drawing a sort of wiggly blob and adding a long, wobbly arm on each side. "And maybe one big eye," he said, glancing again at the girl's aliens before drawing a lopsided eyeball in the center of his alien. "I'm Cameron," he said, not looking up as he focused on colouring in his alien's eye pink. "Ouch," he hissed, scrubbing his knuckle on the pavement and sticking his finger in his mouth sourly.
Abigail looks between her chalk art she was currently drawing, and the boy's interpretation of aliens. The girl was impressed with his thoughts on what aliens had looked like. "Long arms and an eye? I think that's cool" Abigail says, as she continues with her own drawing and interpretation of her alien. Her alien currently had a chubby body (More like a body of a blob), with really long legs and short, stumpy arms. Most importantly, her alien had many eyes around its head. Abigail nodded as the boy had introduced himself as Cameron. "Abigail" Abigail had said, as she returned her name back to the boy. Abigail looked up from what she was drawing, to see what the boy had done so far with his aliens. "A pink eye? Do its eyes have mag-" Abigail starts to say with her mini theories about aliens when she was cut off by the fact that Cameron had scrapped his finger onto the concrete path. "Oh no. Are you bleeding? I have some band-aids with me if you need" Abigail said to Cameron. The girl had always carried bandaids with her, as she had always managed to cut or scrape herself with all the arts and crafts she does. Her mother had forced her to bring a couple of bandaids with her wherever she went, as that was one of the actual main reasons why she had carried them everywhere with her.
Cameron nodded, not wanting to let on how pleased he was that the girl liked his ideas. He glanced over at what she was drawing, laughing at her alien's blobby body, not that his was much better. Art wasn't really Cameron's thing, and the sidewalk made all the lines a little wonky anyway. "It'd be boring if they had normal eyes. I tried to turn my eyes green once, you know. Stole my dad's wand. Mum flipped out but it wasn't like I actually did anything," he said with a grin and a shrug. He'd been grounded for like a week, which he'd thought was pretty unfair considering.

"It's fine," Cameron said around his knuckle, face heating up when Abigail made a fuss. "See, already better," he said, taking his finger from his mouth to show her the graze. It still stung, but Cameron wanted her to think he was tough.
Abby made a shocked face as Cameron mentioned that he had mentioned changing his eye green once. "Really? I think that's cool! I haven't really tried any magic with a wand yet. But was there like, a spell you learnt to try and make your eyes green? What other stuff have you tried?" Abby asked Cameron curiously. She hadn't met many magical people and was curious about the whole thing. The girl then looked back at her blobby alien and decided to add some different coloured horns onto her alien, thinking it was a cool idea. Abigail shrugged as Cameron told her that he was okay. "If you're sure"
Cameron shrugged. "I dunno, it was no big deal," he said, which was completely untrue. His mum had been furious for ages, and she'd hidden dad's wand so well he hadn't found it again since. "I just said some random words and waved it at my face. I thought it was more about thinking really hard about it or something. Probably why it didn't work," he said, shrugging again for good measure to show how cool he was about trying magic, despite reveling in how interested Abigail was in the whole story. He'd checked a few times as he'd been talking to make sure she was still paying attention. "Have you ever done any magic or anything?" He asked after a moment, fidgeting with the chalk in his hands.

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