Closed Busted

Raawhiti Te Rangi

boisterous 🏉 your best friend seeker + captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (16)
Getting Emery out of the castle was a real feat, but Rāwhiti had managed it today. It was a decently sunny day, but not so much that Emery could use the excuse of sunburns to get out of hanging out. Rāwhiti had brought a picnic blanket and a few snacks from the kitchens, and managed to drag his Ravenclaw companion out with him, settling his feet in Emery's lap as soon as he sat down, to prevent him making an excuse and leaving. "Maaaaan, the match was so good, but I still wish I had gotten to play." He sighed, mind still on his first proper Quidditch match. "Like, watching from the bench is real different from watching from the stands, but the whole time I was just like, someone hit Elara, let me in!"
Emery secretly enjoyed it when Rāwhiti went all out and invited him to things like picnics. It wasn’t like he was going to do that on his own. But he still grumbled a bit for show as Rāwhiti put his feet in his lap. He looked down at his book. “Uh-huh.” He said. “You must have been hopeful when your captain hit her.” He mumbled.

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