Breakfast =D

Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
Nicolas entered the great hall slightly before most people arrived and took a seat at the staff table, being the first of the staff to arrive. He poured himself a glass of pumpkin juice as he waited for Cecily, recollecting the thoughts he had pondered the night before, even after their picnic.
Cecily walked slowly through the throngs of tables to take a seat at the Head Table beside Nicolas. She said hello and hid a wide yawn, pouring herself a cup of coffee. She stirred in cream, sugar and cast a cooling charm on it before gulping half of it down. She set in on the table and propped her elbow on the table, putting her chin in her hand. Her hair was haphazardly thrown up into a bun on the back of her head, although several strands had escaped. Her green eyes closed and the darkish circles under her eyes spoke volumes.
"Hello" Nicolas echoed to Cecily as she took a seat beside him. He observed Cecily as she made herself comfortable and got a drink of coffee. "Didn't sleep well?" Nicolas inquired, a hint of worry in his voice.
"That blasted owl kept me up half the night." She didn't bother opening her eyes as they didn't seem to want to open as she felt in front of her with one hand and located her coffee mug. She picked it up and drank the rest of it, starting to feel semi human. She set the cup down. "Couldn't make up its mind if it wanted out or in." She opened her eyes and looked at him. He looked nice. Her lips turned up slowly in a smile. "How did you sleep?"
"So what did it finally decide on?" Nicolas enquired as more and more students entered the hall. "I slept well enough." he then replied with a shrug, "Patrol was quiet luckily." he added with a smile.
"He left last night and went hunting finally." She refilled her cup. "Mm, that is lucky," she smiled, sipping her coffee. "I'm glad they stayed indoors." She eyed the students, willing them to get their butts in their seats so the house elfs would begin breakfast. She kept an eye out for when the food would appear.
"As am I." Nicolas agreed, glad for the opportunity he had been given to think about things on his own. He hadn't come to many conclusions that he hadn't previously thought of, but the time alone was restful to say the least. Just after he had finished speaking trays of food appeared on all the tables at once and students started to grab for the various foods at their house tables.
"Oh heaven," she sighed, perking up. She spooned a spot of porridge into a bowl, added a drizzle of honey and pat of butter and a dollop of cream. "This is wonderful," she said after swallowing the first bite. It warmed her up. "How are you feeling today?" She slanted a glance his way.
Nicolas grabbed a piece of buttered toast and a few pieces of bacon to go with it. "I'm well enough." Nicolas stated, their picnic last night then the time he was able to spend in thought afterward putting him in a better mood than he had been earlier that day."How are you?"
"Feeling much better-," she began until an owl flew by and plopped a letter onto her bowl. Thankfully it didn't touch the porridge as it flew off. She shrugged and set the letter aside to eat more when a rather large and intimidating owl flew in, landing in front of her and knocking over Nicolas' pumpkin juice. "Ruddy owl!" she admonished, quite fed up with the lot of them as she mopped at the spilled juice with her napkin. She had the tendency to forget her witches training and resort to muggle ways of things when upset. The owl glared at her and held out its leg as high as it could. "Oh alright," she huffed. She set the napkin aside with an apologetic look toward Nicolas. She untied the package and the owl ruffled its feathers slightly, still glaring at her. She grabbed a small plate and put bacon and kippers on it, absently sliding it further down the table. She didn't want the bird eating over her food. Gross. "Huh. It doesn't have a name," she said, turning the brown paper wrapped package around in her hands. There was only a wax seal on the back with three letters she couldn't make out.
"Well I'm glad for that." Nicolas replied as an owl dropped her a letter which she seemed to ignore. Nicolas' owl flew in and dropped him a Daily Prophet right before Cecily received her package. Nicolas didn't very often receive a prophet as he didn't subscribe, he only received one when there was something the ministry wanted him to know. He turned to Cecily with her package and held up the rolled up paper. "I'll trade you." He offered with a grin, not wanting to deal with the ministry at all right now.
She laughed. "Sure. You can check that it's not jinxed," she winked, handing him the package and reaching for the paper. She unrolled it and looked down. The letter lay forgotten for the moment at the elbow.
"Oh, I see how it is." Nicolas replied excepting the book and receiving a small shock from it immediately after touching it. He set it quickly down on the table, pushing his plate to the side and drew his wand from his side pocket. "Though it isn't jinxes that would worry me." He started as he cast a jinx detection spell and nothing happened. "They're relatively easily reversed, it's a curse I'd be concerned about." he continued, casting a curse detecting spell which also turned up nothing. "Peculiar" he muttered to himself, wondering why he had been shocked with his initial touch. He then cast one final charm to look for any spells on it, and a green spark shot from his wand. "Well, it's enchanted but it isn't jinxed or cursed."
Cecily had read the headline in the paper and the byline, someone trying to slander a fellow colleague. She caught Nicolas' name and turned to him to mention it when he jerked beside her. "Are you alright?" She watched him run different spells on the package. "Perhaps we should try this again?" she asked in amusement, handing him the paper and reaching for the package.
"I still think I'd prefer whatever that could possibly do to me over dealing with the ministry." Nicolas stated, accepting the paper again and setting it to the side. "Perhaps the letter goes with the package?" he inquired, his eyes falling on the envelope by Cecily's elbow.
She smiled at how protective he was being. "Oh," she'd forgotten about the letter. She picked it up and turned it over. "It's from Edward," she said, puzzled. She broke the seal, which didn't match the package, and opened the letter. Her brow furrowed before she downright glowered and tossed it aside. She sat seething in her anger before she took a deep breath and calmly -on the outside- began eating again.
Nicolas was going to inquire what Edward had written but judging by Cecily's reactions he decided it best not to. When she returned to eating he slid his plate back and did likewise, allowing Cecily to choose whether or not to talk about it for herself.
She sat there quietly enough before she began muttering beneath her breath. She ate the porridge. Then some bacon. Then a serving of scrambled eggs. Then she tore apart a blueberry muffin before angrily buttering it. All that could be heard as she ate were the words, 'Edward, hippogriff,' and ,'where the sun doesn't shine.'
Nicolas set down has utensils after a few bites. "Cecily." He began in a kind voice, "Would you like tot talk about what Edward said?" he inquired in a similar kind voice.
"Oh, you know," she said, stabbing at her eggs. "Only the usual. 'Hi, how are you, I think you're making the biggest mistake of your life.'" She put down her fork and picked up her coffee with slightly trembling hands. She took a drink and quickly set it down. "I have to get out of here," she mumbled, before she began crying in front of her students. She got up and without thinking grabbed the package, slipping it into her pocket and left the great hall with even steps. The letter lay open on the table.
Nicolas frowned with Cecily's summary of the letter and rose as she did. When she rushed out of the hall he shook his head, folded up the letter without glancing at it and slipped it into his pocket, deciding it best not left there for a student or another professor to read. He walked quickly after Cecily out of the hall, deciding not to call after her and make a scene in front of their pupils.

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