Closed Bluebell Flames

Yuelia Rossingol

Sixth Year | Duelling Champion
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 14.5" Sturdy Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (31/05/2045)
The Yule Ball seemed to be a much anticipated event for students at Hogwarts. Yet Yuelia was decidedly not in attendance. She did not have a dress for it, but even if she did she wasn't sure she would have wanted to go. There would be so many people, just like Halloween but worse. Far too overwhelming. She knew she'd go when she was older and more glamourous and had the money on hand to buy a beautiful dress, but for now she had her pyjamas on under her robes, a blanket rolled up under one arm and a bag with snacks under the other. She had planned to meet up with Emrys and build a blanket and pillow fort while the party was going on in the Great Hall. It might have been a little childish, but it was comfortable.

Yuelia spread the blanket over a couple of chairs, shuffling underneath it and pulling out a small glass jar. While she waited, she twirled her wand in her hand and set to reattempting the bluebell flame charm. Her goal was to be able to put the flame in the jar, and make a little light that was prettier than just casting lumos. It was hard, and a little frustrating that she wasn't getting it yet. She perhaps should have waited until she studied Charms next semester in case that professor had advice for her, but she was enjoying the challenge even if she wasn't getting it right yet. At least there was no pressure to do so, she wasn't trying to beat anyone. It would just be nice to be able to do it. Yuelia let out a little squeak of delight as she thought she saw a flicker of purple, like a candle on a birthday cake, for a second before it was gone. It was progress, at least.

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