Blare, Taylor

Taylor Blare-Edogawa

mama; mrs conan edogawa; ...9?
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Mahogany Wand 14 inches Essence of Unicorn Hair

Hello, Hello. It's good to be back, it's good to be back.
Did you miss me, Yeah, while I was away, did you hang my picture on your wall

Full Name: Taylor Anika Blare

Name Meanings:
Taylor: Tailor of clothes.
Anika: Graceful.
Blare: Field or plain. From the marsh or the plain; field of battle.

Ani, Blare, Tay

Name Origins:
Taylor: Old english.
Anika: Scandanavian, Swedish, Hebrew.
Blare: Latin, Scottish.
Ani: Is simply just a shortening of her middle name to make it easier for her cousins to say. They love calling her Ani, because they don't like Taylor.
Blare: Is simply just using her last name as a nickname. Some of the boys in her muggle school used to call her that.
Tay: All it is is just shortening her first name. Her Aunt and Uncle are in a habit of using this.

Date of Birth:
September sixth 2019

Current Age:

Did you kiss me, Yeah, every single day, although you couldn't kiss me at all.
And did you love me, Yeah, like a good little girl

Basic Appearance:
Brown wavy hair: Taylor's hair is wavy and often messy. She does brush it but the second the wind changes her hair goes back to its natural state. Messy.
Grey-Blue eyes: Taylor's eyes are very soothing. They always show her true emotions however. Even when she has a smile on her face, her eyes still show the sadness behind them.
Caucasian/Tan: Taylor's tan skin comes from her mothers italian background.

Taylor has been raised by her Aunt. She is polite and kind, but she is also honest. She will tell people the truth no matter how much it hurts. She believes that sugar coating things is counterproductive and doesn't think that truths should be hidden. Taylor believes that in order to earn respect, one must respect others. She is spiritual and believes in the power of fate. She is very athletic and loves all sorts of games and she always knows when people are lying to her or telling the truth, though she won't push it. Though anyone that does lie to her immediatley loses her trust and she is likely to not speak with them again. She loves being outside and has a love of adventure. She is funny and will laugh at anything. She also tries to get laughs off of other people whether they want to laugh or not. She is very trusting and will trust people as soon as she meets them though as soon as they do something to lose her trust it is extremely difficult to get it back, if at all. She also loves learning and will always try to do something to gain new skills. She has even been known to read an entire text book just to find one piece of information, though she is not exactly an avid reader. It can take her a while to read it. She has no aversion to authority but she does not always like to be told what to do, which can sometimes get her in trouble.


Renae Louise Davids nee Bertelli: Maternal Aunt: Squib: Shop owner: Thirty eight. Renae is a very kind person. She is honest and friendly. She owns a muggle store where she sells second hand items and it is a fairly good buisness. She is married to Michael Richard Davids and has two children. Lewis Peter Davids and Corey Hayden Davids. She likes to go shopping and is often seen buying anything she sees, which often gets Michael upset.
Relationship: Renae has raised Taylor since she was six. Her parents were tortured to near insanity and now reside in St Mungo's hospital. Taylor and her Aunt are very close and she is like a third child to her. She dosen't know what she would do without Taylor in her life.
[playby]Teri Hatcher


Michael Richard Davids: Uncle: Muggle: Teacher: Forty. Michael is a stern person, though he is also very kind. He is honest, fair and stubborn. He is the Maths teacher at the local highschool and is always bringing his work home with him. Because of this his two children and Taylor are often playing around with his papers, though they are all very good at math. Lewis and Corey don't attend the highschool he teaches at but they know where he works.
Relationship: Taylor gets along well with Michael, he is her uncle but he is more like a father to her these days. Though she doesn't really talk to him much because she is scared that he will hate her because she just suddenly came into his family without any warning. Ofcourse this isn't true, but she is slightly paranoid.
[playby]Dean Cain


Lewis Peter Davids: Older cousin: Muggle: Student: Seventeen. Lewis is what you would call alittle bit of a fitness nutt. He loves to play sports and has a major interest in going to college to become a sporting physio therapist. He always gets good grades at school and is especially good at math and pe. Though most of the math probably comes from the tutoring he gets from his father.
Relationship: Taylor and Lewis get along well. She loves to play soccer in the backyard with him and he is the one she goes to the most for advice. He is very protective of her and has no problems beating some-one up if they hurt or upset her. Infact he has done it once or twice.
[playby]Zayn Malik


Corey Hayden Davids: Older cousin: Muggle: Student: Fifteen. Corey is a lover of music. He is forever playing his guitar or writing music. He is a music genius, he can learn a song by ear and can play anything he puts his hands on. Corey wants to be a musician when he graduates school and already has a band put together. He is an average student but gets straight A's in Music an Maths.
Relationship: Corey and Taylor are about as close as siblings. He is her cousin but she has been with them since she was six and so she sees them as her brothers. He plays music to her to calm her down whenever she is upset about something.
[playby]Justin Beiber


Channing David Blare: Father: Half-blood: Gryffindor Alumni: Auror: Thirty two. Channing is currently residing in St Mungo's after being tortured to insanity by a bunch of DeathEaters. When he was full of life, he was an amazing man. He was authorative and happy. He loved his wife and daughter and was planning on surprising them with the news that he had been given the job of head auror. Though that won't happen now.
Relationship: Taylor and her father were, and still are very close. She doesn't quite understand why he is like he is but she still loves him.
[playby]Brad Pitt


Sofia Amielle Blare nee Bertelli: Mother: Half-blood: Gryffindor Alumni: Healer: Thirty two. Sofia currently resides in St Mungo's after being tortured with her husband. She is not a sick as he but she still poses a threat to herself and others. When she was still full of energy and hadn't yet been tortured, Sofia was a sweet and kind woman. She was an amazing healer and people often had nothing but praise for her.
Relationship: Taylor and her mother get along quite well. They got along better when she wasn't sick, but now she finds her mother unpredictable and slightly scarey. Her mother can become violent when provoked so she isn't allowed to see her as much as she would like.
[playby]Cameron Diaz

Did you tell that naughty boy not to call, did you love me, Yeah, in your little world
Although you couldn't see me at all, although you couldn't see me at all, Dance me Up!

Taylor had a Labradordog named Warbler when she was with her parents. However with Her aunt and uncle she has a Russian Blue kitten called Mitzy and also a love bird called Felic.

Hogwarts New Zealand

Blood Status:

American on her fathers side and Italian on her mothers side and she is currently living in America.

Interests or Hobbies:
She loves sports.

Her sense of adventure.
Her kind personality.
Her enthusiasm.
Her Loyalalty.
Her energy.

She can sometimes be emotional.
She can sometimes come off as rude when she is being honest.
She is rebellious and can sometimes go out of her way to break some rules.

Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, I'm back again, I'm back, I'm on the right track
Hello, tell all your friends I'm back, as a matter of fact, as a matter of fact I'm back

Describe your character in five words:
Kind, Rebellious, loyal, honest, pretty.

Best school subjects:
I think that Taylor would excel at Flying, Arithmacy and Care of Magical creatures.

Worst school subjects:
I don't think she would do very well is muggle studies because she would find it boring as she lives with muggles and a squib.

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
Taylor wants to graduate and to maybe become and auror like her dad or a healer like her mum.

Your Patronus:
Taylor's Patronus would be a stag. A stag is proud and strong, which is characteristic of her personality. She has a powerful and compassionate heart. She finds strength in protecting others, particularly friends and family, or those who are weak. She would have little to no trouble conjuring a patronus because her desire to defend herself and others outweighs her fears and allows her to focus on the task at hand.

Your Patronus memory:
Her Patronus memory is that of her parents.

Your Boggart:
Is the death of her parents.

Your Animagus:
Taylor's animagus would be a bird, so she could fly away and be free of all her troubles.
Did you miss me me, Yeah, while I was gone, Did you 'hug your pillow in your bed
<SIZE size="150">Did you kiss me, Yeah, all night long and treasure every word I said

<FONT font="Georgia">Now hear this kiddies. This template is created by me with thanks to Tenilee. No touchy or I break you... Kay ^_^ Oh , oh and song lyrics are "Hello, hello im back" by Gary Glitter.​

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