Bi-Weekly Update

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Hi all! I've been enjoying a busy, productive weekend, and I hope you've all been having a good weekend as well. It's my turn to take care of this fortnight's BWU, so I better get down to it. So, sit back, grab your favorite snack, and check out the most recent updates. There are quite a few of them! :)
Sorting & Transfers
Sorting is still open, but it will be closing this week! If you're thinking of sorting someone, now is the time!!

Transfers closed a few days ago so that Donna and I could process them all. They were processed throughout the day yesterday. We received quite a number of transfers this year and want to thank everyone for the effort put into your applications. They were awesome to read. ^_^

Welcome Professors!
We've got a lot of moving around in this department. Let's see if these professors are up to the task of dealing with this group of students. ;)

Returning to her Transfiguration position from sabbatical is Professor Jacqueline Black. Moving back to Care of Magical Creatures is Professor Kida Frost. Returning to the castle is Professor Justin Joussane in the Astronomy position.

New to the team are: Professor Monty Pendleton for Potions, Professor Alistair for Herbology, Professor Arvo Tuuri for Arithmancy, and Professor Claire Blaze for Ancient Runes.

Welcome to all of you! And a big thank you to all of the professors on HNZ!
If you haven't already, please check out the professor's area for some professor things. :)

Semester One
Semester one begins today! I hope everyone is ready!! :D

Don't forget to register for classes. First and second years are automatically registered, but everyone else has to sign themselves up for classes.

The houses all need your hard work in order to get into positive house points. :p Speaking of that, professors should feel free to actually take off the house points that they mentioned taking off in their RPs. :)

Prefects & Head Students
All of the newest head students have been promoted! Congratulations to:

Dexter Lesley, the new Head Boy
Rhiannon McGowan, the new Head Girl

Victoire Fontaine
Jean Snow

Damianos Styx
Jakobe Hitachiin

Maya Corby
Mason Greene

Ivaylo Zhefarovich- Dolohov
Avie Mitchell

Clubs & their sign-ups

Students should be on the lookout for club announcements, meetings, and events. In the past, the first meeting was just a sign up. Not this year! If you want to show that you're a member of a club, you'll have to post your picture in that club's [member] yearbook [member]page. But, we hope that you'll still join in on the activities.

Leaders, if you haven't already, post your first meeting which should be an RP and in no way, shape, or form include a sign up list. You'll be receiving a PM from a professor sponsor who can help you organize events. ^_^

The Wild Patch Club was the first team to get its meeting going. Check it out [member]here[member].


Last year, quidditch sadly ended with a forfeit. :( We're hoping that won't happen this year because there are some cool things planned if we have no forfeits. :r

So, if you have a student character, you should consider joining your house team! First years can try out if there is a need for them on the team. Games are really fun, but to get there your house needs a team!

Check out your team's try-outs:

Captains should check out the captain's area so that we can start figuring out game dates. :)

Note to First Years & other students

I know you're all super excited for this year, but please be reminded that first years aren't allowed brooms in the castle and shouldn't be flying around. They haven't had their formal flying lessons yet. ;)

And students in general shouldn't be casting spells that they haven't learned. Check out the Acceptable Spells list for more information. :)

Also, don't forget to buy your books and supplies. You can't register for classes without them.

Old School Week

We've now reached the end of Old School Week, and we hope that you've all enjoyed yourselves. There were ice cream monsters, food fights, stink pellets and tons more! All of these roleplays will sure make for an interesting school year. I can't wait to see how things develop based on all of these events.

If you weren't a part of Old School Week, check out the announcement. Just because the week is over doesn't mean that the spirit of the week needs to go away. Keep on having open RPs!!

Nick: The Busy Bee
We've been keeping our good friend, Nick, busy during the break between years. Not only did he implement a new change to the grade book but he also worked on a new notification.

The grade book change will allow professors to grade lessons within the lesson post. More information about that is available for the professors in the professor's guide and in this semester's meeting.

The notification change is based on this suggestion by Zach. A notification will now be sent to all castle inhabitants when they can RP outside of the castle. We hope that you'll all find this helpful. :)

Please join me in thanking Nicolas for these awesome changes. Now, we'll let Nick get back to doing some RL things before we add some more items to his HNZ to-do list. :p

New Spam!

Green Eggs and Spam?! Yup, that's the name of our new spam and it seems to be pretty popular. You should join us!
Thanks for the creative name, Maia! ^_^

Applications are open again!

With all of the sorting, end of semester, and start of semester craziness, applications needed to be closed. We are now ready to begin accepting special applications again. And we know you all are itching to get started on writing them. :p

Character Spotlight: September

This month's spotlighted character is Archie Renner! If you haven't already, head to the announcement and check out Annaleise's questionnaire and all the work she's put into this character.
[ul][li]Young Again
Two professors decide to be 'young again'. Food is thrown, prefects are yelling, students are flirting, someone tries to start a movement to beat the system, and one Slytherin gets very angry indeed. What a perfect example of an open, Old School rp! :teehee:</LI>

[li]Snakes and Ladders
Two kids appear to be sneaking around, they might just get caught...

[li]The Time Has Come...
Time has run out for Avory Brandt, but will she go quietly.

[li]Herbs and Vegetables
Two fourth years bond over a little bird. [/li][/ul]
[ul][li]More negative house points :devious:
[li]More trials! :o
<LI>[li]More first year craziness!
[/li][/ul]I warned you that there were a lot of updates! And, I'm sure we've still got a few updates coming your way as the week continues. :)

Any questions or comments? We'd love to hear them.

Until next time,
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
I really enjoyed the OSW, it was awesome! And so many exciting things happening right now!
Thanks for the update Cyndi!
I put in a plot highlight like five minutes before you posted this Cyndi =))
Thanks for the update Cyndi! OSW was definitely a week to remember. Also, I seem to forget to submit a plot highlight. I'll do that in future :r
Woo! Thanks Cyndi!
Amazing update :party:

Congratulations to the new prefects/head boy/head girl! Can't say Stella's too happy about Jakobe :lol: But I'm pretty sure everyone will be pleased about Avie ;)

Old school week was so much fun, I hope it comes back again next year! I haven't seen so many open threads in years xD Plus some really awesome things came out of it.

Nick, thank you so much! The quick grading looks great, and though I've never had to grade a lesson without it.. :unsure: I'm sure it'll make life a lot easier. Also, I've been looking forward to the new notifications :party: my students might actually go out to Brightstone for once! Thanks again ^_^ *Goes off to think up something else for you to do*

Congratulations Anna, again, I need to lurk some Archie topics me thinks ;)

No more negative housepoints for Gryffindor and Hufflepuff please? :r Everyone else feel free to get caught misbehaving though.

Thanks for the update Cyndi!
Sorting is now officially closed.
I would love to see OSW come back every Sorting or something, so all the new people have this experience and everyone can give their characters a kick start in some random fun way

I enjoyed it way too much!

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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