🌹 Rose Giving Back to the Basics

Xinyi Huang

Eldest- Artist- Soft
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
18 (5/27/2043)
Xinyi was having so much luck finding everyone at the tables that morning. Running as fast as he could while still retaining some of his dignity, he hurried back to the Slytherin table, where he'd been pointed to the girl on his list. He approached her with a shy smile. "Hello, are you Theia? I have a rose for you,"
Theia was halfway through a mouthful of cereal when a boy approached her, asking if she was Theia and revealing he had a rose for her. Not expecting to be delivered any roses that year, Theia in surprise raised her eyebrows for a moment, pausing her chewing before coming to her senses and nodding in response to his question. When she had finished her mouthful she quickly placed her spoon in her bowl and dusted her hands together as she turned to face the boy. “Alright, let’s see the rose, then.” She said bluntly, feeling a bit embarrassed to receive a rose in the middle of the great hall and in front of so many other students, and wanting to get the interaction over with so she could return to her breakfast.​
Xinyi almost thought for a moment he had gotten the wrong student, taking a small step back. He had just opened his mouth to apologize when she confirmed that she was, indeed, Theia. He waited nervously. She was older and cooler and could probably murder him with a single look. He didn't dare move until she spoke, taking the yellow rose and offering it out to her immediately.


Don't forget to give yourself a break once or twice. For your own sanity.

Love, Sawyer

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