Closed An good excuse for an introduction

June Davenport

The best prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
Last year June had seen something at the dance. And she had very good eyes and was an curious person. Misha was the person taking care of her and it was just him and her. She knew he had an biological daughter, but it was mostly Misha and her. And it was good like that, she had her freedom and they were both on Hogwarts during the year. But there seemed to be another person close to Misha, a woman who was around here too. June didn't asked Misha about it directly and it didn't seemed like something he shared yet. June didn't want to be too nosy, since that didn't seemed smart for now. June found out the woman was an nurse though so she wanted to see what kind of woman she was and get some information. Just walking in and asking, didn't seemed like the way. So June had thought of something, an excuse to come to the Hospital Wing. And make some conversation with the woman and she wondered if she would say her name if the woman would look different. If they were that close, they spoke of their 'children'. She had no idea if the woman had children, or was alone. But if it was getting serious, and they had something for eachother she could not use an terrible 'mother' figure.

The blonde entered the hospital wing and sighted for an moment. It was not completly a lie, since she had been studying all day and forgot to drink a lot. So she had an big headache, but she would just pretend to have more than pain she had. But if someone was nurse, they would not mind take care of people. And if she was not nice, she knew already enough. The blonde than saw a nurse standing with someone else at the bed and she turned around and June noticed the woman she was looking for. Good to see she was the nurse right now. If someone else was gonna come to her, it was all plan failed. '' Nurse? Can you please help me. I'm very dizzy...'' If there was one thing June could do very well it was acting. And she felt at her head and looked sad. If she would not buy it, it was not nice. Who would not believe her? Or acuse someone of overreacting. Everyone had their own pain limit.
Isabella Romanes was not exactly a fan when someone managed to injure themselves on the first few days of school. But low and behold, she was here, treating a young student that tripped and caused a pretty good gash. Of course, within seconds, the wound was healed when she heard another voice come up from behind her. Isabella stood up straight and turned around to see a young Slytherin. Considering that she saw mainly people that hurt themselves, this was a new one. The only reason why she knew about illnesses among kids would be the vast amount she had herself. Her magenta eyes looked over the girl, but figured that this would be a simple fix. The Italian gestured toward the clean bed. "Have a seat and we'll see what is going on with you." Isabella did not spend enough time with the student body to know who every student was. She just knew the names of some that her daughter interacted with - which her daughter did not find her mother dating a good thing. But it was an adjustment period and she was not ready to involve kids in her relationship. Both hers and Misha's. "When did the dizziness occur? Did you faint or fall on the way here?"
As June noticed the woman she needed coming over her she was pleased. But stayed in her role, like she could do well. She did as the woman told her and moved to the clean bed, while holding a hand at her head. And layed down, which didn't felt bad honestly. As the woman asked questions June answered. '' Just now, after I came out of the library. I almost fainted, and than slowly walked back here.'' The blonde than answered. '' I was kind of scared. I hope everything is alright...'' June watched the woman with an concerned look.
Isabella kept her magenta eyes on the young girl as she laid down, and then explained what happened. Her eyebrows raised over the fact that someone could have been scared over a dizzy spell. The nurse held up her hand to tell her to stay there as she went to her office. She came back with a bottle of water and held it out to the second year student. "Sounds like you just got dehydrated. Drink it and when you are comfortable, you may return to whatever it was that you were doing." Isabella figured that her help was done, since she wasn’t about to stick around for an illness that she doubted was even present. She had 8 kids, and several have tried to pull the ‘I’m too sick’ and weren’t.
As June layed down on the bed the woman watched her. And June saw the woman raising her eyebrow. This was one thing she disliked so far, why would she do that. Was it strange what she said? June raised her eyebrows many times in her head over people and their actions. But she learned how to keep her face straight and give nothing away. But she was gonna see further how the woman would take care. June stayed where she was as the woman walked away. She came back with water and offered it to June. June was quickly with judging over people and nothing different here. If this was all the woman did, she was not caring at all June believed. But she nodded shortly. '' I.. haven't had a lot to drink or eaten today if I think about it. '' The blonde responded. As she slowly came back sitting, but felt her head. '' Thank you.. uh what's your name?'' June than asked. Since the woman was not introducing herself, which June thought was rude. And took the bottle in her hands.
Isabella figured as much, since that could be common when someone studied too hard. She did that when she was in school, but her sister helped her out greatly. This girl must not have someone like that. "I think I have some chocolate around here that might help, but you should go to the kitchens and eat a proper meal right after." Isabella was glad that nothing was seriously wrong, which she figured there wasn't. She reached into the stand's drawer, opened a small jar and set the wrapped up piece of chocolate on the bedside. "Madam Romanes," Isabella answered, though she thought that the students would know the staff of who to see by now from their Heads of Houses. Although, there were three nurses now, so perhaps she needed to know which one she was talking to. "Just to make sure you don't miss any class, what is your name so I can write down a note that you were, in fact, seeking medical care today."
As the woman seemed to be more caring now June mentioned not eating well the blonde was kind of relieved. But she was still on guard and not easily trust someone with what they said. June nodded shortly at the woman. '' I always study a lot. But this never had happend, so that's why I was worried.'' The blonde than explained. And sighted for an moment, holding her hand to her head. As the woman brought her some, June took a chocolate. '' Thank you... Madam Romanes.'' The blonde said shortly. And remembered the last name. As the woman spoke of missing classes June thought of what would happen if she would. June would never miss a class. There really had to be something so bad if she would, people would have to drag her outside the classroom by force. June was not gonna miss any. But she just nodded and was wondering if she would say her name the woman her face expression would change, perhaps Misha would have mention her name. And there was only one June here. '' It's June Davenport. But I don't think that is neccesary. My uh.. dad is Professor Misha Haden, so I speak to him later.'' June knew she was gonna drop this, because she knew more than the woman knew. The woman didn't knew she knew, or at least June thought she did. But she kept her face straight. It was still strange saying dad, because he was not dad ofcourse. But she didn't want to answer questions if she would say foster parent. June at least knew who her real dad was, and no one would ever replace him.
Isabella nodded along, since she could relate on some level back when she was a perfectionist while in school. She figured that was that, so she had her clipboard and wrote down what was used when she heard the girl tell her what her name was. She paused in her writing as she immediately knew who that was. Who this girl was. Misha's foster daughter. Or was she adopted? Likely the former when her name was not Haden. "...Professor Haden has mentioned you, the girl that he is fostering." Isabella now felt her guard up because she either assumed that one, Misha put June up to this in order to speed their relationship along with meeting the children - which she was not ready for, or two, this girl was trying to see who was coming into Misha's life. She would have to go confront him later over this since it was most certainly not a coincidence. She didn't believe in them anymore. She could question her, but it would be absolutely insane for a student to actually make themselves sick to scope out information on their parents' partner. "Well, this is something." Isabella tapped her clipboard and muttered under her breath in Italian, "I am going to have a word with him after this."
As June watched the woman with her clipboard, she noticed something happening with her. And observed for an moment. The woman stopped with her writing. June was pleased with it, it was an sign to her the woman was really thinking some things through and had perhaps heard her name before. And the answer she gave was interesting too. Although some of the professors like her head of house had told her that he spoke Misha and him mentioning her was not strange. It was funny in a way she not called him Misha. Even students did. But June kept her face straight and watched the woman. '' I'm sure he has.'' June than said and gave an small smile. For June it was just nice hearing people talking about her. '' Do you know him well?'' June than asked, just innocent trying to see how she reacted. She was at least an teachers favorite in class, since she was picked out many times and was hard working. June wanted to ask another thing but the woman was just saying something.
'' Is everything fine Madam Romanes? '' June than acted like her nose bleed and said friendly. And the woman was adding something, which she could not understand or hear in another language. Which was even more strange to June. But she was kind of having fun. And it gave her a lot of information. June in the mean time finished the piece of chocolate she had given.
Isabella was put in an uncomfortable position but she was suspicious of the girl. She knew Misha. He wouldn't do that. So, it had to be this girl. Isabella used to be a Slytherin herself, though she was more of a perfectionist than cunning. She was determined in her own way so she doubted that Misha had anything to do with this. He was not the type. But she refused to think it was a mere coincidence. And her relationship with him was public enough so her asking if she knew him well gave away what Isabella needed to know. "Miss Davenport, if you are feeling better, you will need to head out to your next class if you have one at this time. I don't have the schedules memorized for each student so forgive me if I am incorrect." Isabella gave her a smile, passing to even match her eyes. "It was lovely to meet you otherwise, but I have some potions to brew for when Quidditch practice starts." This was the most polite way she could think of to say that she was too busy to entertain students, which was true. At least this wasn't Ophelia. Ophelia always have Isabella a headache since her own daughter was hard for her to read.
The reaction from the woman was just what she needed. June was certain about it. She was not answering the question at all. She wondered what the woman would do with this, if she would tell Misha. But if she did, what should he do? June was not scared, she was innocent obviously. And who could say she was lying, than she would be a bad nurse. Not taking things seriously, since everyone had a different level of pain. After she finished the piece of chocolate she watched the woman with her big green/brownish eyes. June put on a smile and nodded. '' That would be impossible.'' June aimed at the schedule for each student and gave an small smile. And than slowly stood up taking her bag. Standing up she watched the woman one more time. She was kind of closed off, not at all what she saw as a stereotype nurse. And very different than Misha seemed to be. But she was glad she know had an better image of the woman, which was not complete but an beginning. June kept her face straight and smiled again. She actually wanted to say something to let the woman know and gave an hint, but she decided it was smarter not to.'' Likewise.'' She said friendly and than added. '' Thank you for the help. Madam Romanes.'' June than said. '' I feel an bit better, thankfully.'' The blonde responded. And before June walked away she gave the woman an smile and turned her head to walk out of the hospital wing. June smirked walking out. June knew for sure the woman was doubting her visit. But this time June didn't tried her best to hide it, like usual.
Isabella watched as she left, but that was as far as it went. She shook her head, and went back to her work. There wasn't enough information given other than the girl probably scoping her out, but that was it. No idea why because she was not engaged to Misha for that matter, and didn't want to be for some time. She liked the slow burn of a relationship. It was good to enjoy the ride, so to speak. She looked over her shoulder once more, and let out a sigh. She needed to tell her other kids what to expect now that their mom was dating again. It was time.


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