Closed Affectionate Gestures

Eric Holland

💥2055 Grad | Angry | Fighter | HNZ Caretaker💥
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Minnie)
Vine Wand 12 3/4" Dragon Heartstring Core
10/2036 (23)
If Eric had taken one thing away from his relationship with Nicole, it was that he'd been a pretty crappy boyfriend in that relationship. He still put most of the blame for how it ended on Nicole and her sneaky ways, but he knew he also could have done better. With Minnie, Eric really wanted to avoid messing things up. He knew, deep down, that he wasn't good enough for her. He just kind of hoped Minnie wouldn't realize that herself anytime soon. So, in an attempt to make an effort, Eric had stolen grabbed a bunch of food from the table at breakfast and taken it with him. He had then sent Minnie a note to meet him outside. Putting down a blanket on the lawn, Eric tried his best to stall the food out in a somewhat nice way. A picnic was romantic, right? He thought that was the sort of things girls appreciated. And he also thought it would be kind of fun to share a meal with Minnie outside now that the weather was getting better.
Though she couldn't admit that this was the plan she'd had for herself, as the mid-point of her last year approached she realised that inspite of everything she was happy, she was also stressed and worried about her future, but she wasn't worried about what anyone thought of her, not really, a little..but she could feel the end coming and there was a sense of growing relief that she knew would come with it. One of the nicest things in all of it, were the breaks she took to spend time with Eric. She couldn't have claimed to always have thought it possible but he was a sweet boyfriend. He couldn't always be persuaded to do his homework, but she knew if he asked her to do it for him she might just. She'd gotten his note and had put a little effort into her appearance, some light make up, worn her hair down, a dress, though she had a jumper in case she got cold, the weather was nicer but that wasn't a guarantee. She made her way to the lawn and spotted him. A whole blanket and she smiled. She walked over with an almost spring in her step and then stopped by the blanket. "Hey," she said, leaning in to kiss him, "This is wonderful Eric,"
Eric fidgeted with his sleeve as he watched Minnie walk across the lawn to him. She looked beautiful as ever, and more relaxed than Eric remembered her looking last year. Eric felt himself relax a little as he saw the smile on her face. It seemed to him like she liked his idea. Or at least didn’t hate it. As she kissed him, Eric smiled slightly. He leaned up to return the kiss and gently touched her cheek for a moment. “It’s like the one romantic idea I had.” He admitted quietly. “So try to enjoy it.” He joked lightly, gesturing for her to sit.
Minnie appreciated any and all romantic gestures that Eric made, but knew they weren't the most important thing for her. She wouldn't mind if there were never that many gestures, she knew it wasn't Eric's strength and she would never mind him not. She gave a little smile. "It's wonderful, I appreciate you," she told him softly as she then moved to sit down and made sure to sit right next to him, her body practically against his, perhaps not the most useful position as they tried to help themselves to food, but she just liked being close to him. "So, what should I eat first?" she asked him with a little smile, relax around him, the thought of homework, and studied linger in her mind, but she was able to quieten them and feel relaxed as she spent time around Eric.
Eric felt his face heat up when Minnie said she appreciated him. How did she always know what to say to make his insides feel like jelly? She could've just said she appreciated the gesture or the food, but no, she appreciated him. He put an arm around her, pulling her close against him for a moment before letting go. He was pretty sure he loved her, though even thinking that word terrified him. "Whatever you like." Eric said with a small shrug. "I tried to get things I know you like." He added, gesturing vaguely to the food. "But I can run back if I missed anything." He added, glancing at the castle. It wouldn't be that far.
Minnie gave him a little smile as she looked over what he'd gotten her from the either the kitchens or the great hall. She reached out and took something. "it's perfect," she told him, she didn't want him to leave her alone with all this, this was perfect. She wasn't sure how she could express how kind and generous it was for him to do this. She knew that lots of people didn't understand her choice in Eric, but this was what she saw, what she knew. She took a bite of her food and was happy for the comfortable silence between them as she ate. "How did you sleep last night?" She asked, though she didn't mind the silence the light conversation was easy too.
Eric had trouble with words. He had never been very good at showing his feelings, especially not by talking about them. But with Minnie, he felt like he didn't have to. She understood him. He still worried sometimes that she would change her mind about him, but it was less and less. Eric ate a bit of the food himself, but he mostly watched Minnie, wanting to make sure she was enjoying herself. At her question, he shrugged. "It was fine." He said. He paused for a moment, then decided to bring something up that was on his mind. "Hey... Are you sure you don't want to come home with me over break?" He asked her quietly. "I'm sure my mum wouldn't mind." They had talked about it before, but Eric couldn't quite shake the feeling that leaving Minnie at school during the break would be some sort of failure on his part. How could he let her spend Christmas all alone?
Minnie gave him a little smile, and hummed lightly at his words. She finished what she was eating as he barrelled on. "It's very kind of you, and your mum, but it's okay," Minnie told him, she reached out and took his hand, squeezing lightly. Though part of her didn't want to go because she felt she'd be intruding on his time with his family, the other part of her didn't want to go because she knew she'd be feeling sorry for herself and filling all hours with revision. "I'll be studying all break anyway, and I'll do that best here at school. Next year though," she assured him. After school was over she knew she'd be able to relax and enjoy things more, which would include spending that time with Eric and not pouring over books. "But you'll come to the yuleball with me right?" she asked with a little smile, she knew it wasn't his scene, but she did want him to be there.
As soon as Minnie started to speak, Eric knew she hadn't changed her mind. He sighed, squeezing her hand as she took his. "If you're sure." He mumbled, feeling a bit sad. "I just hate the thought of you alone out here on Christmas." He admitted though he could understand her not wanting to spend it with a strange family. He thought of Minnie's parents and their new baby and felt a surge of anger. How he wished he could give them a piece of his mind. He shook his head slightly, trying to rid himself of the thought. "Fine, but you're getting a lot of presents." He mumbled. As she asked if he would come to the yule ball with her, Eric nodded "Of course. Though I don't promise to dance." He said. Though he knew Minnie would likely convince him. He had a hard time saying no to her on anything.
Minnie tried to give him a reassuring smile, she knew that she would end up being a little sad about being on her own and her family....but she also knew she could work enough to take her mind off it. She would likely be less busy and less able to distract herself around him and his mother. She did make a mental note of sending both Eric's mum and his brother presents for the holiday. She didn't have a lot of money but she knew she had to get them both something. She picked up a second something to eat and gave a little smile at his agreement. "I'll just dance around you," she joked lightly. She would maybe get him to do one dance knowing that it wasn't something he enjoyed.

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