🌹 Rose Giving A yellow enigma.

Sky Eriksen

CAC Conductor, Honeydukes assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
19 (08/03/2043)
Sky stopped to catch her breath. why had no one reminded her how many stairs were needed to reach the north tower? why had she not thought to wait at the bottom of the stairs as there was only one way in and out? she had been delivering roses all day and one of her deliveries had been hard to pin down. but someone had said he had been heading to the north tower after delivery so she had set off after him. she finally got her breathing under control though she could still feel her heart pounding in her chest after the unexpected exercise. "Connor h-h-h-holland. I h-have a rose for you" she panted hoping that she had not crossed paths with him somewhere.

@Connor Holland
The rose deliveries always took Connor all over the castle, and his legs ached as he ascended the tower only to find the person he was looking for was nowhere to be seen. Groaning in frustration, Connor had just turned around to go back downstairs when a girl approached him, looking as tired as he felt. "Are you okay?" He asked, moving to rest a hand on her shoulder nervously. "Come over here, have a sit down. We don't want you having an asthma attack." He said gently, wondering what he would even do if a child had a medical emergency in front of him - it was much too far to carry her to the hospital wing in decent timing if anything went wrong. Much better to get her some rest before anything could happen.
Sky could see the look on the head boys face as she stepped out and spoke. concern for her. maybe she should have waited a couple more moments to finish catching her breath. she nodded when he asked if she was okay and took a few deep breaths to steady herself. she followed his guidance towards one of the seats. and at down. "I don't have asthma. I am just unfit and not used to stairs" she said steading her voice "I have a rose for you" she said. handing him a yellow one and the last note she had left.

Happy Valentine's, we'll miss you on the team!

@Rene Tofilau
Connor was relieved when the girl said she didn't have asthma, thought he was still worried at how heavily she had been breathing before. He smiled when she said she had a rose for him, eyes widening. "Oh, thank you!" Connor grinned, accepting the rose and taking a quick look at the note now that he was sure the girl wasn't going to collapse in front of him. His smile softened as he read it, though he felt a small pang at the same time. He didn't know if everyone on the Quidditch team was going to miss him, but he couldn't spend too much time focusing on that now. "How are you feeling now?" He asked, now that she had had a moment to rest.
Niamh smiled as the head bot thanked her for the note and read it. she wasn'y quite sure what his reaction was but it didn't matter. "how are your deliveries going? she asked. shows making progress though hers she only had a couple left and they were the more easy onxes. she hoped that the head boy was doing well too. he probably knew more people than she did. "I am feeling much better thanks. almost ready to face the stairs again. downstairs is easier than up" she said.
Connor smiled at the younger girl when she asked about his deliveries, shrugging slightly. "They're going well, I've only got a few more to do. Hopefully none of them are up this high, though." He gave a small laugh. It was a relief when the girl said she was feeling better, nodding slightly. "I'll go back with you when you're ready." He said instinctively, wanting to make sure she was okay.

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