🌹 Rose Giving A Well Deserved Gift

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
@Aine Thompson

Landon was having so much fun with the rose delivering and the day was going by quite quickly. Whilst there was still some sun out, Landon decided to head out of the castle and wander around the grounds, trying to find people he had yet to come across. He kept walking until he made his way to the gardens, admiring what was around. The wild patch club worked so hard on the gardens and these roses that they prepared for Valentine's Day were extraordinary. He really appreciated all of the work that was put in. As he was admiring some Dahlia's, he noticed some movement out of the corner of his eye and spotted the next person on his list. "Aine! What a terrific garden you have here." he said to her, smiling at the flowers around.
Aine had needed some fresh air, the day was pretty busy and the amount of talking to people she had to do meant she was a little bit drained. She was making sure they did have enough roses from what the Wild Patch Club had grown - they were quite lovely roses, she was impressed - when she heard her name being called, and turned around to see Professor Carter. "Oh, hi Professor," she greeted, politely, smirking a little at the comment. "Oh, yes it's very nice, I can't take any credit for it, though. I just abused Head Girl powers to bully the Wild Patch into growing roses," she said, dryly. "Thanks for helping out today, I appreciate it."
Landon smiled at how humble the teen was. Aine was a very hard worker, which made her suited to Hufflepuff House, and it was definitely a trait Landon admired. He chuckled at her comment. "Don't be silly! It wouldn't be able to grow without your help. It truly is marvellous." At her thanks, Landon shrugged. "It's the least I can do, really." He reached into his basket and pulled out a yellow one with her name on it. "This one is yours." he said, holding it out to her. A note was hanging off its stem.

You are the most deserving head girl, thank you for all of your friendship and support in my history club.
Aine ducked her head a little, she really had just done more of the paperwork side of things. "Well, the extra pairs of hands help," she agreed, figuring Professor Carter was just both really nice and also quite humble. She was glad she'd sent him a rose, she still remembered him sending her one to help her feel welcome in first year when she insisted she didn't belong at Hogwarts. Now, she was just struggling to work out how her life would be after leaving. She cast her eyes over the note with a smile, she would have to do something nice for Emmanuel before she left the school as well, she figured. Her shoulders slumped and she let out a sigh before she could stop herself. "Thanks, Professor. Sorry, I'm just being a bit sentimental about graduation coming up," she added, wincing. "I hate it. The sentimental part, that is."
Landon watched with anticipation as Aine read the note on the rose, but then frowned a little as Aine sighed. He went to ask her what was wrong until she said so herself. He couldn't help but be a little touched by her opening up to him. He was always eager to be a shoulder to lean on if his students needed it. "Graduation is a very emotional time for everyone. I know I felt sad graduating, but also excited, but also relieved. All of these feelings can be very overwhelming." Landon told her reassuringly. He could have only imagined the pressure that Aine must have felt, especially being Head Girl. "But think of it as the next step into the future. And also don't think of it as a goodbye. Your friends will still be your friends when you leave. Nothing is going to change that."
Aine gave a small smile and nod, a little embarrassed about this whole honesty thing. At least it wasn't anything bad or abnormal that she was feeling, big changes in life were bound to make anyone feel a little apprehensive. It did feel silly to be nostalgic for the last few years, when she'd barely even started living her actual life yet. "Yeah, I mean, magical community, I'm sure it'll end up like I've never left," she joked, relaxing a little. Of course, she was planning on going and spending some time in the muggle world for a while instead, but she couldn't really give up either side. Both magical and muggle life was a part of who she was. "Thanks, Professor. For the rose. And, you know, listening and stuff. I'd better get back to it."
Landon smiled at the small comment Aine made. He was glad she was trying to find some positivity in it all. As she thanked him, he nodded. "Of course, Aine. Always here if you need! But I will let you go - I have some more roses to deliver as well!" With that, Landon turned around and headed out of the gardens to find the next person on his list.

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