Closed A Wanted Kiss in Error

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader had been his usual levels of tired, he hadn’t been sleeping well - but it was no worse than what was now his usual levels of sleep. The valentines celebrations were all over and he was just looking forward to a bit of calm, he could focus just on the exams and accio. Vader was pleased too with the roses. There had been the one from Vegeta that had set him somewhat on edge, not quite believing what had been written in it. So, it was good to be spending the time with Goku as he always did at this time. He’d really wanted to send Goku a different rose from what he’d actually sent, he had definitely come to realise that he liked Goku...he liked him liked him. It was different from the feeling that he’d had with any of the girls and he’d known it, felt it for a while. Even as he’d still been seeing Pho. He didn’t know how to express it, or if Goku felt the same way and he still had loud voices in his head saying it would be a mistake. Vader finished the move which Goku had shown him, feeling rather accomplished with it and had stopped, putting his hands on his knees and taking deep breaths. ”Let’s take a break yeah?” he had had fun this session, there had been an almost playful element to it. He looked up at Goku and smiled, he had always known it but Goku was handsome.
Jigoku Arai had been feeling a little confused lately, with how he felt, and how he thought that Vader might have felt about him. So, Goku would just have to be more careful. At least he didn't sign his name, though the word he put in there was sort of obvious. The Slytherin did not treat Vader any differently, since even if things were one-sided, he would still always be there for the Gryffindor. He talked to Vegeta, finally, and Vegeta sent roses to apologize to everyone for what he had done. It was an improvement, which would bring the brothers closer together. After they had stopped with the lesson, Goku was pretty much out of breath. He smirked when Vader said that they should take a break. "Are you sure? I'm hardly... hardly tired," Goku tried to say that but his shortness of breath betrayed him. Goku moved his hair back away from his face, and bent down to grab a towel. He dabbed his face with it, so that he didn't look like he just walked out of a shower.
Vader smiled a little as Goku joked with him. He couldn’t help but watch the other boy, the feeling in his chest building. He had gotten a pink rose with a japanese word on it, and while part of him had assumed that it was someone playing a joke on him, part of him hoped that it would be Goku. It was unsigned and he knew signed or not he would really struggle to admit he got it. But, he watched the other boy move his hair away from his face, he found himself looking over the lines on his face. He found himself thinking about how good Goku made him feel, how happy he always was to spend with him, how easily the other boy made him laugh. He found himself taking a little step towards Goku, and he smiled a little looking, over the boy’s face. He found himself looking at the boys lips and blushing lightly. Before he leaned in a little, and before he seemed to be able to change his mind, he leaned in and kissed Goku’s lips, putting his hands on either side of Goku’s face. It was nothing like he had ever done before, it felt different, special, good. He knew in that moment for sure, as he thought of how bland the kisses with Isabelle and Pho had been by comparison that he was gay. Vader knew he was gay. The moment the thought crossed his mind, he felt like he came to his senses. He was quick to pull away and the memories of his childhood, of those old taunts seemed louder than they had in years.
”Sorry,” he said immediately, repeating it several times over as the good feeling faded and his reality set in. His hands shook lightly, and he was backing away from Goku, ”I shouldn’t, you don’t, I..” he was rambling, barely able to get his breath back. ”I have to go, I’m sorry,” he quickly grabbed his things, repeating over and over how sorry he was and racing out of the door without glancing back. The reality was there, as plain as day, what he’d known for a while was definitely true, but he couldn't’ help the way his heart raced because of it. He couldn’t help how terrified he felt about being picked on again, or being targeted, he couldn’t help but fear how his friends and others would react. They had all been so good to him, kind to him, but he couldn’t help how his mind worked and how strong all those old members, those old taunts were. He was gay, but admitting that didn’t make it any easier.
Goku froze as Vader took a step toward him, ready to counter if this was an attack. After all, feinting is a great move when someone catches another off guard. That is, until Vader placed his hands on both sides of his face, and kissed him. Goku just barely had time to kiss him back, even just for a second. Goku stared as Vader immediately apologized. While Goku was very confused about it, since Vader kissed him. That meant that Vader had feelings, and Goku's weren't one sided at all. But, Vader was rambling, and then he grabbed his things and just left. Goku was left feeling confused, relieved, and shocked all at the same time. What was he going to do? Would Vader admit his feelings? Or, would Vader avoid him from now on? Goku looked down at the ground, before he sighed. What was he going to do? Goku kept going over it over and over in his head. "Vader..." murmured Goku, before going over to the wall and sliding down it. Vader was still in the closet. If that was what it was, then Goku will wait. Vader, he decided, was well worth waiting for. Goku was patient. And, he would never force anyone to an area where they were uncomfortable.

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