🌹 Rose Giving A Thorny Rose

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Valentine's Day was definitely one of the busiest days at Hogwarts, and Landon was happy that this year he had decided to join in on the fun. The Great Hall however was definitely the busiest place during this time, but the man figured he would have a go at trying to find his recipients there. He made his way over to the Hufflepuff table, looking around for the boy before deciding to use his voice. "Chase Campbell!" he exclaimed, joining in on all of the shouting of names. He hoped the boy would be around somewhere.
Chase didn't care much for whatever was going on during this valentine's day yet people seemed to enjoy it even more than the school's other activities. He didn't really get it and definitely wasn't impressed by the chaos that was happening in the great hall when he had just come down to the great hall for some lunch. He was about to bite into a piece of toast when he heard someone call out his name, slowly turning around to see it was a professor of all people. Chase wrecked his mind for a second trying to think if he had done anything wrong before raising his hand and giving professor Carter a reluctant wave. "Here."
As Landon saw a hand pop up in the crowd, the man hurried over, smiling over at the young boy. "Hey Chase! Sorry to disturb your breakfast. I just have something for you." The professor reached into the basket he was holding, rummaging around for a moment until he found the right one. He took the yellow rose out and held it out to the boy with the note tied to the stem. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

Happy Valentine's Day!!
Don't hurt yourself on any Thornes :)
Chase was still a little sceptical about why professor Carter was looking for him. Needless to say he was surprised to see the man actually delivering roses, or that he had a rose he was supposed to deliver to him. There was only one person he could see sending him one so perhaps it wouldn't be too big of a surprise. "Oh, uh.. Thanks." He nodded as he took the rose. "You too, I guess?" Chase added before opening up the note, trying not to be rude to the professor but entirely sure what to say. While he wasn't sure what to do with the rose he appreciated the gesture, even had to grin a little when he read Leah's note. Luckily, he knew how to handle being hurt by a Thorne. Although perhaps the last time that happened had been partly his fault too.

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