Open Ignore Him

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Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
The semester had been going well, he was doing well in his classes, being a prefect was good. The stuff with Penny was so well and truly behind him, and yet there was a bubbling anger in him. It certainly had nothing to do with the fact that it seemed like Kyon had other plans constantly, and he wasn't able to pin him down at all. He had tried to invite him to the ball, but it had failed spectacularly. Because Kyon had other plans...Kyon didn't usually have plans, and who with, and why didn't he know about who this was with. It wasn't a date surely. Emmanuel was trying to ignore all of it, to focus on the night ahead of him, but as he grabbed himself a drink and a snack, he couldn't help but be glancing around trying to both spot Kyon and not make it obvious that that was what he was doing.
Emrys was getting better at being at the school dances. He didn't feel quite so out of place, and he supposed really part of that was because it meant he got to hang out with Emmanuel. He walked down to the dance with that in mind, scanning the crowd. He smiled as he spotted the boy. The smile faded, however, when he noticed that his friend seemed upset. He walked over, brow furrowed. "What's wrong with you?" He asked, wincing at how blunt it sounded, but he didn't take it back.
Emmanuel had spotted him. He was here with Senna. Senna. He wasn't sure if coming with another of Emmanuel's friends was intentional, and he couldn't figure out if they were here on a date or just as friends. He had seen Kyon kissing people all about the place. He didn't care about that, it was never the same person, but this was a date to the ball. His thoughts were interrupted when Emrys rather bluntly spoke to him. He tried to push down his frustration, and flash a usual easy smile. "Oh, it's nothing," he said. "How are you?" he asked, his gaze moving back briefly to Kyon. "Do you want to dance?" he asked quickly, offering out a hand to him.
Emrys blinked, getting whiplash from Emmanuels' moodswing. "It's not nothing, I'm okay, and sure," He offered, taking Emmanuels' hand. "What bothering you though? Who are you looking at?" He asked, turning to look out at the crowd but not really spotting anything. "Is it- I thought you didn't like Penny?" He was grasping at straws, he knew, but still, he didn't really have any other ideas. "Is it another girl?"
Emmanuel was glad when Emrys took his hand and began guiding him to the dance floor so they could dance. "Penny?" he said in confusion before shaking his head. "Penny and I are over," he reminded him. "There's nothing bothering me, and if there was, it definitely isn't Penny," he said. He glanced at Emrys and wondered if he should just talk to him about it. "What's going on with you?"
Emrys studied Emmanuel. "Well, you definitely look like somethings bothering you." He spoke slowly. "You can talk about it if you want to," He offered. He started swaying a bit, not really knowing how to dance. "Nothing is really happening, I'm just hanging out. What's going on with you? Club going well?" He asked, offering up an alternative for Emmanuel to talk about.
Emmanuel wasn't sure he'd be able to play it off, Emrys seemed dead set on talking about it, until he just offered up an alternative for it. "Do you know Kyon?" Emmanuel decided to ask, there was no harm in talking about it, and perhaps it would help him in figuring out what exactly his feelings on all of it actually was. "Kyon Lockwood,"
Emerys raised a brow. "Kyon? The really active, off the walls guy that can't sit still? He's always out somewhere playing with a football or a baseball or running around the lake?" He asked, sure he was talking about the right Gryffindor. "That's also the same guy thats always trying to get your attention, yeah?"
Emmanuel gave a little, slightly fond expression as Emerys described Kyon. It wasn't those exact words that he might use but it was a pretty good. He frowned though at the last part that he said. He hadn't thought Kyon was always trying to get his attention. "Kyon always has my attention?" he said with a little confusion.
Emrys just blinked at Emmanuel. "Um... no?" He spoke slowly, and shook his head. "You're pretty focused on your schoolwork, and your club and stuff... I've tried to catch you a few times but you're always busy," He rubbed the back of his neck. "Sometimes he'll try to talk to you and you'll like... reply and stuff but it's like you don't really hear him so he'll give up and leave you to your studies... I saw it last week in the library, you were in some book or other and you didn't notice when he left, either."
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