🌹 Rose Giving Your skin and bones turn into something beautiful

Sky Eriksen

CAC Conductor, Honeydukes assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
19 (08/03/2043)
Sky was glad that she had managed to get through as many of her roses as she had with everyone being so busy it was like everyone had come out of the woodwork today. as she wandered throughthe castle, she decided to have a look in the library. maybe one of her deliveries would be in there even if not it would be a break from the ruckus that was the rest of the school. she was walking down one of the aisles passing books about stars, when she saw someone pass by with shiny white blonde hair a similar colour to hers. which could well mark the last of the deliveries she was making to the popular girls. "Crystal" she whispered loudly as she made her way over to her "I have a rose for you"

@Crystal Holmgaard
((title is from the song yellow by Coldplay))
Crystal was in the library today to prepare some for her lessons. She was eager to get COMC again and it was from her friends dad. Who seemed friendly and she could learn a lot from him. As she heard something what seemed like her name and an girl was trying to get her attention the blonde felt nervous, what was this? But walked over to the girl and smiled shortly. And than noticed an rose. '' For me? Thanks.'' Crystal said she didn't tried to be suprised, because that was stupid. '' Does it say from who it is?'' Crystal asked her. She was not aiming on an prank or something.
the look on crystals face was so clearly different to the one on jennas face when she had received the rose sky wondered if she was missing something. Had she judged crystal right. she had always seemed popular. but she certainly didn't look like she was being fake. "Yes for you. you're welcome" she said picking the prettiest yellow rose from her bunch. almost to apologise for her judgement. "I cant see what it says as it is folded on the inside. i can only see your name on it" she said as she handed over the note.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Love, Gwen

@Gwen Goodwin
As the blonde took the rose she smiled and actually felt good. Although she had to see from who it was. Perhaps there was something very unkind in it. Crystal nodded as the girl mentioned she didn't read or could. That would be fine. But she hoped everyone did. Not that it was an secret hopefully what would be inside, she herself didn't done it with the deliverys as well. But now getting one herself was actually nice. '' I see. Than let's find out.'' The blonde than said and as she folded it open she was kind of suprised by who send her an rose. Gwen? She had spoken to the girl a few times and had an feeling she had to impress the girl and she had done it it seemed. Gwen seemed an popular girl so Crystal was happy. '' It's from Gwen. You know her?'' Crystal than mentioned, not sure why but perhaps to impress the other girl.
Sky didn’t know what to do watching people open letters. Did you watch did you not. She wasn’t sure but crystal seemed to have invited her to watch so she watched and saw her read it. It was only when crystal saodbwho it was from her stomach dropped. She had been right about her initially. yes. I know Gwen. She is in my year, but slytherin she said trying not to let her opinion of her show.

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