🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Worth Trusting

Brooke Townsend

🤍 No Grit No Pearl 🤍
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
10/2039 (22)
[Yellow rose for @Aonghas Fergusson ]

Brooke was struggling trying to track down her next rose. She'd definitely heard the name Fergusson before, though she wasn't sure if it was because it was an old family or because she was fairly sure there was a quidditch player out there with the same name as well. Idly wondering if they were related, Brooke poked her head into the Student Lounge, having struck out in both the library and waiting near the Hufflepuff common room. "Excuse me, Aonghas? Am I saying that right?" She called, scanning the gathered students for anyone wearing yellow.
Aonghas didn't exact much from the rose giving, he'd sent a rose to Katia, of course, he would be rude if he didn't send a rose to his future wife. He just never expected anything back from anyone. He was sat in the student lounge with a book idle on his legs, he wasn't really reading it, but most staring into the nearby fire. He was watching it. He was brought out as someone spoke to him, "Aye, ye are," he replied with a nod. He was always thankful that his name was a little more obvious than his sisters. "What can ah dae for ye?"
Brooke was glad when someone responded, and confirmed she hadn't totally been butchering what she was pretty sure was some sort of Irish or Gaelic name. Maybe Scottish? "Oh good," She said brightly, moving over to where Aonghas was. "Say, are you related to the Quidditch player Fergusson? On the Macaws?" She asked, shuffling her roses around to get the yellow one for Aonghas out. "Also I've got a rose for you, here you go," Brooke added, passing along the rose and its note.


Thanks for being my only friend. And to make me see people are still to be trusted.

I hope we stay friends forever.

Aonghas was a little surprised that her first question was about quidditch and he thought. for a moment she was asking about Graeme, but she was asking about Rory. He missed his brother, but he nodded, "Aye, Rory, he's ma older brother," Aonghas said. He knew Rory had joined a team, but was surprised a little, that he was a team member of note. He then noted the roses and the one she was now holding out for him. He took it and the note and read the note quickly, Lauren. He smiled and hoped she was okay. "Cheers fae this," he held the rose and note up as he said his thanks.
Brooke was a little impressed that Aonghas was apparently related to a Quidditch player, nodding appreciatively. "That's pretty cool, you must be proud," She said, smiling as he thanked her for the rose and note. She'd yet to really see anyone react badly to a rose, but it was still nice that people were enjoying them.
Aonghas gave a little, slightly curt nod at the statement, he was perfectly proud of Rory, but...well. He let the thought go, "Ma other brother plays as well, he's plays fae the pride of Portree and fae Scotland," he said, it wasn't really necessary for him to add this, but he did anyway. "Are ye interested in quidditch?" he asked.

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