🌹 Rose Giving Yellow valentine rose

Sofi Ayre

All I can do is be me, whoever that is.
Sofi had struggled to find her next recipient, wondering if they were deliberately making themselves hard to find. After searching the castle, she decided to check outside and finally saw who she thought she was looking for down by the lake. "Hi!" she greeted him cheerfully. "You're Chase Campbell, right? I've been looking for you to deliver this," she said, handing him a yellow rose with a warm smile.
@Chase Campbell
Chase didn't care much for the whole valentine's day event and the chaos that came with it. If anything, he wished he could escape it. It wasn't like he was expecting many roses anyways, he didn't think he had put in enough effort to make people actually care about him. He had made his way out to the lake's edge in an attempt to avoid it all, yet apparently had not wandered far enough. "Yeah." He simply nodded when a younger kid walked up to him before taking the rose from her. "Uh, thanks."
Sofi exhaled a sigh of relief as he accepted the rose without any objections. "You're welcome," she replied. However, her relief was short lived when she realised the note had separated from the rose. "Oh, the note!" she explained, her fingers rummaging through her sack in search of the misplaced note. After a moment of searching, she retrieved it. "Here it is," she announced, holding it out separately.

Happy Valentine’s day! Thanks for giving me a chance on the team.

Chase blinked at the younger girl for a second when she only handed him a rose, feeling oddly relieved when there was a note to go with it as well. At least then he'd know if it was from Leah and if it was he knew he probably shouldn't be expecting any others. "Thanks." He simply said when she finally handed him the note, surprised to see who it was from. Part of him wanted to question whether there had been a mistake and he was given someone else's rose but the note definitely seemed to be for him which made him feel.. some new sort of appreciated. It was nice to know at least one of his teammates seemed to be okay with the lousy job he felt he was doing as captain. Or perhaps it meant he wasn't doing as badly as he felt he was. Either way, it was a sweet surprise.

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