
Kiera Kaster

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
12" Ash wand with tail of unicorn hair core
Kiera walked up the long staircase. She carried a book and a blanket with her. The blanket was old but soft and warm. She needed it today. The sun was shining but it was still chilly out. Kiera took her book and sat down on the bench. She opened and attempted to read. Kiera's mind kept drifting to Andy...
Harri was walking around in the north towers it was lovely up here and the views were amazing. She was just looking for somewhere to sit when she spotted Kiera "Hey Kiera!" She said and bounded up too her, it looked like she had something on her mind and so she said "Are you alright? You look like something's bothering you!" She settled down beside her. It was a chilly day and she was glad she was wearing her thick jumper.
Kiera smiled at Harriet. "Oh yes Harri! Im fine. I was just doing some reading." she lied. She couldnt talk about her suspiscions. She didnt want to betray Andy if they turned out to be true. "How are you?" she asked politely.
Harri thought she knew what was bothering Kiera for Harri had been thinking about it alot as well, it was obvious Kiera didn't want to talk about it and she wasn't about to force her. "I'm fine thanks ! Whatcha reading there?" She asked looking down at the cover of the book
"Oh yeah I've heard of that!" Harri said and smiled "My bestfriend Emma loves read.." She began quickly then her face fell and her eyes burnt she jumped up and looked out the window hoping Kiera hadn't seen. A tear surfaced in her eye and she quickly wiped it away and reached in her pocket she felt the two letters inside, she had kept them with her at all times since they arrived, though one of the letters was almost illegable as it had got so wet she still kept though she never re-read it.
Harri attempted to wipe away the tears, everytime she was talking or felt good about something the guilt would rush back to her " She, she. Well she died a few days ago" she whispered stuttering. Everytime she spoke about Emma she began stuttering and she couldn't figure out why. "She was my age Kiera and she died" She said helplessly no longer attempting to stop the tears.
At the sound of Kiera's gasp the tears poured more heavily "She, She was in a car aaaacident, she she got ssserious head injuries." Harri stuttered sobbing loudly "I miss her so much" Harri said, she felt like a piece of her heart had died with Emma.
Kiera was shocked. "Im so sorry Harri!" she exclaimed. Kiera was unsure of what else to say as she hadnt personally known the girl. She didnt know what she could say to make Harriet feel better.
Everyone said they were sorry and Harri knew they were trying to make her feel better but they didn't. She still cried. She still tried to picture every detail of Emma. She still couldn't speak about her best friend without stuttering and she felt sad. The saddest she had ever felt. "Sorry for b-b-bothering y-you with m-my p-problems. I'm s-s-sure y-you don't want to hear them" she stuttered gulping back the tears.
Harri smiled and looked up at the older girl, she was glad she had someone like Kiera to talk to "Thank you" she whispered and continued to stare out the window. She wanted to tell Kiera all about Emma but didn't want her to be bought down by Harri's problem so near to christmas.
Harri smiled back and wiped away her tears. She breathed in deeply and said "Well she was my b-best f-friend and w-we m-met at nursery when we were very y-young. We were best friends s-s-straight away!" Harri said blushing slightly as her stutter worsened "She h-h-had b-blonde hair and b-blue eyes and a t-t-twin brother wh-who I am a-also very good friends w-with." Harri smiled "H-her f-family feel l-like m-my o-own f-family." She said and smiled up at her. She wasn't sure why she had developed this stutter whenever she spoke about Emma but she found it embaressing and wished it would go away, she turned her back slightly on Kiera hopping not to show her red face.
Kiera hugged Harriet. She didnt know what it felt like to have your best friend die. Kiera had never had anything happen like that. Kiera shook her head. "I am sorry. I have never had anything like that happen to me. My best friend from when I was little lives in Georgia. I havent see her since I came to Hogwarts. Part of the reason is because I moved to California the year before I came here. I write to her sometimes but only the muggle way. She doesnt know I am a witch." Kiera told Harriet. "This will get easier as more time passes. You will always love and miss her it just wont be so hard to think or talk about her." Kiera said with a warm smile. She hoped she was helping to comfort the younger girl somehow.
Harri smiled up at Kiera, it was nice to talk to someone whether she knew the full extent of the trauma or not. She was glad of the hug and pulled away looking up at her and said "I'm sorry you don't see her much" Harri said smiling weakly "You should get in contact with her though,"She paused thinking how best to phrase it "Recent events have shown me how important it is. Don't waste a moment I mean it!" Harri said.
Harri blushed slightly she felt a bit rude now for saying that. She hurridly wiped the last of her tears away "Could you tell me a little bit about your friend?" she asked looking up. She needed to know that her and Emma weren't the only people who shared a special friendship bond.
Kiera smiled kindly. "Sure if thats what you want to hear." Kiera told Harri nicely. "Her name is Holly and we met when we were four. I dont know if you know this about me or not but I was a gymnist. I met her when we both started our training. We both ate, drunk, and breathed gymnastics. We were instant friends and remained best friends growing up. We were like sisters." Kiera said. Her last words reminded her of another friend who was like her sister. Caysi Finnigan. The had met on their first day of school at Hogwarts New Zealand.
Harri smiled "Really! I loved Gymnastics, Emma hated it though!" Harri said and smiled weakly Emma always moaned when Harri began talking about Gymnastics but Harri knew she wasn't serious. She was pleased to hear that firm friends are found everywhere and it gave her a small bit of hope for the future. "Do you still do Gymnastics?" Harri asked quickly changing the subject.
Kiera smiled ruefully. "No I had to quit when I came here." she said with sadness. Kiera had missed every minute of practice and competitions. "I can still do everything I was trained to do. I try and go to the gym when I go home over christmas." Kiera said as she turned to look out at the countryside. "The worst part is that I was great at it. I was ranked in the top five in the USA. I miss it." she said softly.
Harri's mouth dropped open "Top 5!" she exclaimed "That is so good! But I guess you couldn't do it here could you?" she said smiling weakly "Are you still ranked?" she asked softly.
Kiera smiled at Harriet's amazed expression. "Yes top five. I cant compete here in New Zealand. There is no time for competitions." she said with a sad smile. It sucked to have to give up something you loved for her magic. "I really dont know if I am still ranked. I havent competed in two years so probably not. I have been considering competing again this summer but Im not sure." Kiera said with a small smile.

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