Wind and Water

Edward Bridge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Alice [2nd Main]
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Sun's rays hit Edward as he was walking in the corridor. Seeing each students were happy when they were talking to their friends. That day, Edward feel bored so, he decided to go to the library. There, he read four books, researching something about his lessons in school. He spent his time there in two hours and got away after he have finished reading.

Just as he was walking again on the corridor, he was bumped by a student just as his age. "Sorry." the student apologized. "No, It's okay. Sorry too." Edward said, apologizing, then the boy walked away as well as Edward. While he was walking, he was thinking what place he want to hang out this Sunday morning. What about in Gryffindor Dormitory and hang out with the other students? No, no. I just want to be alone today. he thought. Then a place came in to his mind, what about in the garden? So Edward walked away and go straight to the garden.

It was a bit warm in the garden but the breezy wind came by that made Edward comfortable. He looked for some place to sit and finally he saw a single log and sat on it. Just then, he saw his classmates and other friends were playing flying freesby. One of them called Edward to join the play but, Edward just nodded and smiled. He don't want to play.
Laura have just woke up. She saw that her book was placed on her tummy. She have just remembered that she was very busy of something last night, reading about their lessons in school. Laura yawned and stretched her body and got up.

A girl with a curly hair came by and suddenly hold Laura's arm, it was Laura's close friend. "Morning Laura! C'mon let's go!" Laura smiled at her friend as the girl held her hand until down in the Great Hall. Just as Laura and her friend were talking to their other friends and classmates, Hufflepuffs joined too that made the whole Ravenclaw Table more glad. It took 30 minutes they bond each other while eating their breakfast. Laura got full and walked away with her friend. They walked and walked until they reached the Lakefront. There, they kept on talking until the girl noticed that she have something to do, so she bid goodbye to Laura and got away.

Laura left alone in the Lakefront so she decided to go the garden. She don't know why she decided to go there but maybe her other classmates were playing there. As she walked in the garden, she got tired so she sat on the log she saw. Just as she sat down, he saw her twin brother Edward was sitting beside her. "Edward?" Laura called her twin, poking him.
Edward sits alone on the log. He was a bit bored. He really misses his twin sister, Laura. He knew that they were both busy so they were unable to meet in some places. But Hogwarts was a cool school. Studying magics and make some stuffs that comes to your mind and Edward loves that.

He saw a small rock in front of him and he kicked off on the grass and continued watching his classmates who were playing freesby. While he was watching, someone called his name and poked him. Edward turned around, it was his twin sister, Laura. "Oh, it's you Laura!" Edward said smiling, "How's your day here in school?" he added, asking for a hi-five for Laura.
Laura waited for Edward's response she was sure that he is, until, he turned to her. Yes, she was right it was Edward. Laura noticed that Edward's eyes were brightly blue, and suddenly remembered their father who everytime giving some time to play with them and take them to the other places especially, their mother who always cooked some delicious food and giving them a warm hug and she misses them.

"A bit difficult but very cool!" Laura said, smiling back at Edward, taking Edward's hi-five. "What about you?" she asked. The sun was really bright that day and Laura's cheeks was getting pink because of the sun that strikes her face. Birds were chirping and started to sing suddenly, she remembered her little sister, Mariana, always watch for birds and she always wanted to play with her and with Edward.
The wind blew coldly as the sun was still shining high as it strikes Edward's face whose cheeks were getting pink as well as Laura after he looked at her while she was talking. He took a deep breath for awhile for fresh air and suddenly yawned but, he wasn't sleepy. "Oh." Edward said, after Laura told him that it was a bit difficult
but cool. "Same too." he added as Laura asked him too, he agreed with Laura.
Laura looked up into the sky. The sky was blue and she loves it especially the fluffy clouds. Everytime she looked up, her only wish was to fly high. Just as Laura looked down on the tree, someone was looking at her, hiding behind it. It was a girl but she seems so shy. Laura looked focusly.
Edward's pale face was no longer pale besides his cheeks got pink because of heat. Juat as the twins sitting on the log, Edward noticed that Laura was looking focusly at the tree. Wondering why she's looking there. "What is it Laura?" he asked looking at the tree too. As they were sitting on the log, Edward felt that his feet was feeling cold. "Did you already join Quidditch?" he asked, hoping for Laura's annswer is yes.
Laura didn't know what that girl was up to but, she was sure that she's kinda shy. "There's a girl hiding behind that tree." she said, didn't know if Edward noticed it. The sun was rising more high as the nightingales were singing. "Oh, I haven't join Quidditch. I am so busy at my studies. What about you?" she asked.
Edward tried to look behind the tree but, no one was there. "You do? But I can't see." Edward said trying to give up to look through it. The wind blew a bit wild that messed up Edward's hair but everytime it messed, he always fixed it that makes him cool while doing it. Edward was delighted when he heared the nightingales were singing. Their song was so sweet and remembered that his mom told the twins that she always listened to the nightingales while humming to help them to fell asleep when Laura and Edward was still a baby. "You haven't? Me too. Busy with my studies just like you." he said sadly. Edward was really obsessed with Quidditch but since he's busy, he won't be able to join the game.

Edward suddenly feel bored but an idea came to his mind, there was a mini fountain for birds only and pulled his wand and pointed it to the water. "Wingardium Leviosa!" he casted. The water suddenly floated onto the air. "C'mon let's play!" he requested Laura, standing up and ran but not too far.
There's really something behind that tree and Laura want to have a closer look. Edward seems that he couldn't see the girl and he was giving up to look at it. Laura looked at him and said, "I'm sure she's right behind that tree." but just as she looked back at the tree, she couldn't see the girl anymore.

Laura's wish was to be one of the Quidditch seeker same as Edward who told told her that he wanted too. She really wanted to join but maybe someday. She took a deep breath and looked at the tree again. Suddenly she noticed Edward pulled his wand and cast a spell suddenly, the water floated onto the air. What he's up to? she asked to herself and then suddenly Edward stood up and asked her to play. Laura was delighted. "Sure." she said standing up and pulled her wand too, but instead of playing the water, she played the wind by waving her wand and then she placed it at the front of the water. She shaped the wind until it become circle. "Let's play wind and water! I'm going to hit this wind to your water."
Edward was enjoying from floating the water. Just as he stopped running, Laura stood up and suddenly waved her wand. She's going to play the wind. Edward was delighted until he saw Laura was shaping the wind into circle. "What?! You're going to hit the water?" he asked in a loud voice but he's not mad. "Well, hit it if you can! Try to defeat me well I'm going to try to let myself win!" he said laughing. Edward was sure that this game would be exciting and enjoying. He starred at Laura's wind, aware to hit the water.
"Oh yeah?" Laura said coolly. She really wanted to win as much as she want, wanted to get even from their last game, chess, besides, she lost the game when Edward captured his king. She ran swiftly and tried to jump high while shaping the wind. Suddenly she let go of the wind and stumbled onto the ground after she jumped high. But she's not badly bruised nor hurt.
A smirk came to Edward's face. Why was Laura taking this game so seriously? He ran as fast as he can swirling the water all over again when Laura started to run. She let go of the wind and she suddenly stumbled after she jumped high. Edward was relieved that Laura wasn't badly bruised nor hurt. The swished through the sky and gone. Edward was still controllong the water. He walked towards Laura, reaching her right hand to help her to stand up.
Laura puffed when the wind didn't hit Edward's water. And the most embarassing, she stumbled! Edward walked towards her and reached her hand. Laura smirked. It's her chance to hit the water. She prepared a wind on her wand while reaching Edward's hand and hit it to the water. "Gotcha!" she shouted happily. She stood up and jumping crazily because she have finally tricked Edward.
Just as Edward had finally reach Laura's hand, he didn't expect that she was planning. "Hey! Why did you do that? I'm just helping you to stand up." he said but he wasn't that mad, looking at Laura who was jumping crazily.
Laura stopped jumping. "Oh Edward." she said with smile. "This is not a serious game okay. In this game you don't have to help me if I fall. I might just tricking you." she explained. She shape the wind again and looked at Edward. "No offenses Edward. And sorry if I didn't tell you earlier." she apologized. She ran so quickly and said, "C'mon let's play again!"
Edward stood there alone as he watched Laura running away while shaping the wind. There's a smile on his face. Clever huh? he thought to himself. He was completely tricked by his sister. Yes, she was right, Edward shouldn't take this game seriously besides this game wasn't really serious. They were just playing the wind and the water. He smirked then ran quickly levitating the water again. "I won't let you to trick me again. Watch for it Laura!" he said laughing.
Run and run as fast as they can, Laura wouldn't let Edward win again. Well, it doesn't mean that she's becoming selfish, it's because she have been defeated. She jumped again and let the wind let go and shoot it at Edward's water but it missed. The game was really enjoyable as Laura forget the things she have been doing while ago. It was like she was trying to relax and forget the things in her mind for awhile. Just enjoy! Even though she have missed the water. Better luck!
The wind swished beside Edward's water but it failed. Edward shaped his water into circle and let go of it and shot it to the wind. "Oh yeah!" he said with victory, jumping through the meadow. "One, one." he said. He shaped the water again for the next round. Seeing Laura that she's smiling now. They shot and shot some wind and water until, Edward let Laura win.
It was the best thing for Laura to play with his brother. The game was very unique and enjoyable. Laura's cheeks was getting more pink as she hold her wand with her pale hands. Round after round, there were times that Laura lose the game and then she wins. On the last round, Laura didn't expect that she won the game. She knew how hard the game was on the last round. She was breathing hardly. "I won!" she shouted with victory as if it she won the Quidditch Match. But even though she have finally won, she really feel tired. She walked and sat back on the log again. She sighed. "That was great, Edward!" she said with a smile. Laura had a great time of playing but, it was pretty tiring.
Edward was happy that Laura wasn't that bored anymore as well as himself too. His pinkish cheeks turned pale again. His hands were sweating now, he rubbed it on his robes. He sat on the log beside Laura. "You do?" he asked with a smile, looking up at the blue sky trying to relax his eyes that were blue as the water.
The wind blew again with it's cold breeze while the sun was hiding beneath the clouds. Laura turned back to be a pale girl. She nodded when Edward wanted to be sure if she was really happy about the game. "Wish Mariana and Vladymir are here to play with us! I'm sure that would be fun!" she said with a smile on her doll looking face. She knew that the two were really playful and that's what she want. Laura hold her wand again but this time, she was not playing the wind, she levitate the water and shape it into a small ballerina. It danced.
Edward cracked a smile at Laura. Yes, he was right that his sister was enjoyed in their game. "Yeah you're right. Wish they were here." he said agreeing. Just as he looked to the other side, he heard Laura cast the water until she turned into a small water ballerina that dances. "Whoa!" he amazed.
"You like it?" Laura said happily. She was sure that Edward would like it. The water ballerina was really amazing as she watched it dance gracefully. She added another one.
Edward was smiling in evry move that the water ballerina do. "Of course." he said with a smile. It was wonderful to watch but just as they were watching, Edward saw Laura looked at her watch.

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