Closed When Two Turns into Three

Amodeus Jones

Clueless ~ Adorable ~ Soft
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 Inch Whippy Fir Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
13 (9/23/2048)
Amodeus was having a great time, loving exploring the castle and meeting all sorts of new people. He even had another best friend already! He hummed happily as he moved through the castle. His eyes lit up as he found a new room, one that looked super comfortable! He skipped in, falling into a couch and relaxing. He'd been walking so much today, he realized, and his feet immediately felt better. He sighed, melting into the soft cushions and smiling impossibly wider. This place was amazing. He wished he could just live here forever. Maybe he could be a Professor some day, then he'd never have to leave the castle!
Teddy entered the quiet student lounge, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on Amodeus. A surge of happiness washed over him at the sight of his friend, instantly brightening his mood. With an infectious grin spreading across his face, Teddy sauntered over to where Amodeus was seated, "Hey there, Moo!" Teddy greeted playfully. "Mind if I join you?" He plopped down on the seat next to him.
Marley had immensely enjoyed her time at Hogwarts so far. She met a few people so far, and she couldn't wait to get to know them better. Marley was a little sad that she didn't end up in the same house as her friend Amodeus but was glad that Dominic was in the same house with her and a couple of other people she knew.

Marley felt like she had been exploring the castle for a while (Which in actual reality, wasn't really that long) but there was still so much more to explore. The girl had felt tired from exploring and thought that taking a break sounded like a plan. She was about to head back to her common room when she noticed that there was a room nearby. Marley smiled happily when she noticed a couple of familiar faces in the room. "Amodeus! Teddy! Hiya!" Marley says happily, as she makes her way towards her friends.
Amodeus popped up excitedly when Teddy appeared. "Teddy Bear!" He greeted excitedly, opening up his arms for a hug, but before he could move he heard another voice. He lit up all over again, jumping up to his feet. "Marley!!" He greeted, taking a step towards her with his arms still open for a hug. He stopped though, looking back and forth between the two rapidly. "Wait- I want a hug," He whined, turning himself between the two as he struggled to figure out where to go first.
Teddy looked up from where he was sitting, his attention immediately drawn to the sound of his name. A smile spread across his face as he saw Marley approaching. "Hey Marley!" Teddy greeted her warmly, pushing himself up from his seat. "Good to see you here!"

Teddy chuckled at Amodeus's enthusiastic greeting, watching as his friend's excitement spilling over. He understood the struggle Amodeus was facing, torn between who to hug first. Teddy decided to help alleviate his dilemma. With a playful smirk, Teddy offered a suggestion. "How about a group hug? That way we can all get our hugs at the same time!" He extended his arms, gesturing for both Amodeus and Marley to join in.
Marley giggled a little when Amodeus wanted to them all. She liked that she had made a few friends now at school. Marley smiled widely at Teddy's suggestion of a group hug. "A group hug does sound like a great plan," Marley says with a smile as she makes her way towards the two, arms wide to hug them into a group hug.
Amodeus let out a happy, high pitched giggle that was almost more of a squeal, falling into the others and hugging them tightly. He could happily stay there, forever, just nestled in against the other two. "You guys are my best friends in the whole wide world," He sighed happily, eyes shut as his head rested simultaneously on both of their shoulders. "Bestest best friends forever and for always."
Seeing Marley smile only made Teddy's own smile grow as she embraced his idea of a group hug. He eagerly moved closer to his friends, arms wide open, hugging them both. He giggled along with Amodeus, the tightness of the hug he received made Teddy feel at home. Amodeus' declaration of them being his best friends in the whole wide world touched Teddy. With a contented sigh, he reciprocated the sentiment, "You guys are my BFFs too!"
Marley liked the idea of the group hug, and she didn't regret the idea of it either. It felt nice. She was glad that she had made friends at school. It was way better than being lonely at school or whatnot. Marley giggled with the rest of her friends, nodding in agreement with what they had said. "You guys are my best friends too!"
Amodeus hummed happily, content to never move again. "So we're staying here forever, right?" He asked with a playful grin, nuzzling his head in against someone's shoulder. "This is the best," He murmured, completely relaxed. "I totally love you guys," He offered easily, as ever a very affectionate guy.

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