What do Badgers Eat Anyway?!

Dylan Fields

Well-Known Member
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Dylan jumped down the last few steps from his new Common Room and into the Great Hall. He could hear excited chattering, everyone happy to be at Hogwarts. Dylan had slept really well in his new bed, in his new dorm, so had woken up in a cheerful mood. He headed straight for the Hufflepuff table and sat down at a free seat. He grabbed some bacon and eggs and began to eat. Breakfast was of course, the most important meal of the day.

"Morning!" He said, his mouth half full, to a fellow Hufflepuff joining him at the table.
Caysi walked into the Great Hall, she was quite hyper this morning, she didn't know why but she was. She looked around and saw a nice boy to sit near. " Hi there! Can I join you?" She asked smiling.
She asked if he could join him, what join Dylan! "Yeah sure!" He replied, he put down his knife and fork and finished his mouthful. "I'm Dylan!" He announced, "And you have really green eyes!" Did he just say that out loud, he was supposed to just think it!
[color=00ced6]Lemina bounded down to the great hall. They had no classes on a Monday, so today would be free. Perhaps she'd go and swim in the lake. She approached the Hufflepuff table and saw Caysi and a boy she recognised. Dylan, from the second hand store! "Heya guys." She said, sitting down beside Caysi.[/color]
Caysi smiled and blushed. " Yeah, there a bit to green for me!" She laughed and took a seat beside Dylan. " Hey Lemi!" She smiled, Caysi put some things on her plate and started to munch at the toast.
[Can i join?]

Bianca walked into the hall famished now. The tables were already laid and she made her way to the Hufflepuff table.
She saw 3 Hufflepuffs seated already. This was good, this was how she had always pictured it would be - the house altogether like this. She walked towards them and smiled. "Mind if i join you three? I'm Bianca, Bianca Petrescu. I'm a First Year." Bianca said enthusiastically with a smile.
Silvia made her way down to the Great Hall rather early, feeling somewhat nervous, but happy. She had slept well after she finally fell asleep, the excitement of what laid ahead keeping her awake.
Her eyes darted around the new area of the corridors, a happy smile on her face, her hands clasped together as she walked.
Silvia opened the large doors to the Great Hall, her eyes looking around at this familiar room. It was quite different from the Sorting, the enchanted ceiling above showing blue patched of sky between the white fluffy clouds. She made her way to the already set Hufflepuff table, like the others, seeing fellow Hufflepuff students talking amongst each other. She kept a smile on her face and sat with them, slightly hesitant. Never the less, she picked up her voice, "Morning!"
Her eyes looked at each face, her heart racing, but happy she tried to blend in with them as she sat down. Her eyes then looked back at the enchanted ceiling, "Good day for a new year," she smiled, then looked at the food to then pick a slice of toast, and began to butter it.
Bianca smiled at the girl who had just joined them. "Morning.." she replied, smiling at the girl. "It is. I'm Bianca, Bianca Petrescu. I think i've seen you in HOM class. I was the one who passed you the homework. What's your name? And i love your hair!" Bianca said sweetly. "Want any jam or peanut butter?" she asked watching Silvia butter her toast.
Silvia turned her head to the girl and stopped buttering her toast, the knife in her hand, resting on the bread "I'm Silvia Alexia, nice to meet you, Bianca" she smiled. "Ah, I thought you looked familiar, I have to say. What do you think of the classes so far? Oh," Silvia blushed just a little and looked at her toast. "Thank you," she said in a quiet voice as she commented on her hair.
"I like your hair, is that naturally straight?" she asked, feeling somewhat stupid, admiring the fringe most of all. Silvia then thought about the question she asked about the toast, "I think I'll have a spot of jam" she smiled at her and quickly finished buttering her toast.
Caysi smiled. " Hey Bianca! Sure you can join us!" She said happily. " Morning!" She said to the other student. " My name is Caysi Finnigan." She said smiling.
Natasha, as usual was late for breakfast. She sprinted al the way from her common room to the doors of the great hall. "Hey Bianca!" she shouted across the room, recognising her friend. She plonked herself down on a part of the bench that wasn't already occupied and started eating a piece of toast.
[color=9977bb]Lemina smiled as a load of first years approached their table. Bianca, Natasha, Silvia. She repeated in her head. As a prefect, she knew she should get to know the first year's names. "Hey guys. Lemina."[/color]
James wandered down the Hufflepuff table grabbing breakfast bits as he went. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted his mate Dylan surrounded by a group of girls! He waved at dylan and highfived him as he arrived "Hey mate, all these girls around you, what have you done!?!!!" He sat down next to Dylan and then addressed the ladies! "Hey! Your names are Lemina Troque, prefect and perfect!, Natasha Bell, 1st year, Caysi Finnigan, Quiditch captin, Silvia Alexia. And you must be Bianca Petrescu!" He gazed in awe at Bianca and blushed when he saw Caysi watching him!!
[color=9977bb]Lemina saw another first year approach the table. She was suprised how he knew her name, but snorted when he implied she was perfect. "Me? Perfect? No chance! Njord is the one for that!" She didn't realise she'd said the last bit out loud, but it could be taken differently than her initial meaning. "Anyway. Hi! What's your name? Jamie or something, right?"[/color]
Caysi smiled. " Hey James! How goes it?" She asked giggling. " Don't forget guys, for those of you on the team and alternatives, we have our first practice soon!" She said after taking a bite of her toast.
Bianca had just finished passing Silvia some Jam when Natasha had joined them, followed by a boy. "Hi Nat! Where have you been girlfriend?" Bianca asked Natasha her good friend, before smiling at the boy who had just joined them. "Yeah, you got it right. I'm Bianca!" she replied enthusiastically. "And hi Lemina! Didn't see you there. You and Njord got accepted as prefects right? That's cool! I'm sure i'm the first person who will get detention from you!" Bianca said, laughing.
Silvia sat quietly as more people joined the table. She took a bit from her toast after spreading the jam onto it. She listened to what people were saying, their names - which helped.
'Caysi, Bianca, Lemina, Natasha, Dylan' she kept repeating in her head as she eat away at her toast. Another person joined the table, a boy. 'Another name to remember ... James'. She welcomed him with a warm smile, wondering how he knew her name, but shrugged it off never the less.

She had finished her toast, and whipped her hands, getting the crumbs off of her fingers. She had to be honest, she felt a little left out - she was a shy girl. But she enjoyed listening.
[color=9977bb]"Oooh." Lemi grinned. "Another practise!" She recalled the try outs, they were good but a little crazy. She couldn't believe that they not only had a full team, but alternates!

"Njord will most likely give you a detention!" Lemina smiled, "I never plan to touch the punishment side of being a prefect, I just love the common room." She grinned, before noticing Sylvia looked a little left out. "So, Sylvia, what kind of person are you? Prospective prefect? Or the kind who will be spending their evenings scrubbing the trophies? Or somewhere in between?" She would almost bet money she was a good little girl, but didn't want to make assumptions.[/color]
Caysi giggled. " Would you be giving me lovely detentions this year Lemi?" She asked her smiling. " Yep, I plan to have lots of practices so that we can kick butt this year." She smiled.
Silvia's eyes moved along the table of food, when she came across some tea. She reached over for it, her other hand holding back her hair and sat back. There was a cup just by her empty plate, only bread crumbs left, and she began to pour the tea into the cup.
A girl then spoke her name, and she quickly looked at her, before putting down the pot, listening as she spoke.
Silvia smiled at her, "Umm ... I'm not sure. I wouldn't say I'm a Prospective prefect, and I wouldn't scribble on the trophies. I guess I'm in the middle, but," she placed the cup of tea on her empty plate. "I am only 11. I could possibly change in my years."
She looked at her tea, wishing it was cool enough to drink. She hated that about hot drinks. She couldn't even put her hands around it because it would be too hot for her skin. "Are you a perfect prefect? Breaking no rules what so ever?" a question escaped ehr lips.
"Do you play Quidditch?" she asked another out of the blue, as she heard her talking about practices.
[color=9977bb]Lemi smiled, "Hehe, lots and lots. Kiera is a prefect too and Kat and Rhyspa. You'll have to watch out! Lots of lovely detentions from lots of lovely friends." That was out of her mouth before she had a chance to think about it. I bet Caysi feels really bad that most of her friends are prefects, and she's not. "Yep, we will kick the lion's butt!"

Turning to Sylvia she listened empathetically. I said scrubbing the trophies, not scribbling on. It's you know, standard detention. She giggled to herself. "Yeah. I am definately not perfect. I average about Es in tests, and I'm not like a teacher's pet or anything. As if! I always end up missing homework task deadlines too, and I've been in trouble a fair few times! So I will not be placing anyone in detention anytime soon, unless they murder or something!"

Lemina's face lit up as soon as Quidditch was mentioned. "I love Quidditch, I play chaser. I'm not the best though." She smiled and nodded towards Caysi, "Caysi's amazing, she'd the captian. Do you play?"[/color]

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