Weasley Household

Percy Weasley

Well-Known Member
Percy walked into a small apartment in Yorkshire, England. His home. Even though he worked for the Ministry in New Zealand, he didn't want to move. The apartment he lived in was just the right size for His wife, his daughter and himself.

He smelled the food his wife was cooking from the kitchen. "Penelope, I'm home!" He called to his wife.
Penelope was cooking a marvelous dinner for her husband, when he came in the door. "Hello, darling. I'm making some stew for supper!" She exclaimed. She looked over her list of ingredients, then realised something.

"Oh, I've forgotten the main ingredients. I must go out to buy some." She said hurring to the fireplace, then noticed too, that they had no more floo powder. "I'll go pick up some floo powder while I'm at it!" She said.

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