Watching the Sorting

Athene Perthro

Well-Known Member
Athene clapped along with the rest of the Slytherin House as 'Moriarty, Lucretia' was sorted. She noticed that the Sorting Hat seemed to be favoring Slytherin with girls, this year.
Thunder boomed in the sky ahead as the next student stepped up to the stool, and Moriarty made her way to the Slytherin table.
Bernadette was floating along the Great Hall as she watched new students being sorted and noticed Ravenclaw and Slytherin are the house which most students being placed upon and much lesser on Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. As she float table by table she saw this girl, whom students talk about being rude, and decided to went near her "Hey, girl" she said floating up on her head
Lucretia smirked as she made her way up to the Slytherin table. "Shocker." She had thought, as the sorting hat had boomed her house. She sat down at the table, and watched Riley Kelson, a boy she had worked with at the Apothecary, and her best friend, Antionette Hyde, also get sorted into Slytherin. She didn't really watch any other house. Lucretia just stared across the table at a girl with longish black hair and mismatched colored eyes. She thought she was beautiful, to put it simply. She tried desperately not to look in the girls direction, though it was helpless. Lucy hoped that the girl couldn't see her, especially since a large, shimmering ghost stood in her visual path.

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